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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumReally I'm a very simple man. I love to make women crave me. I thoroughly enjoy a more in depth approach to earning a woman's mind. I'm not an in the moment or trendy dominant. I realized that this is who I have been all my life. I have a knack for making women want what I have to offer. My favorite toys are orgasm control, using nothing but my eyes to control (still perfecting this one) etc... I'm best at turning your whole body into one big erogenous zone. I love making connections between usual turn on spots and random spots around the body. So far I have successfully gotten a woman to cum from rubbing nothing but her areola and a few other spots; The weirdest place I've used "connections" with is the shin, I made the connection then got her to orgasm rubbing and licking her shin. I'm still new to allowing myself to be honest about liking to fuck guys. I haven't even really explored it yet, I plan to one day. If you are a dude on here feel free to message me but know that I probably wont respond since I'
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