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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI'm a 26 year old male from Adelaide Australia, I love piss and I hate toilets hehe, I only use them when I have no other choice. it's such a waste of pee and it's much more convenient to pull your dick out and just let it go, or to just have a wee in your pants. I never pee in my toilet at home, my house is my toilet, whenever I get the urge to pee I just let it go. Sometimes in my pants other times I'll pull my cock out and just let my piss flow all over the place. In the sink, on the floor/carpet, on the lounge watching tv, on the curtains, in my bed, in my pants. Really enjoy holding my wee until I get so desperate I lose control and have an accident. If I'm in bed and I need to do a wee, I'll either just wet the bed, or flop my cock off the side and pee on the carpet lazy pissing is the best. One of my favourite things to do is drink heaps and heaps of water until I need to do a wee, then watch a long movie and hold on for as long as I can, while continuing to drink water through the whole movie. I
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