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Sanford, United States
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Please vote for us in our hot 🔥🔥🔥 video for The January Money Shot Contest!! Sweetness would appreciate your support daily!! https://www.pornhub.com/contest_hub/viewers_choice/the-sweetest-thing
Poster videoSweetness scopre 'Anal Crab' e cavalca fino a grandi orgasmi multipli squirting
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Poster videoGioco di NightDominance
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Just here wanting everyone imma join only fans think it's a better platform to show my naked ass to the whole wide world!!!! I want everyone to enjoy..... Send me a message on here or Snapchat CrazyBoss550
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Vote for Sweetness in her Hole Some Contest Video!! We appreciate your daily support!! https://www.pornhub.com/contest_hub/viewers_choice/the-sweetest-thing
Poster videoLa dolcezza tintinna fino in fondo quando viene!!
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So horny

Snapchat me: CrazyBoss550
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Longdongjon1 I hit ya up
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Cum with me CrazyBoss550
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Hello to all my horny friends
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I'm surprised Pornhub has an about me section...to be honest until I just now stopped and thought about it I always assumed the majority of humans do still keep porn and sex in the closet but, until I posted my 1st video in the wonderful world of Pornhub, I was totally keeping my fucking sexuality locked the hell up too. I get alot of messages on here. I do reply to some....im trying to get more comfortable with sharing my fantasies, actually I love daydreaming up some new way to get fucked or be fucked with something new ^(oh side note~if a woman ever tells u she's never stuck and weird up that pussy of hers then don't trust that lying hoe lol) ^ I'm not sure how detailed to make this *about me* section, is anyone actually gonna read this.... I guess what u should know about me really is that I want to have my lover do everything and anything they can think of to my body, I have a very high sex drive, I think that fucking and making love completely different things

Jenny Hardcore
Ultimo Accesso:
5 mesi fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
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Ragazzi e Ragazze
"United States"
Interessi e Hobby:
Public nudity; Daydreaming fetish foreplay ideas or sex positions to try, I guess this Pornhub account can be considered a hobby now.... I have a great interest in dressing up :) also have a huge interest in having my lover fuck me with random items in my ass while fucking me from behind and me rubbing my clit, and being choked is nice too
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
I have favorite channels lol discovery, sci-fi channel rocks, history...
Musica Preferita:
Depends on my mood
Libri Preferiti:
I can never remember the title but it was a soft cover lime green with a syringe with blue or red fluid in it and the book was about this shot that would completely stop u aging, ppl would go to underground drs and the book fucking rocks!!! I wish I could remember the damn name.....
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Watching porn and having sex, ummmm.... Being pushed up against a wall in a super tight, ass hugging mini dress and having that dick pressed right against my vagina while having my neck kissed then his fingers in my pussy, I wanna be pushed down on the bed, I want my clothes ripped off of me, I want my vagina thought of like a mouth and that being said treat that clit like a tounge and fucking kiss the hell outta it :) can u tell I'm a foreplay kind of milf...threesums can turn me on-but gotta be in the right mood for those... My lover of 8months turns me on like I've never felt---i can think of a million+ ways to have him either fuck the hell outta me with that dick of his that feels so fucking good in me, or ways/positions/fetishes/ trying toys ---omfg I'm so fucking horny---- anyways... Back to turn ons.....being honestly desired makes me so fucking horny- I've always loved just being touched, talking passionately and obviously a little freaky/naughty big turnon too! Saying to cum ur face HOT
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Being disrespected, lack of empathy...hummm, let's see here... Oh I know! I don't like ppl sucking my toes, sigh... I'm all for having weird, crazy, kinky, hot, ^(damn~ now I'm getting horny)^ fucked up and let's try it all out sex and fetish sessions but the toe thing.... Yeah not so into that or at least having MY TOES sucked. I do know someone so clean that I would try it out with the more I think of the toe fetish thing.... Guy on guy doesn't turn me on either,
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13 133
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