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Yuma, United States
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I do not want to be the leader. I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality the touchstone, the command, my pivot. I dont mind working, holding my ground intellectually, artistically; but as a woman, oh, God, as a woman I want to be dominated. I dont mind being told to stand on my own feet, not to cling, be all that I am capable of doing, but I am going to be pursued, fucked, possessed by the will of a male at his time, his bidding.-Anais Nin quotes (French born American Author of novels and short stories, 1903-1977)

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Goodnight y'all... xoxoxoxxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxo
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My Saturday...

WTF????.... I was rudely jolted from my wonderful dream, I don’t remember what it was about but it was wonderful. That much I remember.
Hey its Saturday! why the hell am I waking up at 7am? Ugh the noise has finally reached my brain, music, loud, loud music why does it sound like its coming from my front yard? ‘A dark lit place Or your place or my place’ way too loud. (does this officially make me old …lol), no now.
I threw on a robe, yanked my crazy hair back into a hair tie, made my way down the hallway and threw open the front door.
I was fully prepared to see the guy across the street out working on his car or something, not for what I did see. Which was mostly a ladder, toward the top of it was a pair of scruffy Nike’s and some worn out jeans ugh and the music ‘Well I’m not paralyzed But, I seem to be struck by you’ Paralyzer… I used to like that song.
It clicked then; this was the guys painting the trim on my house…ok but on Saturday?
“HELLOOO…” I yelled toward the top of the jeans. No Response. Of course not… the damn music… I see the CD player next to some paint cans near the base of the ladder, hadn’t this guy heard of an MP3 player? I pushed the power button and tried again “Excuse me” I said turning back toward the ladder I found myself looking up into a pair of blue eyes, so blue I was a little speechless. Good thing those eyes started talking… “Oh hey sorry ‘bout that, too loud huh?” Oh crap it was my turn. “ Oh just a bit, I wasn’t expecting you guys out here on the weekend?” Those eyes had a smile under them, that’s when I noticed that these eyes were young, that grin was all of 18,19 anyways young. And I was quite sure he hadn’t been here earlier in the week.
Ok turns out he was the son of the painter guy and was helping out over the weekend. As he talked I sorta chuckled at his rumpled Red Sox tee, all splattered with paint …He must’ve been around 6’3 or so tall and lanky… cute kid….
So I went back in the house and didn’t really give him much thought. A little breakfast, some laundry… then walking out of the bathroom, I could see out the window of my guest bedroom Something was different. The Red Sox tee was gone. It was hot out now and he’d ditched the shirt. This , was an athlete, that much was certain, muscles like crazy & sweaty mmm- mm- m. I stood peeking through my blinds like an idiot, breathing a little harder as I watched the brush go back and forth, the muscles in his arms and shoulder rippled as he moved.. Ok, ok get a grip. This was a . What had he said his name was????? crap total blank. Oh well, don't need to know his name, he's a . Just a kid…hey maybe he’s a young looking 22 or something that’s not so bad, 22 right? Oh forget it… back to my Saturday.
After cleaning and other such doldrums I decided to swim I changed and headed out to the backyard. I could hear the music again…quieter, and welcome now … ‘What if I say I'm not like the others? What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays?’ FooFighters nice… ‘You're the pretender What if I say I will never surrender?’ See we like the same music, maybe 31’s not as far from 22 as it seems. lol yeah right.
I dove in and swam, and swam, lap after lap till my shoulders and legs were on fire. That’s the greatest feeling. Holding on to the ladder, I was catching my breath. I saw him then, watching me from the corner of the house, the ladder put him high enough to see with no problem… I wondered how long he’d been there like that. I got out of the water and flopped onto a chair, loving the sun my back and smiling a bit, thinking of him over there wondering if he was watching still...
I woke to a gentle shake on my shoulder, startled I practically jumped out of my skin. It was him “Sorry, sorry, hey I just wanted to tell you I was done for the day” Oh crap I had fallen asleep out there. I stood and twisted around hoping I wasn’t completely sunburned. “Looks like I woke you just in time huh?” Looking back at him, the look in his eyes was enough to make my toes curl.
“How old are you?” I blurted it out without thinking. “18” He answered quickly…
18! Figures, closest a guy comes to my bedroom in weeks and he really is a .. a teenager! I played the good/bad stuff in my head quickly, what did I come up with. Fuck it, he’s legal right?
Well now this,this was the easy part, right girls..lol …..

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No time tonight, be back tomorrow! New blog, let me know what you think so far..
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Well now that Dave has taken over my wall... I'm out for the night.... Have fun guys!!! 😉
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Glad you guys like the new avi!!! No time tonight, I'll be back tomorrow!! luv ya!!
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ok its 0200 I give!! "Night!
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Not feelin so hot today guys... luv ya, I'm out
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ok guys, I'm out for the night... stay dirty
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wooohooo lol
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Been here now.. guess I can update a little. lol Love PH and the vids n peeps.Been a member for years... not going anywhere anytime soon. No computer problems since sticking to PH and PLENTY of porn to choose from. If you're lookin for high heels and manicured nails.. that will never be me. I'm pretty simple.. well idk some may disagree with simple.. but it doesnt take much to make me happy. Im not really great at much,I'm not well traveled or eduacated.I am assertive,caring and loyal.I don't party hard anymore.I'm home a lot, a natural loner many might say boring but there's things about me that would probably shock even my friends...And if you of the few who know what those things are then you probably mean a lot to me.I dont put myself out there much cuz in general people suck. Don't worry I won't hold it against you.. I tend to love people who suck..lol wait that didnt sound right did it..lol If I don't like you, you will probably know it... and If I love you... I won't be able to hide it. If you don't like me.. I don't really care. Online communities are pretty interesting. Knowing people w/o knowing them at all. lol The one thing it has done for me is to always remind me that we never really truly know people unless they want us too. That your asshole boss could very well be that dude online that you just got done talkin dirty with,lol or that your own cousin or aunt,uncle, etc.. could be the person who's comment you are commenting on lol The nerdy school boy, the fat lady, the crazy dude.. all those people are in all our lives, and for all you know.. they are checkin out your favorite pic right this second..lol crazy right! Well thats right. Never underestimate anyone or be dumb enough to judge people. Just because you get off to crazy porn doesnt mean you are crazy. What we respond to sexually is tied to many things in our psyche. There are things that are wrong and of course for a reason.. but other than that, we are all strange in the bedroom arent we!lol TRISH

Ultimo Accesso:
10 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Ragazzi e Ragazze
"United States"
student AGAIN ugh
Interessi e Hobby:
starting over... in just about everyway this year...work in progress
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
House!!!! Say yes to the dress, kardashians, pawn wars.. lol all the dumb reality . NOT the contest bullshit tho... the bachelor,love of Rayj..lol NO lol Guess I like those shows for the same reason I like amateur porn, its like watching someones life.
Musica Preferita:
Love all kinds of music, from Eminem to George Jones.
Libri Preferiti:
Lots! to many. Nothing noteworthy.. all garbage.lol Garbage that warms my heart and keeps me dreaming lol
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Big Dicks,pretty pussy, masturbation, anal, toys.. LOTS...lol A uniform gets me everytime!.. Firemen, Armed Forces,Police... LOVE LOVE LOVE
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Mean people.If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
1 716
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