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I'm a 50y old Chaser for Superchubs. Living in a small Town in northern Switzerland, self employed. Married to a wonderfull 240 pound Bear, together since more then 25 years. Also have a wonderfull 430+ pound lover... As you can see, i'm already busy in my Lovelife and it needs something special to have my attention and i'm realy picky when i look out for a hook up and it didn't happens often at all. Best Chances are when you are a real Superchub and this starts for me at a minimum of 450 pound and way much more, absolutely NO upper limit! Other big plus is: Beard, smile, hairy, able to talk, fluffy jiggely fat rolls, giant Lovehandles, cuddler, big thigh. Rock hard Ball Bellys are not my thing normaly, same for sticky thin legs, i need meat on the bones! Don't ask for fucking or beeing fucked, that's deffinitly not what i'm looking for and this never will happen to someone else then my hubby! And YES, i'm the owner of the Ultimate Male Superchub and Megachub Videostore 'Hansis Superchubs'.
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