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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumJust one more ordinary sissy boy who like dressed like a girl.Very open minded , what ever want to ask, ask and do not be afraid. We, Sissies, are probably among the most misunderstood persons on earth. People often confuse us with gays. The truth is we are simply Sisies. As a sissy, I'm well aware of my masculine identity, and I don't reject it. So I don't feel trapped in the wrong body. However, I have this female inside me who needs to project her self through crossdressing from time to time. When I cross dress, I feel sexually satisfied already. People think that we seek sex just for the sake of sex. The truth is we seek admiration and appreciation of our cross dressing nature by a companionship. Sex comes as a natural consequence of this beautiful company. It is really a very simple concept: It is crossdressing that really turns me on, not the size of a cock! It is that look in your eyes when you look at me as I stand cross dressed in front of you, not the way u move in bed!
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