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First off, my name is Cassie.As you probably figured out my boyfriend's name is Ashton but we call him Ash. People consider us a "stupid couple" or how ever you want to put it just because we are young, if of them just know we've been dating since (lol). Ok so now that that's past us heres just a short FYI on us (there will be more in our blog). We are open but together willing to test anything try anything. We already have a great sex life but why not spice it up a little? Back to us, we both go to college at Denison although Ash is older then me, we find a way to stick together. Our town is just about the worlds smallest town so we haven't desided were we would go if we did meet up with one of you. Please contact us, we will answer all and any of your questions. P>S > I like both girls and guys were as Ash is intrested in only girls (sorry guys)
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