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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "5 year old account"
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Candid Videos

Hey guys. I just logged on this site for the first time in quite a while. I see major changes has took place while I was gone. Join me at patreon.com/candiman78 for uploads of candid clip videos. Daily uploads and lots of bonus videos. I love these clips just as much as you do, and regardless of who doesn't understand or whoever keeps blocking the candid community, I will always try to find a way to share these clips with you..
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4 anni fa
Its ALLL gone ;-;
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Thank to all of you for being patient. Im expecting to launch the patreon before today is over. Im still learning patreon and most of my clips are too large for the site. Im editing them to meet the requirements. Im creating new packages to make it easier for you guys to get what you want. Contact me at [email protected] for more details
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Happy Holidays

Happy holidays to everyone. I recieved a few emails asking I dont post my candid movie crush videos. I had no issues posting these clips until everyone decided to start to upload them to pornhub. I definitely didn't want these clips uploaded to this site, but regardless of my wishes, you still have those to continue to upload them. In the end, I will continue to not post these clips anymore because of the few people that refuse to respect that. These clips will be only available through patreon at the moment. Ive reached out to some of those who continue to post these clips, definitely to stop but they choose to do otherwise. Definitely making it hard on those who just want to honesty watch the clip. I have plenty of new clips available when patreon is once open. I should have patreon started by this weekend. Happy holidays to all.
  • 3
5 anni fa
Can't wait for it I completely agree with ya people out there like me just wanna watch so we can get excitement out of it and to learn a few tri is as well by watching I think it's so petty and disgraceful to steal others work it's pathetic just wanted u too know u got a true supporter of your awesome work
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Hey guys, its been a while since I uploaded on here. Going through strikes being put on my account which is enabling my to upload new clips. My Patreon page was sure to take off, but I recently lost all my data in both my hard drives. Im working on retrieving that data so not only I will have my clips back, but I will be able to share with you guys. I will opening up Patreon either this weekend or at the lastest next weekend. Contact me about more details on the page. I will keep you guys posted on the Patreon. Also to all of those that emailed me, I apologize for the non response, was just overwhelmed with losing my data, I just didnt log in for a while. Thanks to my all and feel free to drop by and check out the best candid on the web
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Duke"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "2 year old account"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "Philosopher"
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Hey guys. Hopefully I will post something new on here soon. Been going through some issues with my new content being flagged and not able to upload new clips. I created a patreon page for those who want to enjoy all clips with no filter from 3rd party sites. Stay tuned for the info on the site. Again thanks for the support and enjoying my clips.
  • 6
5 anni fa
Hi. Happy for your patreon account. As soon it s active, let us know , i ll sign up. Hope To see some old fetish-média vids. 👍🏻👍🏻
  • 0
5 anni fa
Appreciate you for excepting. I'm not sure if the one that makes the candid movie hand crushes but I live them. Its kinda crazy cause I used to do that sane thing but never thought about recording it lol. I was hoping I could see more of those. But thanks again candiman78 and hope to aee some great clips in the future
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