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Débuter la semaine gratuite sur Pornhub premiumMy name is Amelia, I am a student in Sheffield UK I am 19 years old. I study business & media studies at Sheffield Hallam. I am a British born Chinese. My parents both live abroad and I am alone here to study. I see my friends at the university library and also just generally around campus. When I go out to parties I regularly pick up guys, sometimes 3 different guys a week. I drink an awful lot and have from time to time done recreational drugs. My drink is prosecco, champagne or cocktails. I also like gin. I’m a good cook, and I like to eat really healthy clean foods that aren't processed. I try not to eat meat when possible for the environment. I have travelled to several countries, including Germany and Australia. I usually travel with friends, I always stay in nice hotels. At the university library, I always study with friends and honestly spend more time gossiping/watching Netflix/browsing for clothes than I do studying. I have no pets. It takes me 30-40 minutes to get home.
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