Abducted Social Worker

The September sun beats down on Lisa through the open sunroof of
her blue Acura as she pulls up to her last case for the day in
the middle of the projects. The young, 22-year-old accepted this
job with the Department of c***dren and Families (DCF) three
months ago after graduating from college. Just getting the swing
of things, she looks forward to successfully finishing her
probationary period with the agency and perhaps pursuing a
master’s degree.

A confident, well educated woman with a bright future, Lisa
worries more about the security of her car in this terrible
neighborhood than her own safety. This is a family reassigned to
Lisa's supervision due to c***d neglect - a 38-year-old single
mother with three c***dren.

It has been a long day and Lisa looks forward to returning home
and starting the weekend even though her husband, Doug, is on
deployment in Afghanistan and she will be alone. She plans on
completing the four page letter to him she started yesterday
evening. Like her other love notes to Doug, this one will be
scented with her best perfume and sealed with a lipstick imprint
of her kiss. She married Doug two months ago before his departure
with the military.

More beautiful than she realizes, Lisa stands a medium height
with a petite figure, the result of regular exercise and healthy
diet. She sports firm, C-cup breasts, a cute, round butt, and
soft, brunette hair reaching slightly past her shoulders. Smooth,
unblemished skin, high cheekbones, a little nose and big, blue
eyes comprise her angular face.

Wearing an attractive, black pantsuit with grey pinstripes, her
loud heels announce her approach as she travels the walkway to
the apartment.

Lisa knocks on the door. A black female answers.

"Hi, I’m Lisa Codell with the Department of c***dren and
Families. Are you Shaquanda Green?" Lisa inquires, a bright smile
revealing her perfect teeth from regular visits to the dentist
since c***dhood.

Growing up in a white, middle class neighborhood, Lisa has had
limited exposure to blacks prior to taking this job. Like many
young people, Lisa has plans for the future and wants to make a
positive difference in the world.

"I is Shaquanda," the black woman says. She looks fairly
attractive. Light brown eyes and a golden complexion combined
with an aquiline nose hint at Hispanic or European influence
somewhere in her ancestry. She is medium build – not fat but
definitely thick and muscular. Shaquanda d****s herself in
expensive gold jewelry: rings on several fingers and thick chain

"Hi Shaquanda, may I come in to check the k**s and their home
environment today?"

For eight years DCF has been sending social workers to Shaquanda
to check on her k**s. She knows these visits usually take an
hour or two, sometimes longer to interview each c***d. Shaquanda
hasn’t bothered telling DCF yet that she recently sent her
c***dren to live with their aunt. "Ya can't come in now. I's got
company," Shaquanda answers impatiently.

Lisa isn’t sure how to react. In her three months with the agency
no one has refused scheduled visits.

"Ma'am, I’m sorry. But I have to see your k**s and where they
live. If you don't let me the DCF could take your c***dren into
protective custody," Lisa warns. “I only want to help.”

This social worker is really attractive. Shaquanda decides to
play her a while, perhaps finding a way into the young woman’s
panties. "Ya threatening me?" Shaquanda sneers with her neck
swerving side to side. Her dark hair in braids with costly
extensions and bright red beads at their ends pendulously swings
with the movement of her head.

Shaquanda’s hostility shocks Lisa. Lisa tries being diplomatic,
"No, no, you don’t understand. Please, ma’am. I’m on your side.
But they could take your c***dren if you don’t let me do my job.”

This cute little social worker is a far cry from the fat, older,
black women that previously visited – right up Shaquanda’s alley.

Shaquanda has liked girls since c***dhood. She never met her
father and lived with an old black man as a k** who she knew as
Uncle Joe. Her mother, a hopeless d**g addict, left Shaquanda to
roam the streets at an early age.

Sexual abuse started early for Shaquanda. Uncle Joe couldn’t get
erections, so he paid Shaquanda and her other female friends to
do things to each other while he watched. He woke her many nights
touching her private places and she discovered she preferred
girls to boys.

But Shaquanda’s traumatic c***dhood formed the foundation for
deviant sexuality further cultivated during her time in the penal

Shaquanda abruptly changes her attitude for Lisa and feigns
defeat, "No, don't takes my babies. Ya can come in.”

Lisa enters the dingy, rundown apartment, musty air filling her
sinuses. The walls – originally white, but yellowed by age and
grease – need painting. The place appears disorganized with
debris strewn about and can use a good cleaning.

"It says here you have one girl and two boys, ages ten, twelve,
and 15. Where are they?" Lisa questions looking down at the form
on her clipboard, the back of which she spends idle time drawing
hearts with her and Doug’s name in them.

"They's visiting my sister," Shaquanda answers.

"Does anyone else live here with you besides the c***dren?" Lisa

Reggie happens to be with Shaquanda today. He has an appetite
for petite white girls too and a special talent for getting into
their panties. A brilliant idea occurs to Shaquanda: introducing
Lisa to Reggie and seeing where things might go.

"Jus Reggie sometimes. He's in da bedroom. Ya wants to meet him?"

"I need to interview your c***dren," Lisa coolly replies. “When
will they be here?”

"Reggie, ya has a vistor!" Shaquanda yells, ignoring Lisa’s

Reggie, a 39-year-old d**g dealer and Shaquanda’s pimp, comes out
from her bedroom. He stands 6’ 4”, 225 pounds of solid muscle. He
wears an angry scowl – a big vein bulging beneath the surface of
his forehead – as if interrupted from something important.

"What you want, Shaquanda?" Reggie asks.

"Dis here young lady with social services be asking about ya,"
Shaquanda says, giving Reggie a wink and wicked smile.

Reggie takes a second look at the beautiful social worker. He
likes young, white pussy and never misses opportunities to nail
it, but this girl can be a professional model with her figure and
face. She fits his target profile with the clean, virtuous look
magazine ads attempt to capture. Lisa triggers an old, familiar
itch in Reggie he can’t resist scratching.

Reggie’s attraction to white girls goes back as far as he can
remember. In high school he fell hard for one named Charlene.
Charlene convinced Reggie to buy her expensive rings and jewelry
with money he made hustling d**gs on the street. She latter
accused Reggie of r****g her. He exhausted all his resources on
an unsuccessful defense, and received thirty years in prison
until DNA evidence set him free.

A white judge and jury convicted Reggie of a crime he didn’t
commit – took three years of his life without compensation,
leaving him penniless.

But while incarcerated, Reggie learned how to become a really
successful criminal, making friends with members of organized
crime who explained the synergistic benefits of combining d**gs
with human trafficking and prostitution.

Reggie observes Lisa’s wedding band and surmises she is a typical
uppity white bitch never fucked by a black man.

Lisa feels uneasy as Reggie approaches, undressing her with his
dark eyes.

"I just need to ask a couple quick questions and I'll come back
another time when the k**s are here," Lisa nervously declares.

Reggie stands inches away, almost making physical contact with
Lisa and towering over her.

It dawns on Lisa that Reggie and Shaquanda pose serious danger to
her. Reggie sees her blue eyes looking at the door to a possible

"Suppose we doesn't feel like answering questions?" Reggie mocks,
pulling Lisa's clipboard from her hands, tossing it across the
room, and moving between Lisa and the exit she has been eyeing.

“Hey!” Lisa blurts. “I need that.” The clipboard contains all of
the day’s paperwork as well as the note to Doug she has been

"Who da fuck ya think ya is coming in here and asking personal
questions like ya is superior to us?"

They have this all wrong. She is there to help them. Lisa backs
away from the giant black man.

"Get da door, Shaquanda. I think we needs to teach her a lesson,"
Reggie barks.

Without fully understanding yet where things are heading,
Shaquanda obeys Reggie and races to the door.

Lisa finds herself against the wall. Reggie grabs hold of her

"Get your hands off of me! I'm going to have you arrested for
assault," Lisa threatens, unsuccessfully attempting to jerk free
of Reggie's grasp.

Threatening to have Reggie arrested is the wrong thing for a
white girl to say to him. Reggie lets go and slaps Lisa hard
across the face, leaving a red mark on her left cheek and causing
her to see stars.

"You threatening me now?" Reggie challenges tearing Lisa's purse
from her shoulder and flinging it to Shaquanda.

"Find her cell phone. She ain't calling nobody," Reggie declares.

Lisa rubs her cheek and stares at Reggie in shock. She tastes a
trickle of blood. Everything is happening so fast she doesn’t
know whether to scream or try reasoning with him. Before she can
decide, Reggie’s meaty hand covers her mouth and Lisa finds
herself being dragged toward the room Reggie came from, her shoes
furrowing the worn, green carpet, then falling off, on the way.

"Get her clothes off whiles I hold her," Reggie snaps whirling
Lisa around like a rag doll and wrestling her into bed. "We is
gonna teach her some respect."

Hearing their intentions, Lisa thrashes in Reggie’s lap, but he
overpowers her and pulls her tightly into his chest, which rises
and falls from his deep breaths.

Shaquanda smiles, unveiling a piano key arrangement of white and
gold teeth, as she begins unbuttoning Lisa's blouse.

"I bet ya never had a big, black cock before," she taunts, her
spider-like fingers crawling down the buttons on Lisa's shirt.

Lisa's blue eyes grow large with fear. She has only been with one
man her entire life – her husband, Doug. This can’t be happening.
**** is something that occurs to other unfortunate women, not
her. Lisa musters all her strength, summoning every muscle in
her body, but can’t break free from Reggie’s viselike embrace.

"MMMPPPHHH!" Lisa tries to scream.

"Ya a lucky girl. Once Reggie spoils ya with his huge cock, ya
ain't never gonna be satisfied with nothing else," Shaquanda

Lisa’s blouse hangs open. Her firm breasts fill her pink, silk
bra like strong winds against sails on a ship. Lisa flails in
Reggie's embrace as Shaquanda's hands reach her pants.

"Ooooh, look what we has here," Shaquanda says pulling Lisa’s
pants down while Lisa violently kicks, revealing pink, silk
bikini briefs matching her racy bra.

Scantily clad in undergarments, Lisa struggles with Reggie in
bed, twisting in every way possible to escape his hold. All of
Lisa’s energy makes no progress, like a tire spinning in mud. Two
against one, Shaquanda manages removing Lisa's bra in the
commotion, unveiling perky young tits, light pink nipples and
quarter sized areolas.

Lisa feels both embarrassed and frightened.

"And now let's see what dis pretty girl has waiting down here for
us," Shaquanda says placing her thumbs in the waistband of Lisa’s

Lisa gnashes her teeth, kicks and squirms to prevent Shaquanda
from making further progress.

Shaquanda has worked in prostitution long enough to know how
pimps get new girls to cooperate. She pinches Lisa’s nipples
hard with her glossy fingernails professionally manicured in red
acrylic polish, and twists.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!” Lisa’s muffled screeches fill the

Shaquanda repeats the punishment several more times, causing
Lisa’s nipples to harden and glow red from pain. Shaquanda’s
pussy grows wet making this high class girl experience the same
humiliating treatment a lowly woman recruited from the streets
receives to become a whore.

“If ya thinks dat hurt, I’ll rip dem pretty things off if ya
fight me again,” Shaquanda threatens. She returns to the
panties. Lisa’s kicks subdue to a wiggle Shaquanda easily works
around, gracefully pulling the soft fabric down Lisa’s long legs,
as if uncovering an artwork.

After removing the last vestige of Lisa’s privacy, Shaquanda’s
hands slide between her closed knees.

“Open up and let us see what ya got,” Shaquanda prods.

No way will Lisa allow these a****ls to m***** her. Her legs stay
stubbornly closed.

“Oh, she is shy and doesn’t want us to see her pretty pussy,”
Shaquanda remarks.

Reggie realizes things have already gone too far with Lisa, and
the longer they spend fighting her, the more likely they are to
find trouble. He grows impatient. He has ways to make girls
cooperate quicker. "Go's and gets the works for her," Reggie
instructs Shaquanda.

Lisa struggles for adequate air through her nostrils, trying to
pull Reggie’s hand from her mouth with Shaquanda temporarily gone
from the room. She feels his other strong hand wandering over
her waist, kneading her firm belly while holding her in his lap.

"Ya need to calm down," Reggie soothingly speaks in Lisa's ear.
“We won’t hurt ya. Just does what we says.”

Lisa is terrified; his hand is still rubbing her stomach,
descending ever lower. She doesn’t understand what Reggie meant
by ‘the works’, but she isn’t settling down and allowing them to
have their way with her either – that will never happen! She has
to get free.

Shaquanda returns with a rubber tourniquet and syringe containing
an exotic date **** mixture: a pharmaceutical grade substance
used legitimately for anesthesia with other nasty street d**gs
including cocaine and heroin.

The meaning of ‘the works’ now becomes horribly evident to Lisa
and she strives harder to get free, her lithe body squirming like
a snake in Reggie’s embrace while Shaquanda tightens the
tourniquet around her arm.

"MMMPPHHH!!" Lisa tries screaming so someone might hear her. Her
prior determination to fight turns to the desperation of an
ensnared a****l. She will do anything to avoid the dreadful
injection. She wants Reggie and Shaquanda to know she is sorry
for bothering them; that she won’t tell anyone what happened if
they let her go. But she can’t speak with Reggie’s hand over her

"It gonna be okay once ya try dis," Shaquanda promises holding
Lisa's struggling arm straight.

Lisa doesn’t know what substance the syringe contains, but it
can’t be good. She never touched d**gs her entire life. She
witnessed how they destroyed lives these past three months
working for Social Services. She doesn’t even like taking
aspirin. It won’t be okay, like Shaquanda claims, if they put
that poison into her. But Lisa already expended so much energy
jostling Reggie. Her exertions to yank her arm from Shaquanda's
grasp get weaker, only serving to distend her veins more and make
them easier targets.

"That's it girl, keeps fightin," Shaquanda encourages. She feels
Lisa tiring.

Fatigued, Lisa’s arm stops moving enough for Shaquanda to quickly
stick a vein exclaiming, “Gotcha.”

Lisa doesn’t know it, but the battle is over. Reggie finally
removes his hand from her mouth.

Drawing in a deep breath while in Reggie’s arms, Lisa cries,
“Oooowwwee, don’t put that in me.” She watches a pink plume of
her blood mix in the syringe, hardly noticing Reggie’s fingers
sliding to her breast and now gently playing with her nipple.

Shaquanda slowly depresses the plunger. “Don’t move, Honey, or
the needle might break in you,” she warns.

Lisa quietly observes Shaquanda empty the remnants of the syringe
into her vein, everything seeming to move in slow motion.

"There we go," Shaquanda’s voice echoes in Lisa’s ears, breaking
an awkward silence. Shaquanda pulls the needle out of Lisa’s
arm, a drop of blood oozing from the site. Shaquanda wipes it
with her thumb and then pops the digit in her mouth.

“Mmmmm, sweet,” Shaquanda comments tasting Lisa’s blood. "Ya
gonna feel so good," she adds, removing the tourniquet and
allowing the potent d**gs to rush through Lisa’s circulatory
system. “Ya ever get high before?” Shaquanda asks.

Overcome by the intense rush of her first high, Lisa doesn’t
answer. The closest she has ever come to using d**gs is an
occasional glass of wine. The chemicals now in her bloodstream
cause her every neuron to spark in euphoria, her mood to elevate
a thousand times brighter than listening to her favorite piece of
classical music. In a place somewhere between consciousness and
sleep, Lisa dreams while still awake.

The affects of the d**gs in Lisa become immediately evident. The
somnambulant girl’s nipples pucker; Reggie feels the one he is
gently rolling between his fingers become stiff as a pencil’s

Lisa’s apprehensions diminish. It barely registers that she is
lying naked in front of two complete strangers – in a huge black
man’s lap who she doesn’t know.

Reggie lifts Lisa off his lap and gently lays her back in the
bed, her head resting on a fluffy pillow. Like a spider,
Shaquanda has paralyzed their victim with d**gs. Reggie’s eyes
greedily scan Lisa’s nubile body as he rises from the bed.

“Do ya mind if I get her ready for ya?” Shaquanda requests.

Reggie loves girl on girl action as much as fucking them himself,
“Sure, go ahead. Knock yourself out and have fun with her.”

Reggie watches Shaquanda slither like a lizard into the bed and
pry Lisa's legs open.

Lisa doesn’t realize what Shaquanda is doing at first.

Besides a narrow, neatly trimmed strip of brown pubic hair above
her vagina, the rest of Lisa appears hairless. Shaquanda wonders
if she used laser treatments to get so smooth.

"Aren't you a pretty thing," Shaquanda states stretching Lisa's
labia apart and revealing her light pink flesh.

Lisa murmurs, “No,” becoming aware of Shaquanda touching her
private place. She tries closing her legs, but with Shaquanda
already planted securely between them the effort proves

Shaquanda holds Lisa open, licks her finger, and softly strokes
Lisa's sensitive hood while dipping her tongue in her pink slit.

"Noh, stop," Lisa cries, pushing Shaquanda's head, her braids
like small ropes through Lisa’s fingers. “I’m married… not that
way… Doug,” Lisa babbles in delirium. Lisa can’t understand how
one woman does this to another. It’s revolting.

“Oh, I gonna make ya become dis way, Baby. Ya gonna love having
yur pussy eaten by a woman when I gets through with ya,”
Shaquanda quickly responds. “Who’s Doug?” Shaquanda further

“Husband,” Lisa mumbles.

Slowly caressing Lisa’s clit, Shaquanda looks at Reggie, smiles,
and replies, “Ya pussy belongs to me and Reggie now, not Doug,”
before returning to serious business on Lisa.

Shaquanda sexually assaults Lisa for her own good reasons. By
the time Shaquanda turned 18 years old, she worked as a
prostitute and never finished school. She didn’t get the nice
upbringing and stable c***dhood this bitch enjoyed – to attend
college, afford a new car, marry a man and start a family.

Lisa got all the breaks in life, and then acted all superior with
her cute, white ass. Shaquanda finds Lisa gorgeous but loathes
what Lisa represents.

“Oh, oh, no, stop it,” Lisa whines.

Shaquanda’s experience as a prostitute makes her expert at
pleasuring men and women. But she has long fantasized about
introducing Sapphic pleasures to a privileged, inexperienced
white girl.

It’s a bad dream. No, Lisa briefly realizes she’s being ****d by
another woman. Then she’s dreaming again. The d**gs keep Lisa
confused, her thoughts s**ttered. Fleeting images of her husband,
Doug, come to mind. She closes her eyes to the unwanted
sensation between her legs slowly taking over.

Reggie watches Lisa’s head turn side to side. She expends less
effort trying to push Shaquanda’s face away from her dripping

Shaquanda removes her mouth from Lisa’s pussy; but her fingers
still hold Lisa’s beautiful lips wide apart, every detail of the
poor girl’s private anatomy briefly exposed for observation.
Shaquanda sinks her long, black index finger into Lisa’s
glistening pink flesh and twirls Lisa’s clitoris beneath her

“No, stop it!” Lisa cries grabbing Shaquanda’s wrist with both
hands and attempting to pull the invading digits from her pussy.

“Let go,” Reggie booms, peeling Lisa’s delicate fingers from
Shaquanda’s wrist. He brings Lisa’s hands back above her
shoulders pinning them down to the mattress. Her fingers curl as
if trying to grasp the air while Shaquanda’s middle digit joins
her index finger inside Lisa, searching for Lisa’s g-spot.

“Make this white bitch cum,” Reggie growls, the bulge in his
shorts growing even more noticeable.

“Oh, she gonna cum for us whether she want to or not,” Shaquanda
says, observing Lisa’s hips suddenly rise involuntarily. “There
we go, right there. I think I found her spot,” she adds.
Shaquanda’s fingers flutter against Lisa’s sensitive internal
flesh while her thumb continues circles on her now engorged

“Look at how full her clitty be gettin for me and how wet she
is,” Shaquanda comments. “She gonna cum real soon, ain’t ya,

“Noooooo,” Lisa hisses, her eyes squeezing shut, but her hips now
responding to Shaquanda’s fingers like a musician to a
conductor’s baton.

“Oh, God, oh, God, oh, oh, oh, God! No!” Lisa moans, her wrists
straining beneath Reggie’s hands to get free. Tension builds
within her seeking more contact with Shaquanda’s fingers, not
less, to release it. Her smooth, gorgeous face grimaces,
becoming ugly like a weightlifter’s when attempting to pump too
much iron.

“Don’t make me,” Lisa whimpers.

“Ooooh, yes, she be cumming good now. Look at her face. I
thought she said she wasn’t dis way,” Shaquanda giggles,
continuing to masturbate Lisa. “What would her husband think
seeing her cum like dis for me?” Shaquada questions.

“Dat’s it girl, keep cumming for Shaquanda,” Lisa hears Reggie
encourage. The d**gs and physical sensations are overpowering.
Lisa grows preoccupied with her pussy in spite of her prior
determination not to allow Shaquanda and Reggie to have their way
with her.

“Oh,” Lisa exclaims, totally centered on her cunt.

Lisa doesn’t notice Reggie release her wrists; her hands
remaining in place on the mattress beside her shoulders.

Reggie slowly backs away careful not to disturb Lisa and the
delicate girl-on-girl action developing for him to watch. She’s
in orgasm, a natural, uninhibited state of feminine bloom
absolutely bared open for him to see. Having coaxed Lisa’s legs
farther apart, Shaquanda’s thumb and index finger still hold
Lisa’s labia open, revealing the internal pink beauty that up
until today, Lisa had modestly concealed from the entire world –
save her husband – all her life.

Reggie listens to Lisa whispering “no” to Shaquanda while
passively allowing Shaquanda to proceed. The d**gs ensure Lisa’s

In a d**g induced state, Lisa falls deeper into the groove of
multiple orgasms Shaquanda digs for her, hardly aware of Reggie’s
presence or anything other than the business with Shaquanda. But
the attention to Lisa’s pussy changes – feels differently. Lisa
looks down and observes Reggie positioning his charcoal penis at
her entrance. The thing is huge, with numerous veins bulging
along its thick, lengthy shaft and a big scrotum containing
testicles each the size of walnuts. It looks so much larger than
Doug. It can’t be real. This must be a bad dream because no man
possesses a penis that big.

While she had a few boyfriends before marrying Doug, things never
got further with them than making out and playing with an
occasional penis to avoid intercourse. She knows from that
limited experience that men vary in size. She settled for Doug,
not the most physically endowed among her many suitors, because
he seemed like a safe choice – maybe a little quiet and a bit on
the nerdy side, but definitely stable. Lisa never encountered
anything remotely close to the huge, black specimen now pushing
at her entrance. Up until this point in her life, only Doug’s
modest member has entered her.

"NOO!” Lisa whines. Her labia stretch tightly to admit Reggie’s
penis. Made highly receptive by Shaquanda, Lisa’s juicy pussy
adjusts to the abrupt change in partners and snugly fits Reggie’s

Reggie works his uncanny phallus inside Lisa, making her pussy
adapt to his larger size as nature intended. With each thrust,
her tiny cunt further accommodates him.

"Please don't," Lisa cries. But her pussy takes more and more of
Reggie inside it. "I'm married. Stop," she continues, trying to
push Reggie off.

Something tightenes around her arm. Lisa turns to see the
tourniquet fastened on her bicep and Shaquanda brandishing
another syringe.

“Don’t give me more of that,” Lisa pleads, Reggie’s cock moving
inside her without interruption.

“Yur too distracted. Dis will help ya give Reggie yur undivided
attention,” Shaquanda explains, sticking the needle into Lisa’s
vein and giggling. “Ooooh, yeah, there we go,” Shaquanda
proclaims taking special delight in emptying more of the
destructive love potion into Lisa. “Dis gonna be the best fuck of
yur life.”

“Don’t do this to me,” Lisa begs. She watches Shaquanda remove
the tourniquet and start saying something else. But it doesn’t
matter anymore. Another rush of euphoria sweeps Lisa away,
Shaquanda’s voice trailing to distant echoes in her ears saying
something about being kind to Reggie and taking all of his big

The pressure and discomfort subside. Lisa acclimates to Reggie’s
huge size and her entire existence rapidly coalesces around the
piston moving inside her. Lisa fails to recognize the
significance of Reggie's heavy balls slapping her ass – her body
fully accepting him.

Reggie feels Lisa's nipples poke into his chest, her pussy
rippling with involuntary spasms around his rod as the d**gs take

“Oh,” Lisa exclaims, her eyes halfway closed, her back arching,
her body lunging beneath Reggie’s thrusts. She feels his cock
separating the quivering tissues lining her birth canal, rubbing
against them, crowding out her other thoughts, rendering her mind
blank to everything else in the Universe.

Reggie decides to change positions and unexpectedly withdraws his
long, slick cock from Lisa's wet cunt.

The abrupt interruption from intercourse disappoints Lisa’s body,
instinctually seeking release through the natural conclusion to
this heinous act. Lisa dumbly looks at Reggie’s horrendously
large and grisly penis removed from her. The shiny appendage
twitches as it points away from him. It doesn’t fully register
with Lisa that the slick coating on it is from her.

"Help get her on top of me, Shaquanda," Reggie prompts, rolling
on his back beside Lisa.

Shaquanda takes a moment to suck Lisa's juices from Reggie's
cock, her head bobbing up and down his shaft several
times.“Mmmmm, mmmm” Shaquanda moans before pulling her mouth

“Her pussy is so good. Ya gots to taste it,” Shaquanda announces
moving to Lisa and encouraging her to sit up.

Befuddled, Lisa awkwardly allows Shaquanda to position her above

Shaquanda fumbles with Reggie’s thick, heavy cock, and finally
fits its dark, bulky head into Lisa's luscious, pink entrance.

Reggie feels soft, silky warmth – the tight embrace of Lisa’s
labia admitting him back inside her. He places his hands –
callused from hours at the gym pumping iron instead of earning an
honest living – on Lisa's hips and pushes down.

"That's it, girl," Shaquanda spurs as Lisa slides down Reggie’s
long, black pole.

With a very unladylike grunt, Lisa reaches bottom fully impaling
herself. Reggie begins working his pelvis into Lisa while
Shaquanda reaches down and caresses Lisa’s clitoris.

"Oh!" Lisa blurts, her body welcoming the resumption of their
unfinished business, instinctively moving her hips, her pussy
forcefully contracting around Reggie’s cock again.

"Dat's it girl, fuck dat big, black cock. Oh dat cock feels so
good inside yur pussy," Shaquanda encourages. “Oooooh yeah, ya
gonna cum.”

Reggie pulls Lisa backwards. She lies supinely on top of him
with his cock sawing in and out of her.

Shaquanda joins by pushing Lisa’s legs further apart and licking
her again. “Oh, yes, ya taste so good, girl,” Shaquanda asserts.
She licks more, and then sucks Lisa’s engorged clit.

“Noh,” Lisa moans, her body conflicting with her mind.

“Yes,” Shaquanda mimicks back, gently retracting Lisa’s swollen
hood with her thumb and gingerly licking the exposed head.

Lisa squirms but Reggie holds her tightly to his chest with one
hand between her flat tummy and her narrow, neatly trimmed bush,
his other taking turns gently rolling her hard nipples between
his fingers. She has a well toned abdomen from frequent workouts,
a beautiful belly button, vertical in shape and hooded, that
gently rises and falls with her heavy breathing.

Reggie allows his hand to gently wander from her firm abdominal
muscles contracting beneath it to her well groomed pubic hairs
roughly brushing against his palm. She is quite the prize.

“Oh, oh, oh, please, stop, don’t, no,” Lisa moans.

Reggie's thrusts increase. Lisa’s primal female instincts sense
he’s going to cum.

"Please… don't… not inside me,"

“Oh, no," Lisa exclaims receiving Reggie’s semen. Doug used
condoms with her because they weren’t ready to start a family yet
and she questioned the safety of birth control pills.

Unable to fight nature, Lisa's pussy traitorously contracts
around Reggie’s cock, encouraging it to cum more in her, to fill
her with rich, potent cream, maximizing the likelihood of their
union resulting in offspring – so opposite of Lisa’s wishes.

A few moments later Shaquanda pulls Reggie's deflating shaft from
Lisa's still aroused pussy and sucks him clean while watching
potent, surplus jism ooze from Lisa's cunt.


The d**gs make Lisa peacefully forget. She floats in bed high in
the clouds, unconcerned about Reggie’s vigorous sperm swimming
inside her while Reggie goes through her purse and finds keys to
her blue Acura. He takes cash in her wallet amounting to $98 and
destroys everything else – her credit cards, driver’s license,
voter registration, and her work identification. All are cut
into tiny pieces and carefully discarded in a trash bag. She
won’t need any of it anymore, Reggie determines.

The pictures in Lisa’s cell phone don’t show a single black
person and reveal to Reggie that she recently married some white
boy in the Army – the Doug she mentioned to Shaquanda and
addressed in the love letter Reggie and Shaquanda read on her
clipboard hidden beneath all the government forms. Reggie steps
outside after gleaning Lisa’s personal information and smashes
her phone on the concrete walkway. Throwing it down several times
and crushing it beneath his heel, he picks up the broken slivers
of plastic. He sees her blue Acura parked inconspicuously and
out-of-the-way in a remote corner. It’s a nice car. Too bad it
must go to the chop shop. Reggie whips out his own cell phone.

“Hi Ray, this be Reggie. I’m staring at a nice new Acura right
now over at Shaquanda’s with yur name on it. I gots keys for it.
Yeah, da owner don’t need it no more. She gonna be lying on her
back not doing much driving – except maybe on my stick shift,”
Reggie chuckles. “I needs ya to make it disappear right away.”

Reggie comes back inside barking to Shaquanda, “Give me all her
clothes.” He takes a few minutes deeply inhaling the female scent
from Lisa’s panties. He basks in their fragrance deciding to
keep them as a souvenir. Then everything else of Lisa’s –
including her purse, shoes, and bra – go into the trash bag
destined for the furnace. “We better shoot her up again and move
her to my place at Kenneth Courts in case they comes looking for
her here,” Reggie mentions to Shaquanda.

Something constricts around Lisa’s arm and someone holds it
outstretched; she can’t move it. Lisa turns her head and sees
Shaquanda with a syringe to her distended vein.

“Please, no more,” Lisa murmurs.

With a stern look, Reggie watches Shaquanda finish d**gging Lisa.
The seriousness of their situation sinking in, Reggie explains,
“I’m gonna need yur help with dis one.”

Lisa releases a long, heavy sigh with her eyeballs rolling back
in her head from another dose of the addicting and powerful
d**gs. She’s completely out of it.

“She the finest pussy I’ve tapped in years, but she ain’t gonna
be easy keeping,” Reggie continues. “We facing some serious
prison time for what we done if we get caught. I doesn’t know
about ya, but I ain’t goin back to the pen – specially for
fucking some white bitch.”

“Ya know ya can count on me, Reggie – whatever ya need.”

“Dis d**g business of mine takes a lot of time. I has to go down
to Mexico and South America next week for some important
meetings, den I needs to go to New York and Chicago. On top of
dat, I has the girls at the strip club and the ones working the
street I need to take care of.”

“What do ya have in mind, Reggie?” Shaquanda questions while
watching Lisa. Lisa is laying nude in the bed with her mouth
ajar, eyes barely open, and her body slowly rocking side to side
futilely trying to make herself sober.

“It’s gonna be a long term commitment if I keep her. One of us
will always need to stay with her. It be easier to just give her
an overdose and let the police find her on the street,” Reggie
debates staring at the girl and trying to make his decision. “Or
I could just sell her to the South Americans. They pay premiums
for high class, white, American girls,” he adds.

“She’s so gorgeous. It’d be a shame to waste such a pretty
pussy,” Shaquada answers. “We can see how things go and if she
becomes too difficult, we can always resort to dem options.”

“Ya wants to stop turning tricks and work with her instead? I
can pay ya a little extra, but I doesn’t want anyone else’s dick
in her. I wants her for myself until I get tired of her. Then
ya can have her all to yurself,” Reggie proposes. “Ya can make
her yur girlfriend and have her pussy if ya wants. I just don’t
want her getting no cock except mine. Ya know I like that kinky
lesbo shit anyway,” Reggie adds with a devilish grin.

Shaquanda’s eyes light up. Besides the extra money, she loves
working with new girls and has a special liking for Lisa. “Okay,
Reggie, I’ll handle her for ya. Dis will bring new meaning to
the expression ‘labor of love’,” Shaquanda quips.

Reggie busts out laughing. “She be yur new girlfriend as well as
mine – our new girlfriend,” he finally manages with a big smile
after regaining some composure. “Now let’s get her over to
Kenneth Courts while it’s quiet around here.”


Lisa wakes up naked in a strange bed confused and only
remembering bits of weird dreams. She reaches down; the wisp of
pubic hair above her pussy feels crusty, like dried hair gel.
Upon further examination, her tummy and tits contain similar
residue. She sits up and scans the room for her clothes.

Thick curls of old paint peal from the walls like badly sun
burned skin; in spots plaster has fallen from lathing, leaving
craters like pockmarks on an acne scarred face. Dust and
s**ttered pieces of crumbled plaster cover dull, hardwood floors.
Where is she? How did she get here? What is she doing here? She
feels foggy and can’t think straight. Where are her clothes?

Throughout the night, Reggie and Shaquanda introduced Lisa to
more of their deleterious love potion to keep her ‘on task’.
Shaquanda sits in the living room recalling the previous evening
and how much she enjoyed Lisa’s sex when she notices Lisa’s
hourglass figure staggering from Reggie's room, a nude, willowy
form with her hand against the wall for support. They gave her
the last injection several hours ago.

When Shaquanda hooked up with Reggie five years earlier, Reggie
never needed to rough her up, or thankfully, start her on
addictive d**gs like this white bimbo.

"Ya sho had a good time with me and Reggie last night. Was dat
yur first time with a black man?" Shaquanda asks. “I bet ya
never let another woman eat yur pussy before either.”

Lisa looks at Shaquanda confused. Who is Reggie? What is she
talking about? Things aren’t making any sense. She would never
have sex with another man, or with a woman – the thought is

Shaquanda ogles the gentle, feminine curves and smooth skin of
the d**gged girl standing in front of her. Without clothing to
conceal her flawless body, Lisa is either too baffled to realize
her nudity or so high she doesn’t care.

“I’ve got to go,” Lisa utters heading toward the door and
providing Shaquanda with an unintended yet breathtaking view of
her tight, heart shaped ass.

The surroundings appear to flow like liquid and Lisa can’t walk
straight, her legs turning to rubber. Small chips of paint brake
off and lodge beneath her fingernails from clawing the wall to
avoid falling.

“Now where’s ya goin in yur condition with no clothes on?”
Shaquanda asks, grabbing hold of Lisa’s arm to stabilize her.
Shaquanda guides Lisa to the sofa.

Lisa falls back in the worn couch and stares at Shaquanda with a
perplexed look.

“Just sit and relax. Everything will be okay,” Shaquanda
reassures Lisa while focusing on the oblivious girl’s perfect
breasts which could contain helium the way they almost defy
gravity. Small areolas a light shade of pink with slightly
darker nipples in their centers look like tiny, monochromatic
bull’s-eyes on Lisa’s tits begging to be caressed, sucked,
nibbled to erection. Shaquanda picks up a cell phone and calls

“Our new girlfriend is up. She still out of it, but ya better get
over here quick.”

Still high Lisa doesn’t fully grasp what Shaquanda says on the

“Why am I naked?” Lisa asks. “Where are my clothes?” She feels
like she is dreaming.

Shaquanda doesn’t answer.

“Where’s my wedding band?” Lisa inquires holding her hands up in
astonishment and noting the missing ring from her finger –
everything looks so differently; she feels so strange.

A big black man in baggy gym shorts suddenly stands in front of
her without a shirt. Lisa can’t recall when he entered the room
but recognizes the huge muscles in his arms, chest, and stomach,
and the ridiculous bulge in his shorts from her dreams – that
devastatingly large penis had been inside her.

“Can I make her cum first,” Shaquanda entreats Reggie. “I love
her pussy.”

Reggie pulls Lisa onto his lap. “Let’s give her more dope first.
Then ya can go down on her all ya want. I don’t want her too
lucid til we breaks her in more.”

From deep beneath her d**g induced murkiness, Lisa senses danger
as she sits nude on this giant black man’s lap, his hard penis
pressing against her buttocks through his shorts.

“No, what are you giving me?” Lisa yelps, a crease forming
between her eyebrows. Locked in Reggie’s tremendous arms she
watches Shaquanda stick a needle in her again.

“She ain’t struggling as much,” Shaquanda remarks.

“No shit? We been shooting her up with junk since yesterday
afternoon. She must be feeling pretty fucking good right now and
we about to make things even better for her.”

“Oh,” Lisa murmurs as if recalling something familiarly pleasant.
Shaquanda removes the tourniquet allowing the full array of
fireworks to explode inside Lisa.

“I think she startin to like dis shit,” Shaquanda comments,
staring at Lisa’s reaction. Lisa’s head falls back on Reggie’s
shoulder; her mouth gapes open; her face becomes serene, her eyes

Reggie uses d**gs on girls from good families. The d**gs keep
them in line and prevent their escape. White girls in particular
deserve being turned into d**g dependent sluts. Once he gets them
hooked, they’re hopelessly enslaved to him by their addiction. He
relishes this nice, ironic twist of fate between their two races.

Shaquanda puts the needle down on the coffee table next to the
couch and moves Lisa into a straddling position on Reggie’s lap.

Reggie opens his legs causing Lisa’s to spread apart as well. He
looks down from above Lisa’s shoulder and watches.

Shaquanda parts Lisa’s labia and culls her clit from the
delicate, pink folds. She then licks her thumb and gently
strokes Lisa’s clitoral hood.

“No, please, oh, don’t, not there, oooooooooooooh” Lisa moans.

“Oh, yes, right there. Did I find yur love button again, Baby?”

“Oh, oooh, ooooh, oooooooooh, nooo, please.”

“Why ya be saying no? We already know how much ya like dis,”
Shaquanda replies. “Don’t ya remember all the nice things we did
to ya last night? Look at how wet ya be getting for me. Ya be
doin some fine social work now. Ya seeing what life really be
like with us. We ain’t bad people, is we?”

Even with her mind in heavy chemical clouds Reggie and Shaquanda
keep putting in her blood that soften the gravity of her
predicament, a faint alarm sounds from somewhere deep in Lisa’s
core, almost muted silent – but not quite. She vaguely
recognizes the homosexual acts performed on her by Shaquanda as
immoral, unnatural, and sickening. Yet as Reggie and Shaquanda
make her endure the attention longer, the physical sensations
combine with Shaquanda’s perverse suggestions, distorting
remnants of Lisa’s rational thought.

“Oooooh, yeah, ya pussy feels sooooo good. Uh-huh, dats nice,
huh? Oooooh yeah, ya like dat – ya getting soooo wet for me. Yur
gonna cum.” Shaquanda lilts repeatedly, the disturbing phrases
beginning to play back in Lisa’s brain like a catchy tune. She
feels wet and messy like Shaquanda says. Shaquanda keeps
touching her pussy, making it feel nicer, rendering Lisa
susceptible to her deceitful and perverted remarks. Some of
Shaquanda’s dialogue becomes Lisa’s thoughts. She’s going to cum
like Shaquanda claims; but she can never like having this done to

“Uh-huh, uh-huh, ya pussy likes dat. Oooooh, yes, ya like it so
much ya gonna cum for me,” Shaquanda repeats, as if responding to
the objections Lisa silently thinks.

Lisa squirms in Reggie’s lap; he holds her tightly in place and
watches Shaquanda make her pussy glisten with moisture.

“Oooooh, ya gonna cum for us,” Shaquanda reiterates.

“No, don’t make me,” Lisa pants. But Shaquanda keeps masturbating
Lisa, varying the tempo and pressure of her touch corresponding
with Lisa’s responses, working Lisa’s most sensual areas.

“Ya pussy is so juicy,” Shaquanda notes. She goes down on Lisa
and laps up her nectar.

“Ooooooh, ooooooh, ooooooh, noooooo, ooooooh,” Lisa mewls, her
palms up, fingers curled, pushing Shaquanda’s head but unable to
move her away.

“Relax – don’t fight it. Let Shaquanda enjoy yur pussy a while.
No one’s ever finding out. Dis be our little secret,” Reggie
whispers in Lisa’s ear and then starts licking it.

Lisa’s face contorts; her erect nipple becomes like a pebble as
Reggie rolls it between his fingers.

“What would her husband think if he knew how many times another
woman made his wife cum during threesomes with a black man?”
Reggie silently wonders. It doesn’t matter because Reggie will
make certain her dumb husband never sees Lisa again.

“Dat’s good: Shaquanda really loves young, white pussy like yours
as much as I do,” Reggie encourages feeling Lisa’s body become
tense, relax, and tighten again. “Ya ever let a woman eat yur
pussy before?”

Lisa shakes her head and with eyes closed snaps, “No.” Even
d**gged, she’s embarrassed by this nauseating act and her body’s
response to it.

“Ya’ll get used to it. Shaquanda really likes eating pussy a
lot, especially white pussy.”

Shaquanda’s head finally rises from between Lisa’s legs, Lisa’s
juice glistening on her lips and chin.

“I counted her cum eight times for me,” Shaquanda proudly boasts
to Reggie. “She have a real sensitive clitty.”

Shaquanda welcomes the challenge of making a straight girl orgasm
and awakening latent, Sapphic tendencies she believes all women

Determining Lisa's sensuality will help them further exploit her.
Sensitive girls are sexually vulnerable.

“I’m gonna take her to bed and fuck her a while,” Reggie

“I don’t want to fuck you,” Lisa cavils. She stumbles with
Reggie leading her to the bed. “I’m married and my husband is
going to look for me.”

“Ya ain’t married no more,” Reggie spurns. “I’s yur boyfriend
now; Shaquanda is yur girlfriend and no one’s going to look for

Reggie pushes Lisa into the old, stained mattress she woke from
earlier, pulling her butt to the edge, and spreading her legs

“Please don’t fuck me again,” Lisa cries, her open hand pushing
against Reggie’s muscular abdomen below his belly button. She
thinks about her husband, Doug, as she feels Reggie’s fingers
parting her labia and then pressure from his monster phallus
pushing into her anyway. Shaquanda made her very wet.

“At least wear a rubber for me,” Lisa fusses.

“Sorry, Baby, we never using rubbers, so gets the idea out of yur
purty head. Shaquanda got to enjoy ya, now it’s my turn. We
doing dis da natural way. Get used to my uncovered cock inside
ya. It better like dis – we gets to share each other’s feeling
and be more intimate.”

She doesn’t want intimacy with Reggie any more than she wanted it
with Shaquanda; she needs Doug to save her from this terrible
nightmare. But Doug doesn’t arrive and after Shaquanda did those
awful things, Lisa experiences every millimeter of Reggie’s beefy
cock sinking into her, snugly making contact with her sensual,
feminine flesh.

“Ya feels really good,” Reggie exclaims, removing Lisa’s hand
from his stomach and putting his cock deeper into her moist
pussy. He softly and slowly rubs around her clit, making her

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“Shush – I is doing it ‘cause yur my girlfriend now. Don’t dat
feel good?” Reggie inquires, his finger manipulating her engorged

“No,” she denies. She doesn’t want to feel Reggie. But the
d**gs help her appreciate Reggie’s “extra talent” anyway, make
her especially cognizant of the friction between his penis and
her vagina. Lisa stops crying and bites her fist. His big cock
fills her, touching sensitive places Doug’s penis never came
close to reaching. Writhing on Reggie’s pole of pleasure, Lisa’s
female reactions grow stronger.

“Dat cock be feeling good in yur pussy without a rubber, don’t
it? Dat’s all me yur feeling, Baby.”

“Oh, my God, oh, oh, oh, ooooooooooooooooooooooooh,
noooooooooooooooo,” Lisa moans, her pussy clenching Reggie’s cock
as tightly as a boa constrictor.

“Don’t cum in me again. Take it out this time.”

He isn’t going to take his cock out now or any other time. He
will cum in her and she will eventually become complacent with

“I can’t help it. Ya feel too good. I gotta cum in yur pussy,
Baby.” His warm semen flows copiously into her receptive cunt.

Lisa feels baby-making sperm gush into her. “Oh, God, you’re
cuming in me!” she demurs, unable to prevent taking his loathsome
seed. “No, stop,” she cries, feeling more of it entering her. She
is stuck beneath him; he won’t pull his horrible penis out and
she can’t stop her vaginal contractions from milking more of the
disgusting fluid from him. He remains inside her until every
drop of jism drains from his huge balls.

“Dat was really nice,” Reggie acknowledges, gently petting Lisa’s
soft brown hair and finally withdrawing his long, flaccid cock
from her slit.

Lisa stares in his eyes briefly, wanting to hate him but
experiencing some twisted connection to Reggie instead, perhaps
caused by the d**gs or because his sperm is inside her. The
cocaine is wearing off and the heroin leaves her peacefully
tired. She closes her eyes and falls asleep.


Lisa’s eyes flutter open. The rubber strap pinches her arm.
Shaquanda sits nude on the edge of the bed with a syringe in her
hand and an evil smile on her face deciding which of Lisa’s veins
to use this time. Her true appearance unmasked, Shaquanda now
looks masculine to Lisa, unlike when they first met, and muscular
– almost like a man but without male parts.

“Not again – leave me alone and stop touching my pussy,” Lisa
slurs, heavily inebriated and completely out of character. ‘Pussy’
is a dirty and uncomfortable word for Lisa, part of her lexicon
she rarely uses – like a foreign term she normally feels awkward
vocalizing that seldom leaves her lips.

“Owe, no,” Lisa responds to the needle’s pinch.

Shaquanda gives Lisa the injection, imposing another soothing,
yet artificial calm in her.

“What’s da matter, Baby? Ya doesn’t like me playing with yur
pussy?” Shaquanda taunts. “I bet ya doesn’t mind now dat ya got
another fix.”

Lisa abandons her objections, a dumb, emptiness replacing her
angst from moments ago.

With Reggie away on business the past few days, Shaquanda heavily
doses Lisa and spends hours seductively stimulating the young
girl’s genitals. The d**gs keep Lisa mostly unaware of what is
being done to her – contently oblivious to the repulsive,
homosexuality while her body autonomously responds.

For Shaquanda, an old addiction returns. The forgotten
excitement of controlling an unwilling girl's body rekindles in
her. Not since Shaquanda's days in prison has she enjoyed r****g
a young, pretty female like this: stimulating her victim's
vagina, making it sloppy wet and swollen from arousal.

Intermittently taunting Lisa’s erect nipples, Shaquanda busily
eats Lisa’s pussy, engrossed with the neatly manicured organ –
its folds enchanting like beautiful pedals of a blossom Shaquanda
carefully separates; its responses to stimuli ever more
mesmerizing. Until now, Shaquanda kept Lisa barely conscious
while repeatedly bringing her to climax, causing graceful
undulations in Lisa’s pelvis synchronized with the euphony of
grunts and moans emanating from the girl’s mouth.

But an oversight occurs.

The afternoon passes. Lulled by d**g induced passiveness in her
victim, Shaquanda fails to pay close enough attention when Lisa’s
sobriety returns, and forgets to dose her again. Lisa’s legs
attempt closing a few times, but Shaquanda routinely guides them
back into position without much thought, taking full advantage of
Lisa’s flexibility from years of ballet training by spreading the
girl’s thighs wider and pushing Lisa’s knees up almost reaching
her tits.

“What are you doing to me?” Lisa groggily asks, briefly ascending
from the depths of semi consciousness and becoming increasingly
cognizant of orgasms Shaquanda is making her have.

Shaquanda realizes she should probably d**g Lisa again soon, but
procrastinates, caught up in the thrill of making Lisa cum
instead, romantically fantasizing about a sober Lisa submitting
to Shaquanda’s tongue in her young pussy.

“I’m loving ya. I'm trying to keep yur cute, little pussy
feeling good. Don’t close yur legs; stay like dis for me, Baby,
so I can eat yur pussy better,” Shaquanda reminds her doped
playmate. “Oh…, mmmm…, yur pussy tastes so good. Oooh yeah…,
uh-huh,” Shaquanda moans, continuing to stretch Lisa’s
glistening, pink slit open and delving her tongue into Lisa’s
silky secretions like a butterfly drinking nectar from a flower.

“Oh,” Lisa vacantly replies slipping back for a moment into the
comfortable realm of peaceful oblivion while Shaquanda drinks her
vaginal fluid. Shaquanda draws Lisa's pussy lips wide open like
curtains in a theater, and continues helping herself to Lisa’s
intimate anatomy unveiled and so keenly susceptible to touch.

Each passing moment without Lisa earnestly resisting further
fuels Shaquanda’s excitement. Perhaps Lisa will come around and
won’t be too good to share her pussy with a bull dyke anymore.

Having explored every crevice on Lisa’s body, Shaquanda knows the
location of each freckle and marking. She can’t get enough of
Lisa’s uniquely sweet taste though. Shaquanda scrutinizes each
and every furrow, groove, ridge and wrinkle comprising Lisa’s
beautiful vagina. She is infatuated with it and the rest of Lisa,
running her tongue along Lisa’s prime real estate – from Lisa’s
pink, puckered asshole into her soft, hairless pussy, bathing her
taste buds in Lisa’s essence – the most ravishing part of Lisa.

“Mmmmm, oh, does dis feel good? Uh-huh, I love yur pussy. I want
to make ya cum for me again.”

As the d**gs wear off, Lisa intermittently resists a little. Her
hands gradually push Shaquanda’s head from her sex – with more
determination this time as she again rises from incoherence and
recognizes why she is having the orgasms, Shaquanda’s words
echoing louder in her brain: “…Does dis feel good? I love yur
pussy… cum for me again.”

“No, stop it,” Lisa finally manages, her senses and strength
returning enough to shove Shaquanda’s face away from her vagina.
“This is disgusting,” she blurts as if waking from a c*** and
realizing for the first time what Shaquanda has been relentlessly
doing to her.

Lisa snaps her legs closed ending the all you can eat buffet
Shaquanda is enjoying, and sits up still in stupor, unsure if she
is dreaming.

“Get away. Don’t touch me again!” Lisa warns, putting her hand
up to keep Shaquanda at a distance. Shaquanda’s lips and chin
glisten with Lisa’s succulent juices coating them. Lisa isn’t
sure if she is waking from a long, perverted nightmare or still
in one. Her pussy feels wet and slimy, its lips and clitoris
still embarrassingly tumescent.

“Don’t be dis way, Baby. I just making luv to ya,” Shaquanda
answers, brought back from fantasy and disappointed Lisa stopped
her. Lisa’s hand drops. Shaquanda draws closer, her hand landing
subtly, like a falling feather, on Lisa’s leg, and stealthily
sliding up it as Lisa struggles to clear cobwebs from her mind.

“Making love”? Lisa thinks, her brain swimming through a thick
fog of chemicals trying to comprehend what’s occurring and
failing to notice Shaquanda’s hand slithering to the inside of
her thigh.

Becoming fully aware of what Shaquanda has been doing to her
sickens Lisa. A straight heterosexual her entire life lacking
even slight curiosity about d**gs or lesbianism, Lisa has
horrible, nauseating flashbacks of being d**gged by Shaquanda and
then Shaquanda tonguing the crack in her ass, stretching her
vaginal lips wide apart, sucking, licking and fingering her clit
into humiliatingly hard and repeated erections – making her
helplessly orgasm over and over again without reprieve. Shock
from the a*****ion, from being so invasively touched and forced
to respond, by a dyke nonetheless, overwhelms Lisa. No one ever
performed such disturbing and appalling acts on her.

Shaquanda aching to go down on Lisa again, now sits uncomfortably
close, her body touching Lisa’s, her breath in Lisa’s ear and
her hand slowly rubbing its way up Lisa’s thigh to her crotch
when Lisa abruptly smacks it away.

“Stop touching me, you a****l! How could you do such awful
things to me?” Lisa snarls.

Both women hear the front door open and close outside the bedroom
– Reggie returning from his trip.

Shaquanda jumps from the bed to get Reggie while Lisa remains,
unable to completely regain bearing.

“No, get away from me with that you sick bastards!” Lisa screams,
her naked body kicking and thrashing beneath Reggie. Reggie pins
her shoulders on the mattress and Shaquanda manages to slip the
tourniquet around her struggling arm. “Stop giving me that shit!
No! I don’t want it!”

The needle pricks Lisa’s moving arm several times missing her

Lisa endures repeated needle sticks determined not to let them
d**g her again. Anything is better than going back to a
vegetative state as Shaquanda’s plaything, Shaquanda plying
Lisa’s pussy, performing disgusting oral sex on her –
masturbating her – entertaining herself by forcing Lisa to orgasm
over and over.

“Shit, she won’t hold still,” Shaquanda complains. “I can’t get
it with her like dis. We waited too long dis time.”

“You’re going to jail for this,” Lisa hisses.

Reggie suddenly releases Lisa, but before she is able to
completely sit up, his open hand lands hard on her face once,
twice, three times. Lisa falls back in the bed, her head turns to
the side, her hands rise shielding her gorgeous face from
additional blows. Reggie returns to holding Lisa down.

The pillow drinks Lisa’s tears as Shaquanda pulls her arm
straight and sticks Lisa’s vein.

“No, please,” Lisa cries. “I don’t want any more of that!”

"Shush," Shaquanda coos depressing the syringe, the fire of
victory burning in her loins. Soon she will be eating Lisa’s
beautiful pussy, making love to her – making the girl cum again.
“Dis gonna make it all better, Baby.”

While watching Shaquanda empty the syringe, Reggie feels the
strain in Lisa’s tight muscles begin relaxing beneath him, her
efforts diminishing, her sobs subsiding. “There we go – dat’s
better now,” Reggie comments.

The struggle is over.

If Shaquanda's mistake occurred sooner; if only Lisa had sobered
a little earlier, but the timing was tragic.

Euphoria returns to Lisa; she heads back to the oblivious dream
she briefly escaped from. Reggie’s fingers begin toying with her
hard nipples.

“Double it up and give her another shot,” Reggie tells Shaquanda.

“No, I’m good… I’m good… no more, please,” Lisa pants, her mind
far away but still barely grasping their conversation.

“Dis will teach ya not to resist anymore,” Reggie explains while
continuing to roll the stiff, pink nipples of a much more
cooperative Lisa between his fingers. Shaquanda brings the
second needle to Lisa’s vein, injects its contents, and removes
the tourniquet.

“Da more ya fight us da more of dis shit ya gonna get – even if
dat means overdosing yur cute little ass, ya understand?” Reggie
asks staring down at the narrow, shortly trimmed strip of brown
pubic hair below Lisa’s sexy belly button as her tightly closed
legs rub together. He releases Lisa’s hard, pink nipples, leaving
them to poke out from her breasts into empty air as if reaching
for further caresses.

“Oh,” Lisa exclaims in a tone acknowledging an incredible high
getting even better and the d**g rapidly becoming her best
friend. Lisa becomes incapable of comprehending much. Her
eyelids appear heavy, her mouth hangs open dumbstruck by a secret
paradise she revisits. Robbed of almost all cognition, Lisa
returns to her prison of dreams.

“I is sorry, Reggie, I should have given her some earlier. I got
carried away and wasn’t paying attention. She was cumming for me
like crazy and I thought I could handle her. Then before I knew
it she was fighting me,” Shaquanda explains.

“Didn’t I make it clear that I doesn’t wants her anywhere near
lucid ‘til she’s broken in – especially if yur alone with her?
Dis is a process we needs to use on her. She ain’t ready yet and
we needs make sure we keep her stoned,” Reggie declares.

Shaquanda looks at the floor sorrowfully as Reggie speaks. “I’ll
make sure to keep shooting her up for now on – I promise,” she
replies, determined to never allow Lisa to embarrass her like
this again. “I fucked up. I guess she still be a handful
without yur love potion calming her down.”

“Keep working on her. She’ll eventually like it and come around
for ya,” Reggie assures his friend and accomplice, reading
disappointment in Shaquanda’s face and taking a softer tone. “I
got things to take care of tonight. Are ya sure ya can handle her
on yur own? We can’t afford no problems.”

“Oh, I’ll handle her alright. We got plenty more of dat shit
ready to give her. I’ll keep her so fucking high she’ll need a
parachute to land. Now me and Lisa has unfinished work to
complete,” Shaquanda answers with resolve, returning to the old
bed and prying an opening for herself between her young,
unwilling girlfriend's legs. With Reggie’s encouragement
Shaquanda is more determined to carry out her fantasy and make
Lisa enjoy being ****d by a dyke.

Shaquanda firmly grabs behind Lisa’s knees and pushes the
obstinate appendages back to their former positions. They move
uncooperatively, but Shaquanda forcibly gets them up and spread
wide, Lisa’s youthful cunt conveniently exposed and the vagina
buffet reopened for business. “We is gonna have a real good
time, ain’t we, Lisa?” Shaquanda asks. “Now dat ya had yur fix ya
gonna behave?”

“Please… oh,” the somnambulant girl mumbles.

“Ya doesn’t want an overdose, does ya?” Reggie warns even though
Lisa is far too stoned to understand. “Keep yur legs where
Shaquanda puts dem.”

Shaquanda’s fingers delicately pull Lisa’s vaginal labia aside
revealing an enticing pastel pink Shaquanda resumes orally

“Nah… oh, ah,” Lisa grunts with little more than feeble attempts
pushing Shaquanda’s head away. The heavy dose of chemicals halts
Lisa’s thoughts; weakens her efforts. Shaquanda remains on
Lisa’s most private and erotic area, taking turns drawing the
girl's labia and clitoris back into her mouth.

“Don’t,” Lisa whimpers.

Pulled from its protective hood, Lisa's glans is engulfed by
Shaquanda's tongue smoothly encircling the super-sensitive nub.
The unwanted stimulus causes thousands of nerve endings in the
acute flesh to fire signals of intense pleasure to Lisa's
semiconscious brain.

Lisa’s pussy becomes a pink, glittering spring of wetness. Her
mind revisits the erotic nightmare she is unable to wake from –
the one sobriety briefly interrupted moments ago – where she is
paralyzed by an evil black woman sexually m*****ing her – forcing
her to betray her husband by trying to make her orgasm in sick,
unmentionable ways.

But Lisa’s disturbing nightmare gradually dissipates as the
physical sensations intensify, orgasms approach, and Lisa nears
that vegetative, womb-centered universe she briefly escaped and
fought so hard avoiding when sober.

“Mmmmmm, I can’t help it Baby. Yur pussy is so beautiful and
taste too good. Oh…I gonna eat ya all up until ya runs dry. Does
dis feel nice?" Shaquanda asks, making fullness return to Lisa’s
clitoris and labia. "Mmmmmmm. Now I gots to start all over again
making ya cum for me.”

Lisa releases a long, despairing series of guttural moans,
“Uuuuuuuuuuh, naaaaaaaaah, uuuuuuuuuuh!”

“I know ya be hearing me somewhere deep inside dat pretty head of
yur’s. I’m gonna make ya pussy feel so good yur not gonna be
able to stop cumming for me. Yur gonna love being my girlfriend.
Mmmmmm, uh-huh, oh. Isn't dis better than fightin me?”

Shaquanda’s homosexual comments sink deep into Lisa’s
impressionable sub consciousness, gradually planting new thoughts
there: “Oh, yeah, dat’s startin to feel nice again, huh? Ya like
me playing with yur pussy? Ya like da way dat feel? Ya be so
wet. Ooooh, yur clitty comin out for me to play with it – it
gettin big and hard for me again, Baby.”

Shaquanda’s focuses ever more intently on enlarging Lisa’s
clitoris. Her thumb rapidly flicks and then slowly traces the
stiff, wet ridge, nudging its prepuce backward and then forward,
further exciting the already aroused part – all while masterfully
slipping her fingers inside Lisa and gently massaging her g-spot.

“Oooh, I’m inside ya now, Baby. Dat feel nice? Ya so warm and
wet for me.”

Lisa replies with a hopeless groan as if trying not to feel the
sensations Shaquanda generates.

"I know all about what young girls like. It's really beautiful
sharing yur pussy with a woman. Pussy is so much prettier than
cock. I gonna show ya how much better sex is with a woman
instead of a man," Shaquanda explains to the captive audience of
Lisa's subconscious. “Women know what each other like.”

While rubbing Lisa’s g-spot, Shaquanda’s other fingers continue
befriending the girl’s clitoris, keeping it engaged, fully
aroused; playing with Lisa’s pink private part like a new found
pet whose temporary loyalty Shaquanda wants to keep. "I bet yur
lame dick husband never took care of ya like dis."

Being m*****ed by a dyke – while listening to perversions – would
mortify Lisa in her right mind, but instead, Lisa’s d**gged
subconscious begins accepting the debauchery. She succumbs,
returns to being Shaquanda’s plaything. Like a whisper, Lisa
slips back to obliviousness and her pelvis begins subtle coital
motions synchronized with a soft melody of erotic moans escaping
her throat.

"Dat's right, just let me take care of ya, Baby. I got ya. Oh,
mmmm, ya doesn't need to worry, uh-huh. Ya be blessed with dis
gorgeous and delicious pussy yur sharing with me for now on,”
Shaquanda coos to her d**gged victim.

Delighted in her victory retaking Lisa, Shaquanda’s fingers
continue coaxing Lisa’s clitoris to a full bloom in pink, a
susceptible clam seduced from its shell, indulged by the enemy
into betraying Lisa. “Uh-huh, dat feel really good. Am I keeping
ya cumming for me dis time, Baby?”

Reggie shakes his head astonished by Shaquanda’s voracious sexual
appetite. He quietly departs, closing the bedroom door behind
him, leaving Shaquanda alone to enjoy wearing down her young,
pretty playmate.

Forced orgasms hit Lisa like rumbling thunderbolts drawing
nearer, building voltage and becoming direct strikes of lightning
throughout the evening.

Shaquanda keeps planting the tensions in Lisa’s groin like
unwanted weeds in a once tended garden – over feeding them,
growing them to huge, uncontrollable appetites taking over the
indigenous vegetation, lush and hungering for more fertilizer,
for release until every muscle in the helpless girl’s body
contracts and her toes curl, time after time, magnified by the
d**gs to a super euphoria.

“Oh,” Lisa cries repeatedly, manipulated by Shaquanda into
experiencing undesired pleasure beyond words. Sometime late that
night Shaquanda finally stops – a short intermission from the
storm. Exhausted, Lisa falls asleep in Shaquanda’s embrace.

They sleep peacefully together for a couple hours when Lisa feels
her legs being spread by Shaquanda again. “I’m tired Shaquanda.
Let me rest now,” Lisa mumbles in sleep and d**g induced

Is this a dream or is it reality? Lisa isn’t sure but she lost
count how many times Shaquanda has gone down on her.

“Oh, don’t do that to me again. No, I don’t like it, stop.”

“I feel like having a snack, Baby. Ya know ya want me to eat yur
pussy. Does ya need more medicine to help ya?” Shaquanda asks,
then stretches Lisa open and resumes orally assaulting her.

Lisa doesn’t need Shaquanda’s reminder of being overdosed to keep
her restrained, still too d**gged and exhausted to seriously
struggle. Her fingers run through Shaquanda’s braids weakly
trying to push her away. After a few minutes, Lisa’s efforts
diminish to simply holding Shaquanda’s head as it bobs between
her legs.

It stops mattering to Lisa. Nothing matters anymore.

Shaquanda tastes Lisa’s sugary syrup flowing, feels Lisa’s pussy
become slippery to her tongue.

“Oh, not there,” Lisa gasps as Shaquanda’s tongue finds the right
spot on her clitoris to assault. “Ooooh, nooh, oh.”

Lisa’s pelvis resumes gentle undulations.

“Oh, yes, Baby, mmmm, oh. Yur sweet little pussy really be
liking dis a lot.”

While talking, Shaquanda swirls Lisa’s stiff clitoris beneath her
thumb, noticing Lisa’s pelvic motions getting even more
pronounced. Shaquanda amuses herself playing with the raging clit
boner she keeps giving Lisa. “Oh, does dat feel good there like
dat? Ya want me to keep doin dat, girl?”

“Nah… uh … ah, don't.”

But in response to being expertly masturbated again, Lisa's
pelvis gyrates.

“Oh look at ya. Bet ya never imagined I’d be doin dis to yur
pussy when ya came to check on da k**s, huh? Da minute I saw ya
I wanted to get inside yur panties. It took some work, but I got
into dem, didn’t I? Ya couldn’t keep me out. If only ya hadn’t
come in da apartment. Guess ya should have left when ya had da
chance, huh? Now ya hopped up on junk, all wet and cumming for
me. Reggie done gave ya to me. Yur my girlfriend and it be too
late. Yur pussy belongs to me.”

“Aaah, naaah, oh!”

“What’s da matter, Baby? Ya can’t fight it no more? Am I turning
ya into a lesbian? Yeah, ya just let me do da work while ya keep
cumming. I gonna take care of ya, Sweetheart – keep loving ya
really good for a long time, uh-huh, uh-huh.”

Many long nights await Lisa.


Shaquanda arrives with a bag of supplies. “Did ya give our
girlfriend her medicine already?” she asks.

They stopped giving Lisa the anesthetic date **** compound. Her
injections now consist primarily of heroin, cocaine, and some
other nasty ingredients – still extremely addicting and effective
– that leave her more alert and less docile than before.

“Yea, I just finished shooting her up again, and I left plenty
more for ya to give her later,” Reggie replies.

“Good, I’ll give her some extra. Ya know she be gettin a little
feisty with me when yur not around.”

Shaquanda opens the bag and with a great, big smile revealing her
gold teeth, pulls out the hugest, black, silicone dildo Reggie
has ever seen, making even his eyebrows raise.

“I brought dis to keep her entertained while yur out. I’m gonna
teach her to like using it. Oh, and I got some of dis too.”
Shaquanda fishes out a bottle of sensual lubricant to use with
the dildo.

Reggie prepares to leave and Shaquanda goes into the bedroom.

Lisa sees Shaquanda carrying the cloth sac as Shaquanda enters
her room and naively thinks it contains clothing. A hint of hope
replaces the usually blank, d**gged-out look on Lisa’s face, “Oh,
thank you for bringing me something to wear.”

Shaquanda leers at Lisa’s nubile body as the girl sits naked in
the bed waiting for Shaquanda to hand her something to finally
cover her nudity.

From the living room Reggie hears Lisa yell, “No, get away from
me with that!” Reggie smirks. Lisa wouldn’t be nearly as defiant
if she knew he was still there. Maybe she needs more narcotics to
calm her down.

Shaquanda wears the same wicked smile she gave Reggie moments
ago, coating the long, shiny, silicone dildo with sensual gel in
front of Lisa.

Lisa was never very sexual, and lesbianism really repulses her.
She returned from ballet lessons one evening while in college;
her dormitory roommates were watching a porno on the Internet
with two girls doing each other in the scene. Lisa only viewed a
few seconds before growing sick to her stomach and leaving.

Lisa despises having her sex touched by another woman, yet
suffers hours of Shaquanda’s homosexual caresses almost daily:
legs pushed far apart; pussy lips pulled wide open; Shaquanda’s
tongue slithering on her clitoris, inside her cunt held gaping,
and down to her asshole; gentle tugs on her labia; nipples
pinched and sucked to constant erection. Lisa’s genitals have
become the unfortunate recipients of Shaquanda’s oral fixation.

Now in bed naked, Lisa holds her knees up to her face and tightly
closed, watching in revulsion as Shaquanda’s fingers encircle the
slick, black toy and work the lubricant up and down its length,
readying it for Lisa like she is gracefully masturbating a real
penis – for Lisa to experience yet another new degradation.

“Dis gonna feel so good in ya. Oh, I gonna make ya learn to love
dis as much as getting yur pussy eaten,” Shaquanda teases.

Lisa hates the long, grueling marathons of Shaquanda performing
oral sex on her – and masturbating her – compelling her juices to
involuntarily flow, her body to bloom with pleasure her brain
deplores. But now this? Lisa feels sicker than that evening in
her dormitory when her roommates watched the porno with the
lesbian scene. Why is this happening? Why does Shaquanda keep
tormenting her by doing abhorrent, unnatural things that make her
skin crawl?

Reggie waits before leaving in case Shaquanda needs help,
overhearing everything:

“Stop it – no! You’re sick and perverted. That’s disgusting. I’m
not a lesbian and I don’t like you touching me there,” Lisa
shouts. For a minute Shaquanda’s fingers roam Lisa’s vulva
attempting to stimulate the stubborn girl, but Lisa finally has
enough and smacks Shaquanda’s hand away. “Leave me alone, you

The bed bangs against the wall, its noisy springs squealing from
the commotion occurring on it – then what sounds like a
combination of slaps and Lisa’s cries followed by silent pause...
“No, don’t… oh…stop it… take it out, aah, no – please, don’t, oh!
I don’t want it.”

Even d**gged, Lisa tried to fight, but Shaquanda was much
stronger and determined to keep Lisa from embarrassing her with
Reggie again. After the beating came the depraved outcome the
reluctant girl battled so hard to avoid: Shaquanda’s fingers
deftly probing and provoking Lisa’s intimate folds, opening her
sensitive lips, the large dildo filling her.

“Please stop doing this to me,” Lisa begs.

“Doing what, Baby?” Shaquanda questions without breaking the
steady rhythm she’s developed on Lisa. “Doesn’t dis feel good?”

“No, I don’t like it. Please…”

Over the course of 20 minutes, Reggie hears less fretting from
Lisa, and more groans. Shaquanda obviously is handling the
little slut and Reggie leaves.

Sick acts an older, black dyke performs on her almost daily and
sex with a black man hung like a horse. Even if she manages
escaping, Lisa doesn’t know if she can ever have relations with
her husband again without thinking about what these freaks are
doing to her and feeling disgusted.

“Oh, God, please don’t,” Lisa mewls, her hands grabbing the long,
slippery dildo – so slick from the combination of gel Shanquanda
applied and now Lisa’s own natural juices - sawing in and out of
her slit. She tries holding it still to thwart Shaquanda, but it
slips through her fingers anyway continuing its stimulating

Shaquanda has enough of Lisa’s insubordination. She pries Lisa’s
fingers from the oily, silcone shaft and bends them backwards.

“Owe,” Lisa wails, the dildo still in her cunt.

“Keep ya fucking hands off and quit resisting me or I’ll break
dem,” Shaquanda growls. “Dis is happening whether ya wants it or
not. Ya better start likin it.”

Lisa’s hands reluctantly remain to the sides twisting the sheets
instead of trying to interfere with Shaquanda, who resumes
piloting the wicked dildo deep into Lisa, smoothly driving it in
and out of Lisa’s wet pussy unfettered, the embarrassing sound of
splashing growing more audible with each dive into her.

“Ya see how good dis feels?”

“Oh, God – noh.”

But like the oral sex Shaquanda performs on Lisa which Lisa
initially deplores, the dildo gradually generates sensations that
become electric and attain greater charge as Shaquanda continues.
Lisa can’t help dwelling increasingly on her pussy.

Shaquanda uses the dildo at different angles providing maximum
stimulation to Lisa, slowly pacifying her. With less resistance
from Lisa, Shaquanda devotes even more energy pleasuring the
girl, intermittently licking and stroking Lisa’s clitoral hood
and further seducing her.

“I love ya. Are ya gonna be my girlfriend now?” Shaquanda
whispers in Lisa’s ear and then softly nibbles it.

An unwelcome but pleasantly high voltage originates between
Lisa’s legs and courses through her body.

“No,” Lisa manages.

“Yes, ya already is my girlfriend and I’m playing with yur
pretty, little pussy. Ooooh, yeah dat feels nice. I’m making yur
pussy feel so good and ya can’t stop it,” Shaquanda chimes,
resuming her Sapphic mantra to Lisa.

Shaquanda’s finger messages Lisa’s clitoris, retracting its hood,
exposing her super-sensitive glans, subjecting it to more licks
and affectionate caresses.

“Oooooh, what a pretty clit ya has. Ya like dat? Oooooh, yeah,
dat’s yur love button, huh? Ya gonna cum and show me how much ya
love me?” Shaquanda raves to her captive knowing how susceptible
this part of Lisa’s anatomy is becoming to her finesses.

Reggie returns later that afternoon to an entirely different
orchestra from what he left earlier that day.

“Ooooh, yur pussy feel so good when I play with it, huh? Yes,
yur cuming again!” Shaquanda cajoles. “Dat feels so nice; ya
doesn’t want to resist it anymore.”

“Oh, oh, oh, please, ooooh, oooooh, don’t, uh,” Lisa moans.

He peeks in the dimly lit room – the setting sun’s rays leaking
through tightly closed blinds illuminate floating dust motes –
and observes Shaquanda smoothly working the dildo in and out of
Lisa like a bow playing notes on a violin. Shaquanda carefully
concentrates on Lisa’s cunt, touching its pink folds, causing
Lisa’s hips to involuntarily rise and fall in perfect cadence
with the dildo’s movements.

“What a pretty pussy ya has. I gonna make lots of love to ya for
a long time. Ooooh, I’m playing with yur cunt but ya can’t stop
me, huh? I’m making ya cum for me. Yur my girlfriend now; we is
lovers,” Shaquanda coos.

“Oh, oh, oh, uh-huh, ah, nah,” Lisa responds from the most basic
level of her feminine consciousness, succumbing again to
Shaquanda’s debauchery. The lesbian litany Shaquanda repeats
each time while m*****ing her replays in Lisa’s mind. Lisa can’t
help completing the humiliating phrases in her head as Shaquanda
begins them. Lisa starts doubting herself, confused by the
Sapphic sermons planted deep in her subconscious. Is her pussy
actually pretty to Shaquanda? Why does Shaquanda keep touching it
and why is Lisa becoming aroused by that touch? Shaquanda causes
her to orgasm. Does this mean they are making love? Is she
really Shaquanda’s girlfriend? Are they becoming lovers?

The d**gs and Shaquanda’s constant proselytizing cause Lisa to
lose grasp of reality. Pleasure from her vagina begins occupying
Lisa’s entire consciousness. She escapes briefly, recalling this
is ****, homosexual, disgusting and wrong. But the gravity
Shaquanda generates with her strokes overwhelms Lisa, keeps
pulling her back to a pussy centered universe like a black hole
sucking her in.

Reggie quietly closes the door leaving Shaquanda to her evil

Lisa wakes the next morning in Shaquanda’s embrace. With the
heat of passion cooled she remembers disgusting things Shaquanda
did to her again throughout the night. Those perverted acts now
sicken Lisa. But Lisa can’t seem to stop this horrible,
homosexual scenario from replaying itself like an endless loop.

A coerced introduction to tribbing last evening leaves Lisa with
the horrid memory of Shaquanda on top of her and scissored
between her legs, their wet pussies grinding together swapping
fluid. Shaquanda pulled Lisa's clitoral hood back with her
thumb, exposing Lisa's sensitive glans to her own freakishly
large clit - a female version of Reggie's cock so big it could be
mistaken for a penis. Shaquanda wouldn't stop rubbing her hard
clit against Lisa's clitoris making Lisa hard as well.

"No, stop it," Lisa kept protesting. She hated it; she bit her
fist and turned her head to the side trying to look away from the
disgusting scene.

"Move yur pussy more!" Shaquanda shouted, pinching Lisa's nipples
to further prod her. As things progressed, Lisa's hips went on
auto pilot and moved in synch with Shaquanda. It was gross but
Lisa couldn't stop herself.

"Dat's a good girl, Lisa - just like dat. Ya see how good dis
feels? How much fun dis is?

"No, please don't make me do this," Lisa cried, acquiring
Shaquanda's rhythm like they were becoming one, their genitalia
fully aroused and in tight contact, Shaquanda’s kinky pubic hairs
knitting with her own and scratching against her mound. Shaquanda
continued, pinching Lisa's nipples, kissing her all over and
repeating, “Oh, I love ya, Baby. Do ya love me?”

Lisa couldn’t bring herself to answer, moaning in response like a
cat in heat.

How can this be happening? Lisa feels trapped in an awful

Aware of their naked bodies still touching, Lisa desperately
wants to get away from Shaquanda. But what else waits when
Shaquanda wakes? Lisa remains motionless in the bed beneath
Shaquanda’s arm, with Shaquanda’s supple, dark breast resting on
top of Lisa’s firm, pale globe and their legs entwined.


Right before getting married, Lisa went out with some of the
girls from work one evening. Over drinks – Lisa had one glass of
wine – the subject of sex arose. The girls talked about their
boyfriends versus masturbating and which was better, but Lisa
remained suspiciously quiet. “Look at Lisa turn red,” they
joked. To her, sex was a sacred and private act with the man she
loved, not something to be self-indulged. She didn’t think about
it outside the context of her relationship with Doug and didn’t
feel comfortable discussing it with others. Being
self-conscious about her body, she never played with herself,
thinking the act vulgar, selfish, and unladylike.

Lisa finishes a morning shower; she wants to wear clothes again.
Only having a small towel to dry with, she tries avoiding the
embarrassing reflection of her naked body in the cracked medicine
cabinet mirror. Shaquanda and Reggie took away everything she
tried covering herself with. The bathroom door even lacks a lock
and they enter unexpectedly whenever they wish.

Shaquanda arrived while Lisa showered. As Lisa leaves the
bathroom she shivers with dread observing the sex toy bag
Shaquanda brought with her again.

“Come on, Baby, it be time for yur medicine,” Reggie says
grabbing Lisa’s arm and escorting her to the bedroom.

Still stoned from the last injection, Lisa stumbles several times
on the way but Reggie prevents her from falling.

“Please, I don’t want more; I’ll be good today,” Lisa slurs.

“I’ll gives ya less when ya start behaving for us a while.”
Reggie replies.

“What have I done wrong?”

“Ya be giving Shaquanda a hard time about being her girlfriend
for starters. And don’t be asking us not to give ya medicine; it
be making ya feel good and ya gonna stay on it.”

Lisa’s thoughts are getting slower because of the d**gs. She
doesn’t know what to say. She can’t find the right words to
speak and her tongue remains tied, but she is married and
certainly no lesbian. What do these despicable monsters expect
from her? They give her more dope keeping her too stupefied to
fight the next dose, and then force her to have sex. This regime
turns her brain to mush. The last time she was sober enough to
resist an injection, Reggie and Shaquanda roughed her up and
doubled her dosage. Shaquanda masturbated her and performed oral
sex on her the rest of the night afterwards. Although Lisa
recalls only a fraction of that evening, what she remembers is
still too much.

Lisa watches Reggie tap the syringe with his finger and squirt a
thin fountain of liquid in the air from its sharp tip. It looks
like more than usual – his cruel response to her for asking not
to be d**gged.

“Please don’t leave me with Shaquanda today,” Lisa implores, not
that Reggie is a better alternative. But in Lisa’s inebriated
mind, at least being taken by a man, even a black one as huge as
Reggie, is preferable to a dyke like Shaquanda.

“Ya see, dat’s what I be talking about. Yur Shaquanda’s
girlfriend. Ya need to be nice to her and let her love ya,”
Reggie replies.

It isn’t love; it’s something much darker Lisa dreads that
Shaquanda forces on her.

Their eyes lock for a moment before Reggie sticks the needle in
Lisa’s vein. Her eyes are as blue as the heavens and he peers
into them at her tiny black pupils, like periods at the bottom of
exclamation points, nervously darting from the syringe back to

“Oh, God,” Lisa sighs from the addicting d**gs entering her
blood, stimulating her pleasure centers again.

“Now don’t ya feel better?” Reggie rhetorically asks, watching
Lisa’s body react and provide his answer: her small, pink nipples
pucker and an empty expression replaces the worry in her face.
The potent chemicals do a wonderful job subduing girls, robbing
them of free will and making them docile. Reggie’s cock hardens
even though he doesn’t have time to bang Lisa. He imagines her
experience must be incredible for the d**gs to be so addicting,
and Lisa still has Shaquanda’s lesbian love making to look
forward to all day.

“Now ya be nice to Shaquanda when she play with yur pussy,”
Reggie says before leaving. Lisa dumbly gapes at him.

Lisa doesn’t know how long she has been lying in bed staring at
the ceiling when Shaquanda enters her room.

“Look what I brought,” Shaquanda excitedly says pulling out the
obscenely large dildo becoming all too familiar to Lisa. It
looks like a shiny, black eel.

“No, I don’t want to do that again,” Lisa whines, scurrying to
the distant corner of the bed and balling up.

“Oh, ya'll feel different about it soon,” Shaquanda promises
squirting the sensual gel on the dildo’s surface like ketchup on
a very large frankfurter.

Lisa watches Shaquanda’s hands deliberately spreading the
lubricant up and down, up and down, readying the giant dildo for
her, and tries not to fathom what comes next, even though her
pussy has become conditioned and now involuntarily moistens from

“Please let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

Shaquanda sits on the bed, the tired springs voicing their usual
sorrow from her additional weight. “Scoot down here and open yur
pretty legs for me, Baby,” she instructs patting the stained

“No, go away. This is sick.”

Shaquanda gets wet; her adrenaline flows. She aches to immerse
in Lisa’s femininity – to stimulate the girl, to make Lisa’s pink
pedals reluctantly swell and juice for her again. Shaquanda gets
off overwhelming Lisa, wearing her down, subduing her, and
eliciting Lisa’s involuntary orgasms in triumph over her
dwindling moral resistance. Shaquanda satisfies her anger and
lust by forcing Lisa to experience physical pleasure from
homosexual acts she knows Lisa finds repulsive. She wants to
completely defeat Lisa’s virtue as a loyal, heterosexual
housewife. It’s an ultimate exercise of power and control
Shaquanda finds titillating.

Shaquanda sees through Lisa’s protests. Even though Lisa’s brain
isn’t fully cooperating yet, like willing conspirators,
involuntary reflexes traitorously reveal to Shaquanda what Lisa’s
body finds pleasing and Lisa will get plenty more of it today.

Shaquanda grabs Lisa’s ankle, yanks her to the center of the bed,
and slaps her face.

“It’s not sick. It’s lovely and yur gonna start appreciating how
nice it feels. Now I’m warning ya. Stay yur ass there and open
yur legs.”

Lisa rubs her cheek where Shaquanda’s handprint remains and
cracks her legs apart slightly.

Shaquanda shoves them the rest of the way open, separates Lisa’s
labia with her thumb and index finger and notices Lisa’s pink
flesh glistening with dampness like the inside of someone’s cheek
who is salivating.

“Look at dis. Isn’t dat sweet! Yur pussy already be getting wet
for me, Baby, and we haven’t even started yet. Ya see - yur
starting to like dis,” Shaquanda remarks, and then goes to work
with the dildo.

“No… don’t …stop it. Take it out … no… please, not again!

Shaquanda methodically slides the dildo in and out of Lisa’s
slit, unfazed by the girl’s pleas.

“Shush. I’m gonna eat yur delicious pussy after dis. We is
together for now on. Ya’ll get used to me touching ya and start
likin it soon, ya’ll see. It’s gonna be okay, Baby. Ya has such a
pretty pussy; I’m gonna make it feel all nice and make love to

Lisa made love with Doug. This is not love; it’s something evil
and depraved Shaquanda keeps imposing on her – a sickness she is
trying to infect Lisa with.

“No, I’m not a lesbian,” Lisa insists. “It’s disgusting. I don’t
want you to make love to me.” But Lisa is tiring from Shaquanda’s
persistent assaults, surrendering sooner and with less resistance
each time.

Shaquanda recognizes the subtle decrease in Lisa’s opposition –
Lisa gradually getting accustomed to being touched by a woman the
more Shaquanda does it to her.

Like trying to stay awake too long, Lisa becomes fatigued always
resisting when she winds up defeated and submitting anyway. A
growing part of Lisa simply wants to surrender to the homosexual
acts Shaquanda practices on her.

Shaquanda confidently smiles. She knows Lisa is losing resolve
and will acquiesce to their lesbian relationship. Lisa will
eventually be a compliant partner just like the girls in prison.

“Dis isn’t disgusting; it’s beautiful,” Shaquanda softly repeats
gently massaging Lisa’s clit with her thumb, rubbing it like a
genie in a bottle, encouraging the little pink hooded friend to
grow larger and easier for her to play with, while using the
dildo on Lisa’s wet cunt, further wearing her down. “I know it be
feelin nice to ya. Look at how wet ya be getting. I don’t want to
hurt ya anymore, sweetheart. I love yur pussy and want to make it
feel good for ya.”

Lisa begins settling down. Her clit involuntarily doubles in
size for Shaquanda.

“Ooooooh, dat’s a good girl. Ya see? I said ya would change yur
mind. All dat fightin and getting yur face slapped for nottin,”
Shaquanda opines, slowly rutting the lengthy dildo in and out,
fondling Lisa’s clitoris to attention like a pink soldier she
commands with her thumb. Shaquanda begins cooing more lesbian
overtures to Lisa again.

Initially, Lisa hated the disturbing, homosexual things Shaquanda
said while violating her almost as much as the violations
themselves. But the constant repetitions reinforce subtle
deviations in Lisa’s thoughts until like a c***d learning a
lullaby, she begins feeling less distraught hearing them, the
perversions slowly becoming normal to Lisa.

“Dat feels good – so nice. Ooooh, ya like dat. I’m making yur
pussy so wet and feel sooooo good. I’m making love to ya. Ya
doesn’t want to fight it anymore. I is gonna take care of ya.
Ooooooooh, yeah – ya gonna cum for me.”

A waning part of Lisa doesn’t really want to believe the horrible
things Shaquanda is saying. “Please, I’m married. I’m not a
lesbian. I don’t want to,” Lisa sobs.

“If ya didn’t like dis and wasn’t lesbian ya wouldn’t be getting
all wet for me. Ya wouldn’t cum for me so much. Ya do want dis,
Baby, and I’m gonna make ya cum for me again because I knows what
ya like. So why not just enjoy dis? Yur tired of fightin it – I
can tell. It gonna be okay. Doesn’t dis feel good? Ya doesn’t
has to feel bad about it. No one gonna know except ya, me and

“But I DON’T like this.”

"Ooooh yur pussy be loving dis. It be getting so wet for me all
the time. Yur changing, Baby," Shaquanda replies. She studies
the reactions from Lisa’s body while touching her, noting
locations and techniques to exploit that evoke responses Lisa is
unable to suppress. Oral sex will make Lisa come around.
Shaquanda’s tongue joins the festivities, flirts with Lisa’s clit
while alleviating Shaquanda’s urge to eat out Lisa’s cunt.

“Mmmmmmmm, oh, mmmmmmm, uh-huh,” Shaquanda moans licking Lisa’s
distended clitoris and simultaneously driving the dildo in and
out of her pussy. “Ya so wet. Mmmmm, I luv da way ya taste – oh,
mmmmmm, yeah, oh.”

“Oooh,” Lisa responds to Shaquanda's full indulgence – licking,
sucking, drinking Lisa’s juices, tenderly nibbling Lisa’s aroused
clitoris, until she finally has her fill and her fingers resume
titillating Lisa instead.

A distant look appears in Lisa’s eyes as she becomes absorbed
with the sensations; like truth serum, her face tells Shaquanda
everything her words deny, but her hips reveal even more as her
reflexes take over. “Ooooh, yeah, just like dat. Ya see? Ya
can’t help it. Ya like having a woman play with yur pussy now.
Yur cumming for me. Dat’s it, just relax and let me take care of
ya – it feels soooo nice.”

“Oh…God,” Lisa moans in an intense orgasm.

“God?” Shaquanda questions maintaining Lisa’s climax through
perfect cadence with the dildo. “God ain’t gonna help ya none,
Baby. He doesn’t exist here. God’s abadoned ya. The Devil’s got
ya now; I’m putting him inside ya, making ya feel sooooo good and
making ya cum for me. Now dat Satan’s got ya, he never letting
ya go.”

The d**gs and an uninvited passion Shaquanda kindles render Lisa
unable to intelligently ponder anything else. The sensations
between Lisa’s legs drown out all. Lisa misses the profound truth
Shaquanda casually mentions.

After bestowing Lisa with so many wonderful gifts, everything has
been cruelly taken from her for no apparent reason, her talents
burned out with d**gs and her physical beauty squandered on the
vilest of creation. Lisa’s predicament is an unfortunate
mistake, one of a multitude of tiny, inconsequential glitches
among the vast universe of cosmic justice.

“Ah, oh, oooh, uh, oh, oh,” Lisa mewls, rocking her hips.

“Oooooh, yeah, yur pussy be feeling sooooooooo good. Dats right,
don’t fight it anymore. Uh-huh, ya like it. Ya don’t want me to
stop – it feels too nice. Oooooh, yur so beautiful. Ya enjoy dis,
don’t ya? Uh-huh,” Shaquanda exclaims, further staining Lisa’s

Shaquanda takes Lisa’s hand and holds it on the dildo as she
works it.

“Like dis,” Shaquanda says adjusting the angle so the shaft makes
greater contact with Lisa’s clitoris. “Dats it, nice, smooth
rhythms. Ya see how pleasant dat be feeling?”

“Uh-huh,” Lisa responds.

Shaquanda gradually relinquishes her grip on Lisa’s hand,
allowing Lisa to assume more control of the device.

Lisa discovers Shaquanda has let go of her hand, so she slows
down, redirecting the shaft slightly, hoping Shaquanda won’t
notice, minimizing the stimulation to herself. She loathes
performing this perversion – but doing it in front of Shaquanda
makes it worst – even if it feels good.

But Shaquanda pays very close attention. Having played with
Lisa’s pussy so much, she knows exactly what arouses Lisa most.
“No, no, like dis,” she instructs, manually correcting Lisa’s
hands, forcing her to resume proper angle and cadence. “Oooooh,
yeah, dat be feeling better, huh?”

Lisa helplessly begins writhing from another intense orgasm, her
face distorting and becoming flush.

Shaquanda stands back, “Dat’s a good girl. Make yurself cum for
me. Oooooh, yeah, uh-huh, dat be feeling so good. Isn’t dat nice?
Don’t stop it; keep going…

It’s like being trapped in an opposite Universe where only
physical pleasure matters. Things Lisa considers repugnant like
being touched by a woman – Shaquanda calls nice; wicked like
masturbating – Shaquanda praises as good. Lisa gradually accepts
this new, warped reality she finds herself in.

“Oooooh, yur having another one for me,” Shaquanda giggles
watching Lisa's abdominal muscles contract, her mouth open, her
back arch, and her eyes become vacant yet again.


Shaquanda answers the knock at her door. Having anticipated an
eventual visit from the police, she and Reggie each took turns
tidying her apartment weeks ago, eliminating almost every trace
of Lisa.

“We’re looking for this person,” the grey haired Detective Jones
states in a monotone voice showing Shaquanda a picture of Lisa.
He looks tired, ready for retirement with dark, puffy pouches
beneath his eyes, and teeth yellowed from the cigarettes and
coffee that got him through many lonely nights working long

To avoid possible suspicion Shaquanda is extremely cooperative,
“Oh, yes, I remember her. Such a pretty, young woman – she was a
new case worker with Social Services. She came by over a month
ago, I think. I told her my k**s were living with my sister. She
said she would correct the files and left,” Shaquanda explains.

“Did she come inside?” Detective Jones inquires.

“No,” Shaquanda replies. Having nothing to hide Shaquanda invites
the detective in, “But you’re more than welcome to look around if
you wish.”

“Thank you – if you don’t mind, I’ll just be a few minutes.”

Detective Jones finds his way into Shaquanda’s bedroom where
Lisa’s sexual assault began. Nothing out of the ordinary here –
pink silk panties balled up on the dresser the detective assumes
belong to Shaquanda even though far too small to fit her and
containing Lisa’s sweet scent.

As he prepares to exit the room, a cloth bag sitting on the floor
by the door snags Detective Jones’ notice. He briefly peaks
inside the sac and observes the huge dildo and sensual lubricant
Shaquanda uses on Lisa over Reggie’s.

The shiny, black, silcone serpent is Lisa’s unwanted, intimate
companion, often paying uninvited visits to the silky depths of
Lisa’s pussy, bathing in wet reflexes it evokes there; to Lisa’s
dread, it has already penetrated her more times and far more
deeply than her husband’s penis. Lisa’s DNA covers the wicked
sex toy and if Detective Jones examines it closely enough, he
will see some of Lisa’s Caucasian pubic hairs on it.

However, Lisa’s dark, brown pubic hairs blend with the dildo’s
color and remain camouflaged to Detective Jones’ aging eyes.
Detective Jones has no inclination to remove the giant dong from
its bag for further scrutiny.

“I guess this nymphomaniac likes them big,” Detective Jones
thinks to himself about Shaquanda, briefly letting loose a quiet
chuckle and then dismissing the vital clues as irrelevant and
Shaquanda as an innocent, uninvolved party. Other than a few
prior arrests for marijuana, prostitution, and shoplifting in her
distant past, Shaquanda has no history of committing violent
crime and is not a suspect.

“I hope ya find the girl,” Shaquanda comments, escorting
detective Jones out. “I sometimes worry about my own safety
around here.”

The case was already cold by the time police were contacted.
Shaquanda’s apartment complex, a known d**g hole, sees lots of
middle class traffic – yuppies making their weekend recreational
d**g purchases. Lisa’s car blended and none of the neighbors
recall Lisa or her Acura. Lisa simply disappeared without any
leads. Detective Jones has seen this before though, and has his
suspicions. A gorgeous young wife like Lisa married to a
serviceman stationed overseas could get lonely. Perhaps she
found someone else and disappeared on purpose.


Lisa losses track of how much time passes in the dilapidated
apartment. She remains naked and isolated from the outside world
in a d**gged stupor with Reggie or Shaquanda always watching.
Without outside contact – internet, email, text messages,
television, radio, or newspaper – Lisa misses the headlines about
the gorgeous, young social worker and Army wife who disappeared
and the unsuccessful search to find her.

On brief occasions when Lisa’s thoughts clear, she ponders the
horrible, disgusting things she does mostly with Shaquanda – but
sometimes with Reggie as well. She misses Doug and weeps,
remembering their weekend bike rides together before he joined
the Army. Doesn’t he notice her letters stopped and realize she
is gone? Why hasn’t anyone come looking for her yet?


With Reggie frequently away on business, Shaquanda spends a lot
of time cultivating homosexuality in Lisa. Lisa lays in bed on
her back and allows Shaquanda to guide her legs open with her
feet close to her butt and her knees pointing in opposite
directions away from each other. She is spread wide, everything
completely accessible to Shaquanda.

“Dat’s nice like dat. Ya ready, Baby?” Shaquanda asks parting
Lisa’s labia some more with her fingers and bringing the lubed
dildo to her damp opening.

“Please, Shaquanda, I want to go home. My family is going to
look for me. If you let me go I promise I’ll never tell anyone
about… Oh,” Lisa exclaims, interrupted in mid sentence.

Shaquanda inserted the dildo in Lisa and begins fucking her with
it. It has been several months since Shaquanda and Reggie
a*****ed her. Lisa has grown more accustomed to sexually
partnering with them and to receiving the d**gs. Shaquanda in
particular spends hours intimately touching Lisa, making Lisa
lose her revulsion toward lesbianism, like the young, straight
girls in prison Shaquanda knew, forced each night into sharing
their beds and bodies with bulldog cellmates. The relationships
eventually grew natural and voluntary to the formerly
heterosexual girls, and they bonded with the dykes m*****ing

“Dis is yur home. No one’s even noticed ya gone, Baby. Ya old
family don’t care about ya no more. No one is looking for ya,”
Shaquanda lies without breaking the cadence of the dildo. She
culls Lisa’s clitoris and begins playing with it – retracting its
hood, exposing Lisa’s glans. “Ya doesn’t have a husband no more.
He be fucking other hoes just like ya is fucking me and Reggie.
Yur my girlfriend now and we is partners. Me and Reggie is yur
family and we love ya and are taking care of ya. Don’t ya love

Shaquanda begins expertly manipulating Lisa’s uncovered glans – a
super sensitive Achilles’ heel of pleasure to Lisa.

“Oh, I guess,” Lisa gasps closing her eyes.

“Oh, dat feels good there, huh?” Shaquanda observes, rubbing
Lisa’s clit, where she is most vulnerable, while sliding the
dildo over her g-spot.

“Uh-huh, oooooh,” Lisa replies. You’re going to make me cum.”

“I know. I love it when ya cum for me. Open yur mouth and let
me kiss ya, Baby,” Shaquanda says.

Lisa knows it’s sick, but she is already catching whatever
disease makes Shaquanda so perverted, and with a hint of
hesitation opens her lips for their tongues to meet.

“Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm, Lisa moans from their kiss. Her arms
awkwardly embrace Shaquanda, for the first time passionately
holding another woman – naked flesh against naked flesh.

Shaquanda returns her attention back to Lisa’s clit. It is time
to make her lover cum.

“Ooooh, is yur pussy be feeling good? Oooooh yeah, are ya gonna
cum for me? Uh-huh, does dat feel nice?” Shaquanda coos to Lisa.

“Oh, uh-huh, that feels nice, ooooh yeah. You’re making my pussy
feel so good. I’m going to cum for you,” Lisa cries in ecstasy
with thoughts and expressions Shaquanda diligently planted in her
d**gged sub conscience for several months.


She woke in Reggie’s arms. It is still night, but she can make
out shadows forming absurd patterns in the blackness. His long,
thick cock presses against her thigh as he sleeps. He is back
from another trip and they already fucked like rabbits earlier
that evening yet he is hard again. Lisa can’t believe Reggie’s
incredible stamina and recovery time. Nor can she help comparing
how sex with this black man lasts so much longer and occurs far
more often than it ever did with Doug.

This is her life now, a life entirely of d**gs and sex, being
only with Shaquanda and Reggie. Her days as a professional
woman, of pursuing interests and hobbies like literature, music,
art, dance, fitness and fashion, of interacting with intelligent
people in normal ways not involving some form of intercourse,
masturbation or shooting d**gs, drifts to distant memory.

“Get’s on yur side,” Reggie says. He woke up and wants to fuck

Reggie doesn’t need to ask Lisa twice. She knows what he wants
and learned after the first days with them that when she doesn’t
give it, they will shoot her with more d**gs and take her by
force anyway. Lisa rolls on her side.

Reggie’s hand reaches under her left knee bringing her leg upward
and over him – into position for entry from the side. Lisa
reaches down and gently aims Reggie’s cock for him.

Lisa progressed like other girls he tamed in the past – no
complaints anymore about having sex with him, or requests for him
to wear rubbers.

In the beginning Lisa wasn’t accustomed to so much sex, and
dreaded having it with Reggie, especially without barrier
protection, which only added to an intimacy she didn’t want with
him. Even her husband, Doug, always used rubbers so she wouldn’t
get pregnant.

But Reggie made a point of boning Lisa without wearing condoms.
Sharing body fluids with Reggie became less and less alien to

“Oh, oooh, uh-huh, ooooooh,” Lisa moans. He makes Lisa
experience sex naturally without anything separating his penis
from her. Lisa has reluctantly grown fond of actually feeling him
and not a latex membrane. But during moments of lucidity from
her otherwise d**g altered reality she hates the hell she is in,
her empty life filled with nothing other than carnal pleasure.

“I is gonna cum in ya, Baby,” Reggie announces.

“Oh, oh, naaaaah, okay, uh-huh, I’m cumming too,” Lisa replies in
cadence with Reggie’s thrusts and the squeaky springs in their

Lisa doesn’t protest. When he wants, he cums in her pussy anyway
no matter how she begs or cries.

The familiar flood of Reggie’s warm fluid flows into her; his
thrusts slow. He fills her with baby-making spunk again.

“Oh, I came,” Lisa mumbles. Reggie’s flaccid cock remains in her
after releasing its load. Just before falling back to sleep with
it still inside her, Lisa amazingly notes how even completely
soft, Reggie’s penis is much larger than Doug’s was fully erect.


Sunlight leaks through cracks in the tightly drawn blinds land
wakes Lisa. Reggie’s arm hangs across her chest, his hand holding
her breast. He hasn’t given her any d**gs since yesterday
evening, which enables Lisa to think more clearly than she has in
a long time.

Lisa knows Reggie will have his usual morning erection when he
rises and relieve it in her. This day will be like others when
Reggie is around and the early morning fuck will only be the
beginning. By late morning they will likely have a menage a
trois with Shaquanda. Reggie will finish and leave to take care
of business while Shaquada and Lisa continue.

If sex had calories, Reggie and Shaquanda would weigh 900 pounds
each. On the bright side, if there is one, Lisa doesn’t worry
about Shaquanda making her pregnant and Reggie visits more
infrequently. But if Lisa can somehow get out of the bed without
waking him, she can escape the forced sex and this horrible

Lisa slowly lifts Reggie’s hand from her breast and places it on
his pillow. Now to get out of the bed without making it shake or
the springs squeak – she manages to do it and doesn’t wake him.

Lisa looks around the living room for something to wear, but
there is nothing. She doesn’t want to risk going back into the
bedroom and using the sheet from the bed to cover herself,
possibly waking Regie.

She desperately longs to see her husband again, have c***dren
with him one day – get her life back. Reggie and Shaquanda have
taken everything from her, replacing her future with chemical
illusions of happiness and the empty ecstasies of sex without

Lisa gathers her courage, takes a deep breath like a diver
preparing to descend deep, cold water; she will do this naked if
necessary. She tries opening the door – made of dark, solid oak
badly needing varnish – but it’s dead bolted. She goes to the
window only to discover it fastened shut with rusty burglar bars
over its dusty, cracked glass.

From the window they appear to be on the fifth or sixth floor of
some abandoned tenement overlooking a small alley and facing the
back wall of another building, perhaps a warehouse, made of
brick. She doesn’t recognize their location and the alley looks
deserted. This is the first time in weeks Lisa has glimpsed
outside and the daylight hurts her eyes.

She closes the blinds releasing dust motes into the air. Lisa
needs to find the key to the deadbolt. But she’s starting to
feel really awful, like she is coming down with the flu or
something worse. She enters the kitchen and looks in a few draws.
A spoon and syringe lay on a badly stained countertop beside an
old gas stove. Lisa doesn’t know what is wrong with her, but she
can’t continue.

Reggie opens his eyes and jumps from bed. Lisa is gone, her spot
cold! He faces serious jail time if she found the key and went
to the police. He runs into the living room and breathes a sigh
of relief finding his prize rocking on the couch.

“I don’t feel well, Reggie,” Lisa whines, rubbing her knees. “My
body aches all over, I’m cold, and my stomach hurts. What’s wrong
wih me?”

Reggie knows exactly what’s ailing her. The d**gs he gives some
ofhis girls to keep them from straying really fuck them up; he’s
glad he never used any himself. This close call proves why he
needs to get some girls hooked.

“Ya needs to remind me to give ya yur medicine, Baby,” Reggie
says with a sickening smile. He goes to the kitchen and returns
a short while later with the rubber tourniquet and syringe. “Here
ya go, Baby.” Reggie hands Lisa the needle. “Let me help ya get
this on.” He ties the rubber hose tightly around her bicep.

“Can you do it for me this time?” Lisa asks.

Lisa watches Reggie put the contents of the hypodermic needle in
her vein, each injection draining some of her aspirations and
life in exchange for another fix. He gives her an extra dose this
time because of the scare. When he releases her tourniquet, Lisa
closes her eyes and whispers, “Oh… thank you, Reggie.”

“Yur welcome, baby – now let’s get back in bed. Ya see how hard
I am for ya dis morning?”

Lisa dumbly stares at Reggie’s big, hard cock – the massive organ
she dreaded having in her earlier that morning when sober. Her
pussy autonomously moistens for the huge, anticipated guest. She
never saw a black one until his and wonders if all black men are
similarly endowed. She holds Reggie’s arm to avoid falling as he
escorts her to the bed where he will soon fuck her brains out.

Shaquanda returns later, a symphony of squeaky bedsprings and
Lisa’s erotic grunts penetrate the bedroom walls and fill the
apartment, “Uh, uh, uh, ah, oh, oh, Reggie, oooh, aaaah,
oooooooh, oh, ah, uh-huh, oh!!!!!”

The surrounding rooms in this empty tenement echo with Lisa’s
passionate cries as Reggie makes her cum. Lisa isn’t the first
girl Reggie kept here, but her moans are becoming the most

“He’s at it again with her,” Shaquanda muses to herself. Almost
every time he visits, Reggie either drills Lisa’s pussy for oil,
or makes her swallow his own gushers. He has an insatiable
appetite for innocent white girls, but so does Shaquanda.

“Oh, please, I’m cuming for you Reggie! Oooooh, that feels so
good. That’s nice. Oh yeah, my pussy feels so good. You’re
making me cum! Oh!” Shaquanda hears Lisa yell.

They moan into each other’s mouths French kissing when Shaquanda
enters their room. Lisa’s legs lock around Reggie’s ass. Her
fingers dig into his back. Shaquanda imagines this naïve girl
never dreamed of being fucked so much. The d**gs they keep her
on probably really spice things up for her too.

Their moans grow louder, their thrusts faster and harder.
Shaquanda watches the way Lisa’s pussy appears to suck on
Reggie’s dark cock, like it does with the dildo Shaquanda uses on
her. Its lips tightly stretch around his shaft, mirroring
Reggie’s movements and flashing a rim of pink around his black
rod each time they back away from each other. Lisa’s clear pussy
juice coating Reggie’s cock turns white as his cum mixes with her
own natural lubricant. Their motions slow and their kiss ends.

“Oh, Reggie,” Lisa exclaims.

Lisa peaks over Reggie’s shoulder and sees Shaquanda watching
them. Reggie pulls out of Lisa and gets off the bed.

Lisa is obviously still aroused, spread open with Reggie’s cum
trilling from her freshly fucked pussy, her engorged clit and
labia clearly visible to Shaquada along with her very erect
nipples. Between the d**gs and having been with Shaquanda and
Reggie so often, Lisa has lost almost all self-consciousness
about her body and feels little inhibition in front of them

“Hi Shaquanda,” Lisa says. She knows it will soon be time for
girl on girl action either with the dildo or some other

Lisa only interacts with Shaquanda or Reggie and the d**gs they
give her weaken her emotionally. Lisa, like all humans, needs
contact with others even if that means sexually with her captors.
The old Lisa never dreamed of fucking another man or engaging in

The old Lisa feared large penises, previously associating them
with pain and discomfort. She never found black men attractive
and two women having sex repulsed her. Now she is in a
’69’eating Shaquanda’s pussy.

The first few times, even though d**gged, Lisa cried enough to
fill an ocean when forced to participate in these perversions.
But eventually Lisa’s tears diminished, and at some point stopped
completely. After Lisa finally began to like receiving oral sex
from Shaquanda, it didn’t take long for her to start performing
it back.

“Ooooh, yeah, uh-huh, ya like that?” Shaquanda asks stroking the
hood of Lisa’s clitoris back exposing its glans.

“Oh, oh, oooooooh, yeah, you make my pussy feel so good,” Lisa
responds, reciprocating by sticking her tongue in Shaquanda’s

“Oh, yeah, ya like the way pussy tastes,” Shaquanda mewls.

Forced repitition formed sexual preferences, behaviors – habits
in Lisa that she previously considered abhorrent. Lisa reaches up
around Shaquanda’s buttocks to separate her thighs further. Lisa
is starting to find pussy particularly piquant; it’s growing on
her. “Uh-huh, uh-huh, aah,” Lisa moans. Shaquanda knows just how
to touch Lisa and makes her cum on a dime.


Lisa’s face leaves the news cycle. The police have no leads.
World events continue and she joins the growing number of missing
souls. Gradually, the people close to Lisa accept her loss and
go on with their lives.

Doug takes Lisa’s loss hard. He counts his young, beautiful
wife, in the prime of life, as a likely murder victim of some
unknown psychopath. He cries nights thinking of ways she may
have suffered before her end. Did her murderer **** her before
killing her? Was she scared or in pain? Did she think about him
when she died?

Doug uses his funeral leave to mourn his loss of Lisa, and then
returns to Afghanistan. A young, widowed serviceman, he meets
another girl and thinks less about Lisa. He eventually becomes an
officer in the Army, remarries, and has k**s with his new wife.

But every once in a while Doug revisits his brief time with Lisa:
her captivating smile that lit up the room when she laughed,
extraordinary wit, and htheir carefree weekend bicycle rides
together as a young couple in love before he joined the Army.

d**gs and sex slowly erase the Lisa Doug remembers. Doug’s new
wife assumes the life Lisa started with him, while Lisa becomes a
bi-sexual fuck doll for a black thug – an empty, d**g addicted
slut, a shell of her former self with a hot body forced by Reggie
into a long-term, lesbian relationship with an older, black


Several years after Lisa’s disappearance, erotic moans of female
passion fill the room. Three girls are on the floor – one black,
two white. The older black woman, Shaquanda, referees the two
younger white ones – Lisa and a cute, 21 year-old girl named

A year ago Claire had been a straight “A” college student, a
scholarship recipient, until a friend foolishly brought her along
to purchase pot from Reggie. The body of Claire’s friend turned
up in an abandoned crack house, the victim of an apparent
overdose. But like Lisa, Claire mysteriously disappeared, the
police unable to find any clues of her whereabouts.

Kept isolated and in a d**gged haze like Lisa, Claire never
learned about the unsuccessful search to find her or about what
happened to her friend, a boy from college that unwittingly
brought her to Reggie and this horrible life as a sex slave.

Claire’s and Lisa’s nipples are puckered revealing they just shot
up speedballs for Shaquanda. They share a shiny, black double
dildo and follow Shaquanda’s directions.

“Dat’s it, fit it all inside ya till yur pussies touch each
other,” Shaquanda instructs. Shaquanda watches their two white
cunts gracefully move toward each other, back away, come a little
closer, back away again, then almost meet, like a romantic dance
of courtship. Practically the entire length of dildo glistens
with their juices.

“Ooooh, dat be feeling so good – just a little further. Ya
almost got it.”

Their cunts make only slight contact at first – draw away as if
fearful of the touch, then join again. The connection between
their vaginas grows more frequent and consistent as they become
aroused, accustomed to the sensation from each other. A cacophony
of “oohs,” “ahs,” “ohs,” and “uh-huhs,” eminates from the two
hopeless d**g addicts mindlessly following Shaquanda’s directions
like a couple of sex zombies fucking the dildo into each other.

“Ooooh yeah, dat pussy feels so good. Ya love each other so
much,” Shaquanda says.

The remaining length of dildo between them disappears.

“Dat’s it, grind yur pussies together, feel each other, shows how
much ya love each other,” Shaquanda goads. “I wants to see ya
both cum for me.”

Lisa and Claire, who barely know each other, knit pubic hairs and
become well acquainted physically. Busily undertaking the task
at hand, it hardly matters to Lisa that Claire is a stranger, and
Lisa can tell by Claire’s reciprocation that the same holds true
for her. They have business to take care of until Shaquanda says
they can stop.

“Make her cum,” Shaquanda whispers to Claire. Shaquanda French
kisses Claire and plays with her erect nipples before her lips
wander down to suck on them.

Shaquanda moves to Lisa, noticing her eyes closed as if deeply
concentrating on the dildo. “Ya didn’t think I would forget
about ya, Baby, did ya?” Shaquanda questions, interrupting Lisa’s
sexual musings and causing her eyes to jerk open. They contain
the vacant look of someone whose mind is elsewhere. “I see ya is
really appreciating that dildo with yur new girlfriend.”

“Um, uh-huh, uh,” Lisa dumbly babbles to Shaquanda, unable to
form comprehendible words while in ecstasy from d**gs and sex.

“Shush, ya just keep dat up and make her cum for me. It’s yur
turn for some tongue now. Open up and give me sugar.”

Lisa’s lips part and she kisses Shaquanda. Shaquanda’s fingers
begin toying with Lisa’s nipples.

“I can’t let these go without some more loving,” Shaquanda
explains taking Lisa’s nipples in her mouth and then gently
nibbling them.

Reggie returns and briefly enjoys the sex show Shaquanda makes
the two girls they turned into d**g addicted sluts perform. He is
throwing a party tonight at one of the strip clubs he owns for
his friends and the d**g dealers working for him. It will be one
of the rare occasions when Lisa gets to be away from Shquanda and
leave the apartment.

Unlike most of the other girls, Reggie doesn’t share Lisa with
men often. Aside from the occasional fuck with Reggie, she’s
primarily Shaquanda’s girlfriend, and has sex with other girls,
like she is doing now with Claire, at Shaquanda’s bidding. But
tonight will be special.

Lisa wears a pink thong under a tight, black leather mini skirt
and matching leather halter top that leaves her cute belly button
and flat abdomen visible. Reggie brings Lisa to his private suite
in back of the club, where he introduces her to his friend, Ray –
the same man who disposed of her car years ago helping Reggie
destroy her life and make her disappear.

On her knees in a dimly lit room, Lisa sucks Ray’s cock. The
walls shake from music strippers pole dance to outside. He isn’t
as large as Reggie, but his black cock is still a significant
piece of meat to slurp. Her thin fingers barely wrap Ray’s
shaft, gently jerking it while rolling his heavy testicles with
her other hand. Reggie lifts her mini-skirt, pulls her thong to
the side, and pushes his cock into her ass.

“Mmmmmph, mmmmmmph, mmmmmmph,” Lisa groans with her mouth full of
cock each time Reggie thrusts. She ends up on top of Ray with
his cock in her pussy and Reggie’s still in her ass.

“Oh, ooooh, aaaah, ooooh, I’m cuming, oh my God, oooooooooooooh,
yes,” Lisa screams. She almost forgot how good real cock feels
since becoming Shaquanda’s girlfriend. The double fuck makes her
cum like crazy.

On the way back to Reggie’s apartment that evening Lisa sees Doug
for the last time. She bounces on Reggie’s lap in her miniskirt,
riding her pussy on his big cock, savoring the heterosexual
intercourse she prefers but now rarely receives with Shaquanda,
when their limo stops at a traffic light. Through the tinted
windows she spies Doug leaving the movie theater. He looks older
than she remembers, but it’s definitely him.

Having received transfer orders to another state, Doug is on

For a second Lisa feels a ray of hope. She rises up about to
dismount Reggie and jump from the vehicle when Doug wraps his arm
around a cute girl beside him. The girl wears a wedding band and
holds a baby resembling Doug.

Lisa slides down Reggie’s cock again, turns away from the sight
of herhusband with his new wife, and resumes her coital rhythm
without Reggie noticing the interruption.

Lisa needs a fix. Her arms reach around the back of Reggie’s
neck and she hugs him tightly. The light turns green and Lisa
watches Doug and his wife get smaller in the distance from over
Reggie’s shoulder as the limo speeds away. Lisa looks forward to
returning to Shaquanda, who along with Reggie, will always take
care of her.

Lisa has long forgotten what Shaquanda flippantly said years ago.
But Shaquanda’s prophecy rigs true nonetheless: if God exists, He
abandoned Lisa to Shaquanda and Reggie. They did Satan’s work,
infecting her with their decadence. There ais no hope for Lisa
or any eof Reggie’s girls who swallow from his cup of perversions
and experience the ecstasies it contains.
Diterbitkan oleh hondo1906
3 tahun lalu
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XXXcitablelad 3 tahun lalu
Loved it! 