My First Sleepover at Danny's Part 1

I saw Danny again at school on Monday. We didn’t directly talk about what happened at his house on the weekend, but the dynamic between us had changed. We spent more time together in breaks, usually sitting under a tree chatting or in the library mulling over a book. He would always sit very close so our legs touched and, a couple of times in the library, his fingers would sometimes brush against my leg under the desk. He was always very careful to make sure no one was watching though
By Tuesday, Danny had asked if I wanted to come over again after school, but I wasn’t allowed. The next day, the offer had become a sleepover for the weekend, and I begged my mother to be allowed to go. She said yes and I excitedly informed Danny on Thursday that I was able to come. His face beamed at the news, as did mine, and we both impatiently waited for the end of the week to come.

Saturday came soon enough, and I was off to Danny’s for my first ever sleepover. My schoolbag on my back contained a few of my favorite toys, pajamas, toothbrush and toothpaste and a change of clothes. My mother had included a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies with instructions to give them to Mrs. Gordon on arrival. Along the way, I also picked a small bunch of wildflowers from one of the local parks to give to Danny’s Mom. I hoped I might get another wonderful breasty hug!

Danny greeted me at the door, and we headed to the living room where his Mom was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee. She looked gorgeous in a pair of sky-blue toweling material shorts, as were fashionable at the time, and a pink singlet top. A huge beaming smile flashed across her face when I presented her with the freshly picked flowers. She leapt up, her breasts bouncing and straining against her top, and took my face in both hands.

“Oh Michael! It’s been so long since a handsome young man brought me flowers!” she exclaimed and planted a long hard kiss directly on my lips.


She took the flowers and danced off into the kitchen, returning less than a minute later with the flowers arranged into a small crystal vase.

“Look how pretty they are Honey,” she said to Danny. She placed the vase on the coffee table in front of the sofa and turned back to me.

“Oh Michael, they’re lovely! And so are you, Sweetie!”

With that, she took me into her arms and gave me a huge cuddle, pressing her breasts into me so that my face was almost buried in her cleavage. She released me and gripped my face in her hands again, this time giving me a half dozen kisses on my forehead.

There was a knock on the door and Danny went to answer it. Mrs. Gordon leant down and whispered into my ear,

“You’re so wonderful for bringing me such pretty flowers…I think you deserve a special treat!”

She gently cupped my head in her hands again and pulled me towards her breasts. With my face nestled in her cleavage once more, she started shimmying her shoulders back and forth. Her wonderful breasts slapped against my cheeks. I gasped and she giggled lightly as she withdrew my face and, still holding it in her hands, bent down and planted another soft, lingering kiss on my lips.

“Hehe, such a naughty wonderful young man,” she whispered in my ear.

She straightened and adjusted her breasts which were now billowing out of her top. She finished just as Danny walked back into the room with a lady in tow. Mrs. Gordon introduced her as her friend Mrs. Jennings.

Instructed to leave the ladies alone and to have fun, Danny and I disappeared off to his room where we spent most of the afternoon playing with Lego and action figures. As we played Danny brushed against me multiple times but that was as far as it went. I suspected he was reluctant to do anything with his mother’s friend in the house. It turned out to be wise as the ladies came to check on us several times throughout the few hours Mrs. Jennings was there. Danny informed me after the second or third interruption that Mrs. Jennings was very nosey.

When Mrs. Jennings left, Danny’s Mom told us we should both have showers and get our pj’s on. Dinner would be soon and after we could all sit down and watch a movie. Danny went first and then it was my turn. Danny had changed into his pj’s which consisted of a small pair of shorts and a button-up short-sleeved shirt. He showed me my towel and lingered for a moment. His eyes scanned my body and then met mine. As he shyly looked away, I glanced down to his crotch. I could see the outline of his cock against the material. He looked back at me again, I don’t know if he saw where I had been looking, but he lingered a moment longer then left.

I undressed and turned the shower on, but before I climbed in, I noticed the laundry basket in the corner. Danny’s clothes were on top, so I moved them aside and….oh! My eyes beheld a wonderful treasure! Lying there was the most beautiful pair of panties! White cotton with lace edges and pretty lace inserts. My hand instinctively reached for them and before I knew it, I was holding them to my nose, breathing in the heavenly scent of Mrs. Gordon’s sweet pussy.

I began rubbing my cock as I nuzzled into her perfect used panties, inhaling deeply. I laid the panties down on the vanity and began rubbing my cock against them. I had an overwhelming desire to put them on, but I suddenly remembered where I was. The bathroom door was unlocked, and anyone could have walked in at any moment. Imagine if Mrs. Gordon walked in and caught me! What would she have done? Without even thinking, I quickly shoved the panties in the pocket of my shorts and jumped in the shower.

After showering I took my clothes back to Danny’s room and stashed them in my bag, then headed out to the living room where Danny was sitting in the armchair. He couldn’t take his eyes off me as I walked past and sat on the couch. My pajama shorts were way shorter than my normal shorts, and showed off a lot more of my legs. We chatted for a minute, his eyes often wandering to my legs until his Mom called us from the kitchen. We headed in and his Mom took one look at me and exclaimed,

“Oh, don’t you look great you two. Love your pj’s Michael!”

We both blushed and glanced at each other, then helped set the table for dinner. Mrs. Gordon had prepared a great meal and we chatted and joked throughout the meal. We helped clean up after and I received another kiss on the forehead for my efforts. We were asked if we would like to join her in the living room to watch a movie and we agreed. She went off to have a shower while Danny and I dried the dishes and put them away before returning to the living room.

Butch Cassidy and The Sundance k** was coming on at 7:30 and Mrs. Gordon professed to being a huge Paul Newman fan, so Butch and Sundance it was. Danny was sitting in the armchair again so Mrs. Gordon came and sat next to me on the couch as the movie started. I have to admit, it was extremely hard to concentrate on the film! When Mrs. Gordon returned from her shower, she was wearing a nightgown. It was white silk with spaghetti straps. It wasn’t particularly revealing, but I was transfixed by the sway of her unrestrained breasts as she moved. The swaying and bouncing with each step hypnotic, and I’m sure Mrs. Gordon noticed me watching.

She had a coy smile as she sat beside me on the couch. The nightgown was quite short, finishing quite high up her thighs, and when she sat she faced slightly away from me and brought her legs up, affording me a wonderous view of the lower part of her ass as the gown rode up.

Movie? What movie?

An hour or so into the film and everyone was quiet. I would glance over at Danny often, and many times he would be looking across at me. Although the lights were low – Mrs. Gordon had dimmed them for the film – I thought I saw Danny playing with himself. He moved every now and then, adjusting his position on the chair. His shorts were very short, like mine, and I’m certain I saw his cock poking out of the leg band more than once. Between that and his gorgeous, scantily clad mother sitting beside me, I was having a hard time. My own shorts had become very tight, and I tried, as secretively as possible, to give my hardened little boy cock a rub as often as I could.

Mrs. Gordon shifted several times, affording me an even more revealing glimpse of her ass, before eventually stretching her legs out and resting her feet on the coffee table. Her gown had now risen up to reveal a half inch or so of pretty white silk panties. She made no effort to pull the gown down. Without turning to look at her directly, I was unsure if she was aware she was exposed or not, but my mind was racing as I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her panty-clad pussy.

I was now rubbing my cock continuously with the tiniest of motions I could as I stared at her legs and panties. Her hands were both resting on her torso but a moment later she stretched, arched her back out, giving me an incredible sideways glance view of her breasts arching forward and straining against the silk. As she relaxed, her right hand slid down her side and came to rest on the couch between us. As I was sitting slightly sideways, my legs curled up with my knees facing her, and her hand gently brushed against my thigh as it lowered between us. It came to rest about four inches from my hand, which was buried in my crotch rubbing my cock.

For the next ten minutes or so, her fingers occasionally rose and fell, stroking my leg in the process. It seemed like it was done absentmindedly, but I wasn’t sure. My mind was racing and my cock was as hard as it had ever been as I gripped and rubbed it. I chanced a glance at her breasts several times, as well as her panties. After the stretch, even more of her panties were revealed now, I could make out the shape of her pubic mound and the pussy hair encased within the white silk.

When the commercial break came on, Mrs. Gordon raised her hand and placed it on my thigh. I looked up to see her looking down and smiling at me.

“How would you boys like some popcorn?” she asked.

We both replied “Yes” and she slid her hand along my thigh as she got up off the couch and headed to the kitchen. Danny and I chatted on and off before he got up and headed to the bathroom. I took that opportunity to adjust my shorts. My cock had softened since Danny’s Mom had gone, but there was a noticeable wet spot where my cock had leaked precum. It was at that moment that Mrs. Gordon called from the kitchen.

“Honey, can you come help please?”

I called back and said that Danny had gone to the bathroom, and she asked if I could come to help instead. My cock was now soft, but I had this wet spot… I nervously got up and headed to the kitchen, hoping she wouldn’t notice. The lights were low, so I thought my chances were good.

Of course, the lights in the kitchen were not low. As I walked in, Mrs. Gordon had her back to me pouring chocolate milk into glasses. She finished pouring and turned to the refrigerator to return the bottle. Turning again to meet me, my worst nightmare –

“Oh, Michael! What’s that on your shorts?”

I looked down, horrified, to find the wet spot had grown! My cock must have leaked a little more precum as I walked to the kitchen. It was now a very visible circle of more than an inch. I averted my eyes away from her and my hands moved to cover my crotch.

“It’s ok Sweetie, we can take care of that” she said.

She grabbed a Kleenex and headed towards me. She knelt down in front of me, her face now level with my waist, took my hands in hers and gently moved them aside. She looked up at me, smiled and licked the Kleenex and, seemingly in slow motion, moved her hand to my crotch. Her left hand rested against my right side, her fingers lightly gripping my ass as her right hand, holding the damp Kleenex, slowly pressed into me. She moved her hand slowly, up and down against the fabric of my shorts. As she did, she brushed my cock. I gasped, and she said,

“It’s ok Honey, we’ll get you all cleaned up.”

She continued her wiping for a moment before bringing the tissue up and licking it again. I was almost at the point of passing out as she continued her wiping. Each stroke ran from the base of my cock down to the tip and back again, down and up, down and up. Slow, long even strokes. My legs grew weak as my cock started to harden. Within seconds my little boy cock was as hard as it had ever been and poking forward causing a tent in my shorts.

Mrs. Gordon’s grip on my ass tightened as she placed the Kleenex over the tip of my hard little cock. With the thumb and two forefingers, she pinched and circled the tip of my cock gently. I have no idea how long we were there for, with her fingers gently rubbing, and circling my cock head, but we heard Danny return from the bathroom and yell out that the movie was back on. Mrs. Gordon released me, rose a little until her face was level with mine, and kissed me gently on the mouth.

“Lovely little cutie” she said, before turning away. She asked me to take two of the glasses into the living room, one for me and one for Danny, as she grabbed the remaining glass and the bowl of popcorn. We headed back in, me with my wet spot and hard cock tenting against the wet material. I stood in front of Danny and his eyes bulged as I handed him his drink. Even in the dim light, my hard wet cock was more than obvious. I had to place the drink in his hand as his eyes were locked on my shorts.

We continued watching the movie, enjoying the popcorn and chocolate milk. I kept stealing glances at both Danny and his Mom but each were mostly consumed by eating and watching the film. The movie finished around 9:30 and we packed everything away as Mrs. Gordon told us to get ready for bed. We brushed our teeth side by side in the bathroom, then headed to Danny’s room.

After a minute, Danny’s Mom came in to check on us. I was on the left side of the single bed, closest to the door, and she leaned over me to give Danny a kiss. She planted three or four long kisses on Danny’s lips, all the while her breasts were pressed into my chest and chin. She moved around as she kissed him, sliding and pressing her breasts into my chest and face. Then it was my turn. She slid across my body, her breasts dragging across me as she moved and came to a stop inches from my face. She tenderly kissed the tip of my nose and we both giggled. She kissed my lips, gentle and soft, a lingering kiss that had my little cock stirring again.

“Such soft lips, and such a good kisser. Sweetie, you’re going to break some hearts when you grow up!”

She kissed me gently another couple of times.

“Oh, I can’t get enough of you boys. Come here Honey.”

Danny slid over and we were now both cheek to cheek. Mrs. Gordon took our faces, one in each hand and kissed Danny, another soft lingering kiss, then me, then Danny again.

“Mmmmm” she moaned softly.

Finally, she kissed Danny once more, then drew back slightly and I watched her tongue dart out and gently lick his lips. She gave him one last, slow kiss and moved back to me. She planted a soft kiss on my lips before lifting her head slightly. Her tongue darted out and as she moved lower I opened my mouth slightly and my tongue poked out to meet hers. We both moaned in pleasure and our tongues flicked against each other’s for a second or two, then her tongue found it’s way into my mouth, just for a moment. Then her mouth closed over mine, her tongue withdrawn and she rose up off the bed.

“Oh yes! Definitely a heartbreaker!”

She straightened her nightgown, squeezing her breasts slightly as she did. Her nipples were plainly visible through the silk, and her fingers brushed them lightly and she moaned softly to herself again.

“Night night Sweeties. Don’t stay up too long…talking or whatever…”

With that, she blew us both a kiss and left the room, pulling the door half closed as she went.

What a day! What an evening!

To be continued…
Δημοσιεύτηκε από michaeltdick
Πριν από 1 έτος
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Guy49007 Πριν από 6 ημέρες
Wow great story I hope there’s a part two
Camisole123 Πριν από 2 μήνες
tatlocks Πριν από 5 μήνες
Such a sweet sexy story, thanks for sharing.   
redclay56 Πριν από 5 μήνες
σε Dicklover999 : Yep, a magical time. 
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Dicklover999 Πριν από 5 μήνες
σε redclay56 : Makes me wish I was there!
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magenta100 Πριν από 9 μήνες
nice story 
snrcurious Πριν από 9 μήνες
What a fantastic experience 😍
claws1 Πριν από 10 μήνες
I want to stay over
Billie_Undressed Πριν από 1 έτος
Mmm so hot
MassMan669 Πριν από 1 έτος
Oh fuck, what a tease. More please...
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hot story
redclay56 Πριν από 1 έτος
Danny's mom is kind of a rascal...
Cigarman56 Πριν από 1 έτος
I'm almost dripping...can't wait for what happens next.
spec1410 Πριν από 1 έτος
Wow most sensual I need more bring on the next parts I am longing for the next episodes. You are a lucky ............
Can't wait for more 
redclay56 Πριν από 1 έτος