Pregnant Kira 2 - Enchantress

My wife’s pregnant sister and I had a sexual encounter after I went to make a small repair at her house which is all covered in part 1 of this story.

I’d not in seen Kira very often in the past we were at different stages of life I suppose, when I was dating her sister she usually seemed to be out, she was younger, and then when we’d married we just never visited often so only met perhaps at Christmas or occasional family events but now she was growing up and pregnant I found her irresistibly attractive, I’ve got this thing for pregnant women and she is absolutely gorgeous.

The day after the ‘repair job’ I got a text from Kira in the early afternoon with a photo attached. Now I was both excited and slightly agitated, we had agreed we should play it cool as we didn’t want to take the chance of discovery of our afternoon fun, certainly the last thing I needed was for my wife to find out.

Viewing the photo though, swept aside any anxiety for the moment, it was Kira at the end of our session picturing her from the waist up, her hair a little out of place, her beautiful swollen tits and belly covered in thick rivulets of creamy semen, looking thoroughly fucked with a satisfied smile on her face. I felt an instant swelling at my groin and breathed deeply while a glowing desire swept up my body.

Another text…
“You should see the rest! ?” she said
“I’ve already had two orgasms, naughty me ?”

I was now even more excited but frustrated too! I couldn’t have her sending me a string of texts with erotic photos attached. This was a dangerous route.

“Kira you look wonderful and I’d love to see more, I’m already hard but we agreed to play it cool, we can’t get into a thing of exchanging texts regularly, I’m so sorry.”

“That’s ok I understand, really I do.” she replied
“I’ll just have to enjoy them by myself until I see you next, tee hee.” she teased.

I looked at the photo from every angle while I rubbed and squeezed at my penis bursting to be released, this girl was going to drive me to distraction!

Kira’s image filled my mind all afternoon while I tried to get on with my work. My mate for that day, Adam even commented that I was “not on it.” and asked what was wrong? I told him I had a few things going on at home and left it at that.
By 4 o’clock I’d had enough but came up with a bright idea: I could give Kira the email address on the small laptop I used for work. Only I had access and I rarely opened it in the house unless I was actually working from home, it was a good way of separating work from home life and worked well for me being self employed.

I sent a text to Kira with the email address and asked her to send just a couple of previews.

Telling Adam I’d had enough for the day I plugged in the laptop and started clearing away my kit, with most everything loaded in the van I returned to the computer to check for emails, sure enough there was one from Mrs baker2069, this has got to be Kira I thought, 2 attachments.

I opened the first, it was the video with her legs spread wide and cum dribbling from her open pussy, I muted the sound straight away as I didn’t want Adam enquiring what it was.

The second was Kira standing in a profile pose at the end of our little shoot, cum still clinging from her body, one large drip especially, from her left nipple to her belly looked delicious.

Adam came around the corner and I immediately closed the tab, I must have looked guilty.

“What are you up to?” He questioned “not viewing porn I hope, or on a dating app?” He added joking.

“Uh no” I said “not exactly.” and left it at that.

“Well you can tell me you know Jim it’s good to share, we’ve known each other a long time now and you’ve been distant all day, there’s something you’re not saying”

“Oh no it’s nothing really, just something I probably need to deal with myself.” I stuttered

“Well I’m always here Jim, don’t keep it all to yourself.”

I made my excuses and left Adam to it “See you tomorrow.” I called, when I headed to the van.
I didn’t drive too far before finding somewhere quiet to pull over and check my laptop again. Within minutes of opening the video my trousers were around my knees and I was yanking at my bursting hard-on, the sight of Kira’s leaking pussy was too much for me to resist. Even the risk of being caught at the roadside didn’t deter me from seeking relief and it wasn’t long before it came, a sticky load over my hand and the van floor.

I sent a message thanking Kira and told her I’d love to see the rest with her when we next get together. I’d no idea when that would be but was desperate to make it happen soon.

Next day my wife Abbie called just before lunch to tell me Kira was coming to dinner today and not to be late home.
I was straight away excited but also apprehensive, how would Kira behave with Abbie around? Would I feel impossibly uncomfortable? I paced nervously, again distracted from the job in hand.
After a couple of hours again working with Adam he said in conversation
“Did you sort your home issues? you still seem a bit quiet mate.”
“No not really, it's a bit awkward actually.”
“Well come on then spill, I’m a man of the world what’s the problem?”

I thought for a few seconds. Adam was a good work mate, we’d known each other several years and often worked together on contract jobs (we both also took private jobs) but we never became closer socially probably because he was a good few years older and we lived quite a distance apart.
I decided I could confide at least part of the story, it might explain my distraction for him.

“Well” I began “I’ve got myself into a bit of a situation. I met another woman, ended up having sex with her and now I’m nervous it could get awkward and go somewhere I’d never intended.”
“Hmmm, I can see why you’re a bit off your game the last couple of days.” Adam started “not sure how I can help you though, playing away can get pretty complicated, just be bloody careful would be my advice or better still stop now and walk away if possible.”

He was stating the bloody obvious to be honest but it still felt better to offload a little.
“Well thanks for that Adam it doesn’t really help at all but at least now you know why I’m a bit agitated. I can’t really just walk away because I won’t be able to avoid seeing her altogether and when I do see her I know I’m going to want her. It’s crazy we’ve only had sex once, well kind of twice.” I added “but I can’t wait for more, I can’t resist her, I know it’s dangerous but can’t help myself”

“Human attraction is a strange and powerful force Jim, sometimes not easily resisted or controlled so at least take the first advice and be bloody careful. I’d say try to keep things from getting too out of hand, set some rules and borders and try not to cross them.” he advised

I smiled when I replied “You sound like someone speaking from experience Adam, have you got history in this field?”

“I’ve had my moments son.” he said cocking his head and giving a wink
“and a few lucky escapes, still happily married though.” he winked again

“You dark horse.” I chuckled in reply “I’ll keep you up to speed and perhaps you can give me some directions.”

“Ahh, I’m not condoning your illicit affairs Jim, but if I can help you to keep things undercovers so to speak, or you just need to share something you know I’m always around.”

“Thanks for that mate, it has been good just to talk a bit and maybe clear my thoughts before tonight.” I said “I’ll be seeing her later so I need to be thinking straight.”

“Well then let’s get this wrapped up here and you can get off to your extramarital shagging.” he joked giving me a nudge.

“Oh no!” I laughed “there won’t be any of that tonight, she’s coming to dinner with Abbie and me so we’ll both be on our best behaviour.”

“Bloody hell!” Adam exclaimed “you are sailing close to the wind there, how the hell does that come about?”

I feared I was perhaps sharing a little too much here but what the hell
“The thing is she’s Abbie’s sister.”

“Fuck a duck man!” He laughed “you’d better be playing it super cool then, or the house could be on fire!”
“I’ve pulled some strokes in my time but not that one, you certainly got some balls, for the moment anyway.” he laughed again.

“Like I said, I didn’t plan it but I’m here now.” I shrugged
We finished what we needed to and headed our separate ways.

I got home around 5.30 to find the house unusually quiet
“Hi I’m home.” I called
Abbie replied a second later from upstairs
“We’re just bathing Alfie, be down in a few minutes”. Alfie is our toddler son
I went through to the kitchen and washed my hands. Dinner was obviously under way, something smelled good. By the time I’d got a drink and made my way to the lounge Abbie was on her way down. She came into the room smiling brightly and gave me a quick hug.
“Kira is just drying Alfie she’ll bring him down in a minute, had a good day?” She asked
“Yeah fine thanks, how long has Kira been here?”
“Oh she got here about four I think, we’ve had a lovely afternoon, catching up and that.”
Abbie seemed happy and in a great mood, looked pretty damned good too in a pale yellow summer dress which showed plenty of cleavage and leg to match.
“Oh that’s good.” I replied, patting her behind “You look great by the way.”

A moment later we heard Kira and Alfie coming down, the little lad bursting through the door and running straight to my lap.
“Dadda.” he called as I lifted him into the air, the usual greeting and excitement when I came home.

Following him came Kira.
“Hi there.” she beamed “My favourite brother-in-law and diy hero.”
She hugged me and Alfie together.
Extending an arm to return the hug I felt the warm and naked skin of her back as I did so, we may have held the moment a little too long, she smelled so good.

Only when Kira pulled away and stood up did I see properly what she was wearing.
Denim dungaree type shorts and not much else.
‘Wow!’ I almost said it out loud!
Obviously braless, the bib at the front barely covered her nipples with flesh spilling out either side, leaving little to the imagination, the straps over her shoulders making a crossover at the back I was later to find.
She was wearing a little make up today mainly to her eyes and a pink gloss on her lips, making her look dressed but still kind of innocent.

“Hi Kira, you ok? You look….summery” I said after a short pause
“I’m good” she said “yeah sorry, perhaps I’m a bit underdressed”
I drank in the view and raised an eyebrow slightly.
“Ah that’s partly my fault.” Abbie interjected “Kira did actually have a tee shirt underneath but was looking so hot and flustered in the bathroom, I kind of almost insisted she take it off.” she explained “I didn’t want her to pass out!”
“I can go and get it for you to put back on if you feel uncomfortable, Kira.” she added
“Oh no don’t worry babe.” Kira replied covertly looking at me “I’m alright with it provided of course you two are, and it is much cooler.”
“No that’s fine then honey you stay just as you are, isn’t that right Jim?”
I paused for a second
“Well I’m not one to complain.” I said “you both look fantastic just the way you are.”
I thought I’d struck it perfectly adding the ‘both’ and smiled inwardly.

“Well dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes.” Abbie announced “so I’d better set the table.”
“Ok then I’m going to get a quick shower if that’s alright.” I replied
“Yes no worries love just don’t be too long, I’m sure Kira can give a hand if I need it.”
“Of course I will Abbie, me and Alfie can set the table while you fix the dinner.” Kira offered.

I left and went to the bathroom, stripping off my work clothes. I soon saw Kira’s white tee shirt on the end of the towel rail, immediately picking it up and holding it to my face to inhale deeply at her wonderful scent. It was intoxicating, turning to lust and an urgent erection, leading me to wrap my penis in the soft cotton while I stroked its length like some pantie stealing pervert. This girl had enchanted me!
I dropped the shirt and got in the shower resisting the urge for instant relief.

When I came downstairs I brought the shirt with me and draped it over the back of a dining chair, pointing it out
“Your shirt Kira.” I said “in case you need it later.”
“Oh thank you James, I’m not sure I will though.” she smiled and winked then turning side on pulled the loose denim out a little to give me a clear view of her side boob and nipple. The fabric gaped near the top, growing tighter around her swollen belly down to the top of the shorts which were another chart of seduction, having a button fastening at each side on the waistband both were now undone to allow for her expanding figure which opened a split well down her hips hinting at a lack of any underwear at all.

My blood pressure was rising again and Kira knew full well what she was doing, with my wife at the oven, her back to the room. The moment was broken by little Alfie tugging at the shorts holding my attention, a hand straying up her shapely leg.
“Hey you little monkey” she yelped in surprise and chased Alfie around the table, both of them playfully shrieking.

“Right, we're just about ready to eat.” Abbie announced “If you could retrieve Alfie and get him in his high chair James then put the food on the table, I just need to nip to the bathroom. Kira, if you'd like to grab that salad and then take a seat we can start.”
I caught up with the rampaging toddler as Abbie left the room.
Once the food was all on the table I took a seat at the end, Kira was to the side on my right Abbie would be opposite on the left.
I had a great view of Kira from here especially whenever she reached for something on the table and I wouldn’t be in the obvious eyeline of Abbie, who re-entered the room now to take her seat.

I caught the scent of her fresh perfume even before she sat and looking closer noticed she had removed her bra, her dark nipples pronounced against the light pale yellow fabric. If getting my attention was her aim she’d certainly achieved that.
She rarely went braless since Alfie came along saying she felt her boobs had sagged a little but I disagreed, they still looked fabulous to me, in fact she has a great body. Tall with long legs her breasts were full without being large, a long elegant neck and in contrast to Kira she has thick lustrous and wavy brunette hair.

Was she slightly threatened by her sister perhaps? feeling the need to compete?

I poured a glass of wine for Abbie and me, Kira wasn’t drinking, and we enjoyed a really good dinner. The conversation was light and the scenery fantastic.
Even little Alfie seemed to enjoy himself playing with bits of food at the opposite end of the table, he’d had his proper tea earlier.
When we finished I cleared the plates and as I did so Abbie got up to lift Alfie out of his chair

“I’m going to get this mucky little man to bed.” she said “come on you, give daddy a kiss goodnight.”
I walked around and gave him a kiss “nite nite big boy.” I said then kissed Abbie too, putting an arm around her waist giving her a squeeze.
“And thanks to mummy for a lovely dinner.”
“Aww, you’re very welcome.” she said looking genuinely touched.

“And now a big kiss for auntie Kira too, a thanks for playing with you all afternoon.”
Kira made a big fuss of him teasing and kissing him goodnight.
“We’ll finish clearing the table and get some coffee on shall we.” she offered.
“Oo yes, that’ll be lovely.” Abbie replied gratefully “I’ll try not to be too long, just see how well he goes down.”
“Well as long as it takes” Kira said “we’ll hold the coffee until you come down.”

Abbie took the waving Alfie upstairs, leaving Kira and I to clear up, I began to wipe the table down and felt her hand on my ass as I leant over.
“That was lovely.” she said “I’ve really enjoyed myself so far this evening.”
She moved to the end of the table, kicking the chair to one side.
I was captivated as she squeezed and massaged her breasts for me under the denim bib of her dungarees, her tongue licked her lips when one hand emerged to un-clip the fastening for one side then the other of the bib, allowing the front to fall leaving her hands now holding her lovely naked tits.
She continued to massage them, exposing more and more then rolling and pinching at her growing nipples.
“wouldn’t you like to kiss them James?” She purred.
I moved towards her like a moth to the flame, reaching out to touch the flesh.
“Just a kiss.” she said softly, at the same time firmly pushing my hand away.
I lowered my head to kiss her neck, collar and breast bones before moving to the full soft flesh, when I reached her nipple she fed it to me.
“Suck my nipples Jim, taste them.” she whispered
The sweet fluid was there on my tongue and I devoured her hungrily, all the time encouraged by her squeezing and kneading them to my mouth.
“Suck my tits Jim, suck them harder.”

Now she was backed up to the table, my arms around her, holding her tight while she fed me. I trembled with excitement and fear I guess at the danger of it, though I could hear Abbie was still in the bathroom with the taps running so she’d be a while yet.
My hands roamed Kiras back and shoulders not wanting to let go, just wanting more, the feast of her tits was like an appetiser.
We both heard the taps stop and froze for a second while Abbie moved across the landing upstairs.
Kira held my head tight to her her breast
“Suck them Jimmy.” and just as I resumed we froze again hearing Abbie’s voice clearly and close by, I fought to pull away for a moment then nibbled at her.
“Baby monitor.” I said with a chuckle.
She slapped me gently on the side of the head.
“Funny.” she whispered
We continued in our breastfeeding frenzy while half listening to Abbie’s soothing voice from the baby monitor, she was clearly getting Alfie into bed now.
Kira pushed me lower now over her round belly then suddenly pulled at my tee shirt dragging it over my head, I stood up sharply
“Kira! We can’t.” I hissed, and stood back a little but she grabbed at my cock, rubbing it firmly through my shorts, that and the vision of her naked body before me swept away any rationality.

She leaned in to kiss me hard on the mouth, biting gently at my lip while still stroking my cock then pulled the front of my shorts down to handle the flesh directly.
I was overwhelmed by the passion of it, holding her tight to me again, pressed against her belly. She tugged at her shorts a little and wriggled, so they fell to the floor leaving her as expected, completely naked.
“No way Kira!” I said frowning seriously, but she perched her bottom on the edge of the table and lifted herself to sit.
We could still hear Abbie singing softly on the monitor.

“Give me that cock.” she said pulling me to her.
Leaning back on to her elbows her legs were drawn up, spread wide, her heels rested on the table.
“Put it in me.” she commanded, her eyes narrowed “put it in me now”
Hypnotised by her wanton sexuality I stepped forward and pushed into her slippery hole, my shorts falling to the floor. Almost instantly I felt her hot pussy lips against my groin and balls I was in so deep.
A faint smile of self gratification appeared on her face and her eyes widened.
“That’s it, that’s exactly what I needed.” she breathed
“Now fuck me a little.”
I stroked in and out slowly a few times, the head of my cock appearing on the outward stroke, her labia wrapped tightly around it, seeming to hold on before I satisfied her with the full length again.
“You are a wonderful fuck Jimmy, thank you.” she praised

Then we heard Abbie!
“Nite nite sweetie sleep tight now, mummy loves you.” her words, then her footsteps.
We separated instantly, I helped Kira down from the table before grabbing my shorts and passing hers, my heart pounding as I searched for my shirt discarded on the chair. We dressed and I helped with the braces to her shorts.
We were both panting when we heard the toilet flush.
Thank god, we’ve got a few more seconds. I filled the kettle while we recovered, gaining our breath just as Abbie came down the stairs.

“Did he go down ok?” I asked innocently while Kira put coffee cups on a tray.
“Yes he’s fine.” she said “hopefully he’ll sleep well after today.”
“There are some strawberries in the fridge for dessert.” she went on “shall I get them?”
“I’ll see to it babe, you just take Kira into the lounge and sit yourself down.”
I was still trembling a little with adrenaline and was sure Kira looked a bit flushed, a pink glow around her neck and upper chest, or perhaps that was just my paranoia?
Kira gave me a slightly scowling look and mouthed “you bastard” obviously not comfortable at being left alone with her sister right now.

Well, I thought, the whole situation was her own doing so I didn’t feel too sympathetic.

I chopped some strawberries into bowls and took them in with cream.
We sat and ate, chatting while we drank our coffee.
Abbie told me how wonderful Kira had been with Alfie today and how she would be an absolute natural when her baby arrived. Then the conversation moved uncomfortably to being pregnant and how horny she had felt the whole time.
“Do you remember James, we couldn’t get enough of each other?” she laughed.
Abbie sat close to me and was unusually attentive, stroking my leg even straying up to the end of my still grumbling cock whilst trying to be discreet in front of her little sister.

Kira sat on the other sofa and eventually sprawled out with her feet up, her left breast slipping towards us from its confines, trying to make a bid for freedom. At one point as she lifted her arms and rolled a little, exposing the full breast and nipple, she made little to no attempt to recover or hide it.
Abbie made no comment and I certainly wasn’t about to.

Kira just yawned “So sorry” she said “I’m absolutely knackered, I think I should make a move while I still can.” she began to sit up.

“Kira babe, you’re perfectly welcome to stay here you know.” Abbie offered “I can easily make up the bed in the spare bedroom.”

“No really I should get home, I’ve got stuff to do in the morning.” she said, stretching and casually tucking her tits away.

She was absolutely endearing, I love her, I thought.

“Ok, just remember you’re alway welcome.” Abbie said again

Kira looked around her, “Where did I put my shoes?”

“Oh I think they’re in the hall, I’ll get them for you now.” Abbie left the room and came back with the blue canvas style shoes, placing them at Kiras feet.

Kira leaned forward to reach them.
“My god, it gets harder by the day.” she groaned, clearly struggling.

“Here, let me help you.” I volunteered, getting up.
“Don’t be daft, I’ve got to manage.” Kira replied
“Really it’s no problem.” I argued
“Let him spoil you Kira, it won’t be every day.” Abbie chimed in.

I took the first shoe and lifting her foot slid it over her perfectly painted toes.
I had an overwhelming desire to kiss her foot then before it was covered, but was certain Abbie would think that rather strange and beyond the call of duty.

As it was, Abbie remarked, “You are the perfect gentleman tonight James.”
before collecting a tray of cups to take to the kitchen.

I took Kira’s other ankle and lifted her foot, now stroked her silky leg from ankle to thigh with my spare hand before planting that kiss on the top of her foot.
Her pretty toes curled before I placed her shoe on and fastened the laces.
“You are soft” she whispered, “but perfectly lovely.”
I helped her up and we went to the hall to meet Abbie.

Standing behind I held her arms while I kissed Kira on the neck and shoulders before my wife came from the kitchen.
“All set then?” Abbie said just as I stood back and moved a hand down to Kira’s side
“Here’s your tee shirt Kira, you’d better take that with you.”
“Oh thanks Abbie and thanks for a lovely evening both of you, it’s really helped, just to get out.”
“You’re so welcome, it’s been great to see you Kira.” Abbie replied and I agreed.
We all hugged and said our goodbyes, Kira kissed me briefly on the mouth, the taste of strawberries on her lips.

Abbie and I stood in the doorway while she waved down the path. I stood behind Abbie now, my kisses on her neck and shoulders.
I watched Kira leaving in just those dungarees, her bare back and legs, breasts barely covered, hell she looked good, she’d certainly turn heads in the street.
Luckily it was only just starting to get dark and her car was parked only yards away so I wasn’t concerned for her safety, part of me just wanted to be going with her, I was hooked. We watched her to the car then went back inside.

In the kitchen Abbie draped her arms around my neck.
“That was lovely to see her today, she seems to be finally growing up. I think she’ll make a great mum, though I’m not so sure about the father.” she said, sounding concerned.

“What makes you say that?” I asked.

“Well…he doesn’t sound very committed to fatherhood. Kira said he’s barely shown an interest and he’s working away and doesn’t even call every day! How caring is that?”

“Hmm, I agree it doesn’t sound too good, she was really down the other day when I called round.”

“I think we should keep an eye on her to make sure she’s got everything she needs, she’s just fifteen minutes away after all. Perhaps I’ll invite her over every week, at least until the baby comes. I’ll try to call in with Alfie and maybe you could drop by on your way home from work sometimes if you're coming that way?”
“I think I’ll text her in a bit, just to make sure she’s home ok.”

I hugged her, kissed playfully then squeezed her shapely bum. She’d certainly got her figure back in shape. Perhaps all those yoga classes or whatever weren’t a waste of time and money?

Our kisses turned more intimate, lovers kisses, hands roamed over each other, hers under my shirt, rubbing my back, holding me to her body.
I responded by lifting her skirt, stroking her thighs and ass, kneading the smooth flesh, eventually reaching up her back, her skirt raising higher until I stroked her shoulders

“What happened to the bra by the way?” I whispered

“Well,” she replied “I didn’t want to be out done, Kira was half naked!”

“I like it” I whispered while kissing her ear

I slowly turned her around, my hard on pressed against her spine, I fondled her bare breasts, her stomach and into her tiny panties, diving deep between her legs.
Her mons was not smooth like Kira’s but rather, neatly trimmed, just a small triangle of luxurious dark pubic hair. She had worn it like this for many years now and I must admit to being rather fond of it, from the tip of her slit to her tight asshole though, she was completely smooth, being quite fastidious about her razor regime, two days between shaves was the maximum before attention was needed.

With my fingers inside her now we had moved closer to the table, her hands rested on the edge. With my shorts half down, my urgent erection pushed between the cheeks of her ass and she pushed back against me, breathing hard while I fingered her deeply and massaged her clitoris with my palm.

Pulling her pretty dress up over her tits I pushed her forward over the table and with one hand at the small of her back the other yanked her knickers down firmly to her knees

“James! What’s got into you? We do have a bed, you know.”

I didn’t reply but thrust my needy cock deep into her

“Wow! You are in a hurry.” she gasped

I wanted her now on that table, the same one I had her sister on earlier.
I wriggled free of my shorts and somehow pushed her panties to the floor so that I could spread her legs while I fucked her, she was on tiptoes and her ass and thighs rippled a little while I pounded her urgently.

“Oh my god Jimmy, Oh my god!” she panted
Her hands were now forward, gripping both sides of the table, her face and body pressed down to the smooth timber.
I tugged my shirt off over my head holding her hips while I continued to fuck her
The table legs scraping noisily along the tiled floor with each stroke.

She moaned something incoherent and seemed to be trying to move her legs but I continued, holding her tight, my fingers digging at her fleshy hips
“Shit! Shit!” I cried in ecstacy

“Oh no, don’t stop now Jimmy.” she cried in reply “don’t you stop now.”

But it was too late, a few more strokes was all it took and I unloaded inside her pulsing soaking pussy, filling her with my seed.

“Fuck! That was amazing.” I said and laughed out loud while I pumped the last of my jizz into her

Abbie remained silent and motionless, breathing deeply when I released her. Still on tiptoes her legs spread, when I slipped out it allowed a flood of cum to pour from her with a loud splashing sound on the shiny tiles.
Now she laughed, releasing another load of sticky cum which oozed and dribbled directly to the floor.

I moved close to her again and sliding my still firm cock back into her delicious cunt I leaned over her to kiss her perspiration covered back, the hot wetness of passion was glorious
“I do love you.” I whispered.
I stayed a minute longer before standing and guiding my wife to her feet, she was a little unsteady at first, holding onto me as her dress fell back into place
“Mmm, I love you too.”

“I’ll leave you to clear up.” she said “I’m going to bed.”
“Ok, won’t be a minute.” I said and watched while her pretty ass in her pretty yellow dress floated out of the door.

I few minutes later I joined her in the bedroom
“Leave the small lamp on please honey.” she said “I texted Kira, she’s fine, safe at home. Now,” she added “you’d better come finish what you started.”
Throwing back the covers she laid before me with her legs open

“Oh honey I’m shattered.” I said, “it’s late.”

“It’s 11 o’clock, and since when has that ever stopped you anyway?”

“Really I’m shattered.” I pleaded “I couldn’t if I tried.”

“Is that so?” She smiled “we’ll just see about that.”

She sat then leaned over on me taking my sticky cock straight into her mouth.

“Babe, I haven’t even showered.” I pointed out

“Mmmm I know.” she slurped with her mouth half full of my limp penis covered in cum and the sex fluids of her and her little sister!
“Neither have I.” she added as she shuffled around to straddle my face in a 69.

This was really dirty and wonderful I thought as I sank my tongue between her puffy lips, prompting her to sit down on my mouth.
“Eat me dirty boy.” she said salaciously
Wow, how can I say no when she asks so nicely I thought, my cock growing between her lips.

“That’s it honey we’re heading in the right direction, clean me up before you fill me up again.”

I held her hanging tits and worshipped that pussy while she sucked me hard, she was wetter than I’d ever known, still the taste of semen there, but overwhelming that was her womanly flavour.
Once I was really hard again and ready for more she sat up, releasing my manhood, leaning back onto my mouth to smother me. She slithered up and down my face, pausing at her leisure sometimes on her clit then to have me tongue her deep before finally slipping forward a little to have me eat her ass. This we hadn’t done since she was pregnant and I’d missed being used like it.

She rode my face until my tongue and jaw were aching, intermittently stroking my penis and pinching my nipples to ensure I was eternally ready. Eventually she slipped down my body to impale herself reverse cowgirl. I watched as she sank onto my erection an inch at a time, fucking me all the way. Her large labia kissed the length of my shaft with every step until she had it all and her hands gripped my ankles while she fucked my to her own rhythm.

While she leaned forward I admired and smoothed her round ass teasing her tight butthole a little, she sighed and moaned gently at the multiple pleasures.
After what seemed a long time of her almost in meditation while massaging my cock she eased forward to let it spring up to my belly and climbed off.

She looked serene in her relaxation when she turned and heaped a couple of pillows at the head of the bed to lay herself down.
“Make love to me, lover.” she smiled softly, her eyes half closed.

I moved between her parting legs to kiss her inner thighs, to feel their softness stroke my cheeks then nuzzled at her tiny dark triangle of fragrant hair before kissing across her belly to her breasts. I paused and lifted my head to look at them for a moment, her nipples were firm and areolae dark and smaller than Kira’s large pink ones, I couldn’t help but make the comparison but loved them equally.

Kissing and nibbling at her nipples I let her guide my shaft into her.
Moving up on her slightly we were coupled and I made love to her.
This was not an urgent passion, this was slow and intimate, a coupling special to us.
We seemed to be as one, each knowing what the other needed.

Our gentle kisses smothered one another, our fingers taking in every part of each other's bodies, all the right parts, and our intimacy grew.
We were closer than ever, an emotional closeness that fuelled our physical climax.

Abbie’s legs spread wide, her knees pulled up so that every slow thrust touched her cervix and we paused while I pressed hard against her clitoris, she held me tight both with her arms and vagina, inducing her explosive orgasm.

I can’t honestly say I always feel a woman’s orgasm but this one was unmistakable, squeezing and milking my penis in waves. I gasped at the power of it.
Abbie’s arm hold around me eased, replaced by her legs now and her fingernails clawing my back and buttocks as I flooded her womb.

She began to relax and I shuddered before almost collapsing onto her, kissing her neck and ear while breathing heavily.

“Get off me, you fat bastard.” she managed struggling for breath then giggling to herself.
She pushed me to one side.
“That was nice.” she added as an understatement.

Then leaned over, kissing me on the lips.
“Come here, you.” she smiled and wriggled down to kiss my belly then sucked hard at my shrinking dick. I almost leapt from the bed, that post orgasm sensitivity hit me so hard.

“No way!” I exclaimed “there was no need for that.”

She laughed out loud “You deserved it for the way you carried on earlier.”

I thought for a second…oh yes..our fuck in the kitchen, I guess that’s what she meant.

“Whatever got into you? I thought I was going to lose my legs.”

“Yeah sorry, I guess I was a bit enthusiastic.”

She cuddled into me now.
“That’s one word for it I suppose, I could barely stand at the end.”

“I noticed, I hope you’re ok now honey.” I apologised.

“Course, I’m fine. At the time near the end though, every part of my body was aching, hurting almost, and wanting you to stop. Except my pussy, which wanted you to never stop!” She slapped my chest.
“I felt like such a slut afterwards for feeling like that”

I smirked “Slut! Never.”

“You were relentless, the table moved half the length of the kitchen, I thought we were going to crash into the fridge!”

“Yeah, thank goodness for that sturdy table eh? I may need your help to move it back in the morning, I didn’t want to drag it tonight coz of the noise.”

“Huh, well it didn’t seem to worry you when you were fucking the life out of me, and yes aren’t you glad my parents gifted us their old oak table? They don’t make them like that any more.”

“Yes it is a great table alright.” I smiled
I’d forgotten it came from her parents, what on earth would they say if they knew I’d balled both their beautiful daughters on that table, on the same night!

“I love you” I murmured kissing her head.

“Love you too”
Publié par Loveitall66
il y a 2 mois
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d-wills il y a 2 mois
Another brilliant instalment, just wish I were that lucky.
Loveitall66 Éditeur il y a 2 mois
à tatlocks : Thanks for your comment.
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tatlocks il y a 2 mois
Intense description, sex and life is unpredictable in every sense.  Loved the story, thanks.
Loveitall66 Éditeur il y a 2 mois
à dmf399 : He will definitely need to go back, I think there are unfinished tasks 😜
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dmf399 il y a 2 mois
He is indeed playing with fire!  Very hot and very dangerous.  But his own wife gave him permission to drop in on the sister after work!