
Femme, Hétérosexuel
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Motsotj Hôte il y a 9 mois

At this point, I pulled the plug and gave up entirely on dealing with his idiotic games, rudeness, lack of comprehension and/or care and breaking rules, as he's done literally nothing but waste my time, waste my effort and disrespect my genuine kindness and offer to chat for a freaking month!! Being the jerk he CHOSE to be through the series of poor decisions he's made for himself, he landed on the public community Hall Of Shame boards for his idiotic behavioral disorders. Of course, rather than any apology and sucking up his enormous ego, when word got back to him about this, he retaliates on my wall with "Idiot", as if I'm somehow to blame for HIS stupidity and rudeness! Nope! Let's be totally transparent here. This is purely his way of retaliation. Screen shots of entire conversations available to anyone questioning or doubting my claims as proof to back me up. Only idiot here is Shivam_asthetic07, who once again, made another sighting for himself publicly. Congrats!
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Motsotj Hôte il y a 9 mois
"Idiot"? Wow, how informative! Let us share the transparency with the entire world of why you are REALLY retaliating on me, shall we?

Audience, how about we start from 8/6/23 when he contacts me in a message with small talk of "liking my profile" (keep this in mind for later reference) and nice words that ping ponged up until 8/12, then immediately turning complete pervert (breaking my profile rules for contacting me). I took it all in stride, POLITELY responded a paragraph to get you back on track on 8/12.

You reply days later on 8/15 "Good dear" as I wat for you to begin convo. Zzzz... .

On 8/16 I reply and follow-up, asking you to please begin convo. Zzzz... .

On 8/20 you merely reply "Hii dear can we start our conversation...", but then literally put in no effort to actually begin it at all. Zzzz... .

On 8/21 I reply, again, just reiterating to him that I have been waiting for convo to start since 8/6 (mind you, it's now 8/21...weeks into what should be mountains of balanced and interesting conversations by this point).

He follows-up with me, asking which porn I like (once again, breaking my profile rules for contacting me).

Back to the drawing boards I go and have to babysit him by explaining that he's irrelevantly contacting me with these topics. I again offer him to "clean chat" with me, per the profile description and the very reason he supposedly chose to contact me.

He replies and shows enthusiasm to hold chats. "All good, we're FINALLY on track", I think to myself. Well, then he gets pushy and expects immediate replies. Wait, so much wrong here. First, we're communicating through the message system (it's email, not intended as live IM). Second, he's half a world away from me in India, which means that he's probably awake when I'm asleep, and vice versa. And yet another set of paragraphs get sent his way. He ignored everything I said (RUDE!), then replies in a separate chain of irrelevant topic about my status being a "porn lover". WTF! And yet another paragraph was written to him, going over A-Z.

We're now at 8/25 at this point, almost a month into contact with one another, and we've barely got past the "hello" stage yet. He again now agrees to "start a healthy conversation" as he put it and again, seems eager to begin. I reply and confirm that I'm more than ready, whenever he chooses to get this ball moving forward with RELEVANT chat.

To nobody's surprise, he immediately asks me if I'm married. Remember that part above where he claimed to have read my profile? It tells him in my profile that I'm married. I again shrugged it off, explained yes I am am that it was on my profile. He follows up by asking me if I've ever been creampied (third time now, breaking my profile rules for contacting and the expected conduct).

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Shivam_asthetic07 il y a 10 mois
You are smart to keep your friends list small then you might avoid the idiots!! Lol
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Simpsonss345 is another bad apple in the bunch. Keep clear he will preach stupid shit. Science, evolution, men have it so bad and women are privileged. It's ridiculous. 
Motsotj Hôte il y a 12 mois
xloveart - Women, pass him by. He is nothing but a !mmature time-waster who doesn't read and who will disrespect you. He's on public blast for a valid reason.
Motsotj Hôte il y a 12 mois
xloveart - what a guy this is. He contacts me months ago and inquires about a truth or dare game. I ask him to read my profile and let me know if he's contacting me for the right reasons. I'm ignored for a week or two.
I contact him two more times, asking for a determination. He replies back confused, like we never spoke before, saying he has no determination and that he has read my profile, wants to have fun together and wants to chat with me. I think to myself "great!" and accept his offer to proceed.

Immediately he goes on to ask if I like "online fun", so I ask him to define that for me. He tells me that he was thinking of "sexual fun, "naughty stuff" and "videocall". Umm, wait a second, if he read my profile like he said he did, it already told him I wasn't interested in sexual or video stuff. I reply and politely tell him that his thoughts are contrary to my profile. I again give him another shot and ask him to give a determination. I'm ignored again.
A week or so goes by and I contact him again and stress a reply. He replies, again playing dumb and tells me that he now sees a clear profile you didn't previously?? I reply, simply asking for clarification if he's writing to me for the right reason so we can either continue on a straight path or disengage. His games continue, asking why I actually need clarification. Umm, because why am I wasting time with someone if there is no relevant basis of your contact if it is not what I offer you??

He continues, making it seem like he as a guy is in the captain's seat by saying that if we exchange pics and videocall, then he'd be happy to continue on our conversation together, even though again it contradicts all that my profile tells him (minding you again that he has claimed to have read it all over). I'm ignored again.
Another week goes by and I reply back, urging a determination. Finding himself in a corner and realizing he's not getting the answers he desperately wants, his ego kicks in and turns full-on goof, telling me "waiting is a virtue :grinning: ", "you're very patient ...impressive!", dodging my questions and replies, acting !mmature with "Ha ha you're funny", "are you ok?" and then continuing on his wacky comments when I've decided to disengage. The moment he ends up on public blast for being sour with me, he tells me that I keep posting comments to his profile, in an annoyed way. Ummm, duh! Yeah, you have earned the ill reputation you desperately went after!! He continually deletes his comments to try to cover up his behavior. He writes to me "you're kind of stupid I guess :grinning: ", followed by blocking me.
Weeks later, the same guy who blocked me and claims "I'm stupid" starts sending me messages again (like we have never spoke before or something) and says "Hi. How are you" (as if I'm able to reply back, whilst being blocked by him). Oh lord! And I'm supposedly the "stupid" one? Give me a break!   
Motsotj Hôte il y a 1 an
Thank you, dear.  Much appreciated!
Motsotj Hôte il y a 1 an
Dremo87 - Here's a good one that's short and sweet for all of you watchers. Meet Dremo87 (a.k.a. "Oscar"), our buffoon of the day. According to HIS logic, he'll irrelevantly initiate contact with you with sexual stupidity and that's perfectly acceptable for us women to POLITELY have to put up with it (as I had), yet when he doesn't get the one and only answer of "yes" that he was looking for in a reply, he'll retort aggressively with profanities and sheer hatred, followed up by an unjustified block, as well. The conversation had, is as follows:

Dremo87: Do you like big black cocks

Me: No relevance in your message, per my outlined profile.

Dremo87: then go fuck yourself somewhere else fuckin bitch

Dremo87: This user blocked you. You are not allowed to send private messages to this user.

He claims he's "Catholic" on his profile. Surely this is the way of God, eh? Women, do yourselves all a favor and pass this buffoon by, if he ever crosses your path. He's precisely the reason why nearly no REAL women exist, chat or meet and why sites like these have opted to strict governing with very little freedom. We can all thank buffoons like Dremo87, who have shaped society so poorly over the years. And for you guys out there: Don't be an "Oscar" Dremo87!
Motsotj Hôte il y a 1 an
EffinFamous138 - He's a wolf in sheep's clothing, so don't let him fool you, or you'll be the fool. Women, avoid this clown at all costs! You'll totally thank me later!
At first, he'll come off nice and approachable (as you see here in his comment to me down below). He'll contact you in a PM, very friendly, warm and welcoming. He falls off the grid a bit (nothing too crazy, but enough for you to begin babysitting him with follow-ups for his disappearance for days at a time, as the chat goes stagnant). Still, tolerable and civil between us. He tells me he's been super busy lately (which is fine), then says that he "never knows who to take seriously on here" (as if he somehow is questioning my legitimacy). I VERY, VERY politely respond back, saying:
"Hi. Great to hear back from you. I can understand your skepticism on that matter as the conditions have ruined the scene with all of the fakes, catfish (men pretending to be women), bots, scams, prostitutes, etc... . I am who I claim to be and a good sign of that legitimacy probably can be gathered from my detailed profile (I mean, would fakes of any kind really have a description such as mine?). No worries if you are super busy. I'm glad that you have communicated that to me now, so I'm aware of it. Well, I don't know what much to say here and now. You know why I'm here and what my expectations are (profile), so if/when things slow down for you to the point where we can hold some balanced, meaningful and lengthy pen pal type of conversations with each other, I'll be here. :grinning: If/until then, please take care and I hope things go smoother for you soon.".
Without any response, no communication, no apparent reason, zero respect or consideration and also disrespecting my profile rules, he goes ahead and blocks me, without any justified reason whatsoever! RUDE BEYOND BELIEF! He now ends up on the Hall Of Shame for his shameful behavioral issues! Ironically, his screen name (EffinFamous) has now revealed just how famous he has become throughout this community of watchers. Smh! 