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Music is an integral part of my life, but more and more I'm finding a dislike for P.M.V., usually the music being dubstep, the most negative sound I can imagine, to me music is about perception, feeling, sensory awareness, dubstep is anti all of that, now I'm not intending to put anyone down or be negative in anyway, it's a personal taste issue that my tastes aren't into, P.M.V.'s are difficult, in my humble opinion, because musical tastes are so varied, once one edits music into a video automatically they're separating a whole group of people because they won't like that music, I always like the intimate sounds best, flesh slapping, breathing grunting, squishing and splashing sounds of raw sex, but I understand sound is difficult to get right and I applaud all those who have spent their valuable time to upload their edits,,,, What can I say really, I enjoy life and with that comes all things in it's time, however life is an illusion, or at least the perceptions of our thoughts and feelings projected into a
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