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Furry Fap Hero Discord!

Alright I'll give this a go! : https://discord.gg/A97aGd7BWD
  • 3
2 anni fa
The invite is no longer valid. How can I get an invite to join this Erobeat?
  • 0
4 anni fa
You do great work! Shame the videos had gotten taken off this site, but I'm glad there's a Discord.
  • 1
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Want more Furry Fap Hero?

I was considering making more furry fap hero videos, but in order for me to put a lot of these out, I'd have to be able to sustain myself making these.
So the question is, if I made a Patreon or a Discord for these furry fap hero videos, Would you guys be interested in supporting the A Patreon for the creation of these videos?
The rewards would probably be:
- Early Access
- You get to choose the music
- You get to choose the images / gifs
And I was also considering making a standalone furry fap hero game
let me know what you guys think!
  • 22
4 anni fa
i can't support patreon (at the moment) but i'd be more than happy to help spread the word and join the discord for it all ^^ so 10000% hell yeah
  • 0
4 anni fa
100% definitely. Maybe make a discord server with a channel dedicated to submitting furry porn gifs and pictures.
  • 0
4 anni fa
it would be very interesting to see a game
  • 0
4 anni fa
I’m excited to see where you go with this!
  • 1
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Making another Furry Fap Hero

So get your cocks nice and hard... [3
  • 47
4 anni fa
The prophecy foretold that this day would come...
  • 2
4 anni fa
Could you also possible tell me what software you use? I would love to attempt to make my own FFHs
  • 2
4 anni fa
Owo~! How long will this one be~? Also glad to see your back!
  • 1
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One of my videos got deleted.

I got a notification from Pornhub stating that one of my videos has been rejected. There is no reason listed, so I don’t know why it got taken down. I apologize to those of you who enjoyed that content.
  • 34
4 anni fa
its kinda sad how you haven't posted in a while ;w;. my cock is dying for another one... are you still planning on making them or in the process of making one? also if maybe possibly i could get the beat bar your using so i can make my own?
  • 3
4 anni fa
When is the next video cumming out ? i can't wait! i love your content, it sucks that vid got taken down, as it was one of my favorites~. Keep up the good work!
  • 13
4 anni fa
will it be coming back? or are you making more?
  • 5
4 anni fa
Is it available anywhere else?
  • 5
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