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Destroy me

I'm so wet, I've been teasing myself the whole day, I'm now in my bed with my dildo inside me that's too big for me, I got my toys ready - butt plug, handcuffs, nipple clamps, clit vibrators.. Control me, tease me, hurt me, destroy me please!! I will give you the link to control my vibrator and I will do as you say. Would love to hear your voice or see your dick.. Mmmmmm
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1 anno fa
I love controlling the lovesense
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1 anno fa
Yes!! Add me xhelex
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Naughty Christmas gift for a naughty girl

Help this slut buy a Christmas present for myself and I'll help you cum 😉 I'm all naked and wet and tied to my bed with my vibrator ready inside me. For a little gift I'll send you the link to control my toy and let you hear my moans and screams, I'm all yours to control and would love to see a good dick to make me cum even faster... https://www.lovense.com/wish-list/rqu5
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ha sbloccato un nuovo risultato: "2 year old account"
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Need cock

Show me your dick, I'm all wet and hungry for cocks, show me yourself jerking off, show me how hard you are mmmmm you can add me on or torture me on lovense
  • 2
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
Daddy is up for some fun 😈💦
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Torture me

I'm handcuffed to the bed with my toy inside me. Here is the link to control it. I'm waiting and at your mercy. Make it a slow torture or make it hard and fast, you decide, I'm burning for you already...
  • 1
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Control my pussy now

I'm teasing myself with my toys on the Lovense app. Click the link and control my how you want, make me scream, make me cum https://c.lovense-api.com/t2/s7u3rhfm
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si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
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  • Beamititik Beth
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Handcuffed edging

I have my vibrator inside, set to an edging pattern and my handcuffs ready on my bedframe. Show me some nice dick to make my torture even harder, or if you ask nicely I'll let you control me instead 😉
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si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
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Always horny, help me cum

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Strong but gentle dark haired guys mmmmm...
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