His First Time Drinking

'His First Time Drinking'
from DizzyD

It was about 9:30 on a Friday night and Laura Kendall had just gotten home from what could only be described as the worst date ever. It was her third date with a very handsome man, and with her teenage son Will staying at his friend Josh’s house overnight she had hoped the evening would end with great sex, but before dinner he told her he had to go see a sick buddy after they ate, dashing her hopes… and then things got even worse.

During cocktails he excused himself to the restroom, leaving his phone on the table. Just as he disappeared it lit up, and while she knew it was wrong, Laura couldn’t help herself and read the text. When she saw it was from another woman asking what time he was coming over, she was furious that he had lied about a sick friend, but instead of walking out she got her revenge by ordering the most expensive meal and bottle of wine on the menu, and in between courses she groped his crotch under the table until his cock was hard as steel.

She knew her plan worked when he picked up his phone and said he needed to cancel with his ‘buddy’. After he sent the text and paid the check, Laura leaned towards him, gripped his hard cock and whispered, “You might want to text your ‘buddy’ back and tell her you’re available again, because this isn’t getting anywhere near my pussy, and believe me, it would have been the best you ever had.” Then he watched in stunned silence as she got up and walked away, putting a little extra sway into her shapely ass as she did.

Laura had put the guy in his place, but there was still a problem, she wasn’t getting laid that night. She had been divorced for years, and had broken up with her most recent boyfriend six months earlier, so it had been quite a while since she had sex, and she was feeling particularly horny. The only saving grace was with her son staying at his friend’s house, she could at least have an unbridled masturbation session without fear of him hearing her.

After a short Uber ride, Laura entered her house, and went into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. Then she went down the hallway to her room, and after setting her wine on the nightstand she opened the drawer and pulled out her vibrator. She set it on her night stand, pointing at the ceiling like a cruise missile, and then she put her laptop on the bed and logged onto her favorite porn website.

After getting everything ready, Laura happened to glance towards the floor length mirror, saw her reflection and thought, ‘Asshole, you don’t know what you missed out on tonight.’ The little black dress she was wearing hugged her ample breasts and stopped at mid-thigh, displaying her shapely legs and accenting her round ass, which popped even more thanks to her spiked heels. She had even worn the sparkling diamond stud earrings that her ex-husband had gotten her during better times, which brought the whole ensemble together.

Before getting undressed she navigated the porn site until she found her favorite porn genres… women introducing boys to sex, and in particular mothers and sons. Laura had never considered doing it herself, even though her son Will was a very handsome teenager, but she believed she was so turned on by those stories and videos because it was something that was considered taboo in culture, and that made the genre even more arousing to her.

Just as she was about to strip off her clothes her phone rang. She wasn’t going to answer it until she saw it was Shelly Brookes, her best friend who also happened to be the mother of her son’s best friend Josh, so she answered the phone and said, “Hey Shell, what’s up?”

“Hey babe, I’m sorry to interrupt your date but I’m afraid we have a situation with the boys… don’t worry, they’re not hurt, but you’re not going to be happy,” Shelly replied.

“Well don’t about worry the date, it was a disaster and I’m already home,” Laura replied.

“Disaster… what happened,” Shelly asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” Laura said, and then she asked, “So what’s going on with the boys?”

“Well I just picked them up from Tammi Lawson’s house and they’re drunk as hell, in fact Will is totally passed out,” Shelly replied

“Sonofabitch, he’s drunk… I’m going to wring his neck,” Laura exclaimed.

“I know, I’m ready to strangle Josh too,” Shelly agreed, then she said, “Anyway, sorry the date didn’t go well, but since you’re home I’m going to drop Will off, I’m only a minute away but it’s going to take both of us to get him into the house.”

“Thanks Shell, sorry you had to deal with this,” Laura said.

“No problem, I know you’d do the same for me… I’m turning onto your street now,” Shelly said, and then they hung up.

Laura thought about throwing on some sweats but before she had the chance she saw headlights pulling into her driveway. She went out through the garage to meet Shelly and after the two hugged she opened the door and saw her son passed out in the back seat next to Shelly’s son who was drunkenly mumbling, “Please don’t be mad mom.”

Fortunately Laura’s house was a ranch, and her driveway was hidden from the neighbors so she said, “We can take Will in through the garage.” They managed to slide him out the door and each got under an arm and dragged him into the garage and then through the kitchen.

“Are you okay leaving Josh in the car,” Laura asked as they dragged Will down the hall.

“Yeah, I have the ch1ld safety lock set and the keys are in my pocket, so my drunken moron can’t go anywhere,“ Shelly replied as they passed the bathroom and Laura’s room before entering Will’s bedroom.

After laying the passed out teen on his bed, Shelly looked at Laura, still in her tiny black dress, heels and diamond earrings and said, “Jesus you look hot… so what went wrong?”

Laura sighed and said, “Well, while he was in the rest room he got a text, and I know it was wrong, but I looked at his phone and saw it was from another woman he was planning on hooking up with after our date was done.”

“What a prick, I hope you read him the riot act,” Shelly said.

“Better,” Laura said with a smile, “I ran up a huge bill while getting him all hot and bothered under the table, and after he canceled his plans I sent him home with blue balls.”

“I didn’t realize you could be so devious,” Shelly said as they moved Will up onto his bed, and then she said, “Seriously, you look so hot I’d do you.”

Laura blushed and said, “Thanks Shell,” then she giggled and said, “If I didn’t know better I’d think you were hitting on me.”

“Well I’m not, but I have had some experience with women,” Shelly said pragmatically.

“You… with women, how have I never heard this,” a surprised Laura asked.

“I wasn’t hiding it, it’s just never come up, but yeah, I’ve been with a couple of women, in fact I had a pretty torrid affair with my college roommate... I mean I still prefer guys, but being with a girl is different, and no man can eat pussy like a woman,” Shelly replied.

Sometimes Laura would watch girl on girl porn when she masturbated, although she never considered doing it herself, but for some reason Shelly’s revelation increased her curiosity and her arousal, and she asked, “So was she your first?”

As the two women sat Will on the edge of the bed, and Shelly stabilized him she said, “No, my first experience was with my best friend in middle school.”

“WHAT,” a shocked Laura exclaimed, looking at her son’s face to make sure her loud reply hadn’t awaken him while they were talking about sex as she turned down his sheets.

“Yeah, we had just entered our teen years, a little younger than the boys, and we would practice kissing each other to get ready for when we started dating, and while I tried to tell myself all we were doing was practicing, every time our tongues were in each other’s mouths I’d get a flood between my legs,” Shelly said retrospectively.

“So what happened,” Laura asked, her cunt quivering as they pulled off Will’s shirt.

“Well one night I was sleeping at her house, and we were in bed doing our practice kissing when I felt her hand slide under my tee shirt and up to my tits, which were really starting to develop, and when she started playing with my hard nipples a bold of lightening shot down to my crotch… then she slid her hand under my panties and she started rubbing my clit,” Shelly replied.

As the women laid Will’s limp body on the bed Laura asked, “Oh my God, what did you do?”

“I came like a freight train… it was my first orgasm ever, and then I did the same thing to her,” Shelly replied, and then she added, “That was also the night I learned to masturbate, and I was hooked.”

As Laura took off her son’s shoes and socks she asked Shelly, “So was that it?”

“No, we eventually learned to use our mouths and tongues on each other thanks to the guidance we got from her dad’s porn stash, and that went on until they moved about a year later… from then until college it was all boys for me,” a flushed Shelly replied with a smile.

“Well you started way before me, I didn’t even kiss my first boy until I was a sophomore in high school… and I didn’t start masturbating until my junior year,” Laura said reaching for Will’s belt, and as she did she noticed a ridge in the front of his jeans.

“Really, as pretty as you are I’d have figured you started dating young, and holy crap, you didn’t masturbate til you were a junior,” Shelly said in a surprised tone.

“Yeah, not that I wasn’t horny, I was kind of scared of the whole sex thing,” Laura said, and then she added, “That’s what happens when you have really strict catholic parents.”

Shelly shook her head with a smile, and said, “You know, for as close as we are I’m surprised none of this has come up before too… I hope it doesn’t change what you think of me.”

“Not at all Shell, you’re my best friend,” Laura replied, and then she said, “And if I’m being honest, I’ve had some curiosity about being with another woman.”

Shelly just giggled and said, “Well who knows, maybe we’ll get enough wine in us one night and see what happens.”

They both laughed, and then Laura asked Shelly to help her slide her softly snoring son’s body up so his head would be on a pillow. Even though he had just finished his second year of high school he was slightly built so they easily maneuvered him, and as they did Laura nodded towards her passed out son and asked, “So how did this happen?”

“Well from what I could get from my drunken little bastard, Tammi Lawson’s parents are out of town so she and Ashley Rogers invited Will and Josh over and they started playing a drinking game… then at some point Josh started making out with Tammi while Will and Ashley went into another room to do the same,” Shelly explained.

“I don’t think Will’s ever kissed a girl before,” Laura said as she tugged on his pants legs.

“My brat either, but he’s so drunk he actually admitted that Tammi was giving him a hand job when Ashley broke in and said Will had passed out… they tried to wake him up, but when they couldn’t Josh got worried and called me,” Shelly said.

“Well I’m glad he did,” Laura said as she tried unsuccessfully again to take off Will’s pants, and then she asked, “Aren’t Tammi and Ashley older than them?”

“Yeah, and from what Josh said through his drunken jibberish both girls have a reputation for breaking the underclassmen in,” Shelly replied.

“Thank God they didn’t have unprotected sex,” Laura said, and then she asked, “Hey Shell, I don’t think I can get his pants off myself, can you help me?”

“Sure hun,” she replied, and as each woman grabbed a pant leg Shelly looked down and said, “Umm Laura, I think Will has a hard on.”

“Yeah, I kinda noticed that too, but I don’t want him sleeping in his jeans, especially if he has an accident, plus I’m sure he has underwear on,” and then she added, “Besides, it will serve him right when he gets embarrassed when I tell him you had to help me take his pants off.”

They both laughed and then Shelly said, “Okay, on the count of three we yank,” then as they each tightened their grip on a pant leg she said, “Ready… one… two… THREE!

Both women pulled their pant leg as hard as they could, quickly yanking his jeans down, but when they cleared his hips and butt, instead of seeing his underwear his rock hard penis sprung naked from the inside the denim material and slapped against his belly.

Both women stood wide-eyed with their mouths gaping open as they stared at Will’s erection arching up from his groin. It was slightly curved with a pink cap at the tip, and they could see it gently bouncing with the beat of his pulse.

“Oh my, I… oh,” Laura stammered, and then she asked, “Where’s his underwear?”

“I don’t know,” Shelly replied, almost mesmerized as she stared at the teen’s hard cock, and then she added, “But he must be having one hell of a dream.”

Laura was also unc0nsiously staring at her son’s erection, which looked to be between six and seven inches, but on his small frame it looked bigger. The root was nestled in a patch of light brown hair, but even though he was in high school, his scrotum looked as if it was completely hairless.

Finally Laura snapped back to her senses, and for some reason the first thing out of her mouth was, “I’m sorry you had to see this Shelly.”

“For what, he’s a teenager… my Josh is a walking hard on,” Shelly replied with a laugh.

“You’ve seen it,” Laura asked, intrigued and a little by the whole situation.

“Well sometimes before school he’ll come into the kitchen for some juice and I can see his morning wood making a tent in his pajamas, and there was one time I came home before he was expecting me and he was on his bed jerking off,” Shelly replied.

“You actually saw him… doing it,” Laura asked, feeling a confusing tingle in her groin as she imagined her best friend’s son stroking his hard teenage cock.

“Yeah, he had left his door ajar, and when I walked past his room there he was, jerking away,” Shelly said, feeling her own tingle as she reminisced.

“How long did you watch him,” Laura asked as she glanced back at her own son’s erection.

Now it was Shelly who was intrigued by her friend’s curiosity for details as she nonchalantly said, “Until he finished.”

“You mean you watched him…” Laura asked as she felt her arousal increasing.

“Cum… yep, every drop,” Shelly replied unapologetically.

“Wow,” Laura said, not even realizing she had done it, and then she asked, “Did he shoot a lot,” surprising herself with her sudden desire for details.

“Yeah, and when he did the first few spurts must have flown a couple feet in the air, and then it kind of drooled over his hand,” Shelly replied, then she felt obligated to say, “But I wasn’t turned on or anything, just curious,” even though she was lying.

“Of course, he’s your son,” Laura agreed, even though she couldn’t deny that the sight of her own son’s erection and the thought of Shelly’s son masturbating was arousing her more than she would admit, then she said, “I guess I should get him covered up.”

As Laura reached for the sheet to cover her son Shelly picked up his jeans. Then as Laura was pulling the material up her son’s smooth legs towards he erection she stopped and said, “Something wet is all over his penis and in his pubic hair.”

Just then Shelly found Will’s underwear in his jeans pocket, and as she pulled them out she said, “I found his underwear… they’re wet too and I think I know what it is.”

“Did he pee his pants,” Laura asked.

“If he peed his jeans would be wet too,” Shelly said as she lifted the undergarment to her nose, and after taking a quick whiff she looked at Laura and said, “That’s what I thought, it’s not pee Laura… it’s sperm.”

“Oh my God, do you think he had unprotected sex with that girl,” Laura asked in fear.

“No hun,” Shelly said as she held back a giggle, and then she added, “If he did it wouldn’t be in his underwear… I think he was making out with Ashley, got a little too excited and, umm, had a premature launch.”

Laura looked at her friend and said, “So you think he…”

“Came in his pants, yep… my guess is Ashley was giving him some over the pants action and he went off like a roman candle. He must have gone to the bathroom and put his underwear in his pocket, and judging by the amount it was one hell of a load,” Shelly said with a giggle.

Shelly never minced words so Laura took no offense to how she was describing what must have happened, but then her friend shocked her when she leaned over Will, looked closely at his crotch and said, “Yep, that’s drying cum.”

“I really an going to kill him,” Laura said as she continued pulling the sheet up.

“What are you doing,” Shelly suddenly asked.

“Covering him up,” Laura replied.

“You can’t leave him like that Laura… the cum hasn’t dried yet so it will get all over the sheets, and if he wakes up with dried sperm on his dick and in his pubic hair he’ll definitely be embarrassed, so you have to clean him up first,” Shelly said.

“I guess you’re right, he doesn’t need embarrassment heaped on top of the fact that I’m going to punish him tomorrow for getting drunk,” Laura said with a nervous laugh.

“Okay, I’m going to check on Josh then I’ll bring you a washcloth,” her friend offered.

Shelly went out to the driveway to check on her son, then to the bathroom to get a washcloth and a towel. As she walked to Will’s room she glanced into Laura’s, and that’s when she saw the open laptop on her bed and the 7” vibrator on her nightstand, pointing up to the ceiling. She slowly tiptoed into the room and tapped the keypad, and when she did she saw that the video Laura was about to watch was titled, ‘Mom Fucks Not Her Son’.

Once again an ache started deep in Shelly’s pussy as she recalled the arousal she felt while watching her son masturbate, and now it seemed her friend had some of the same curious feelings, even though Shelly believed that like in her case, it was only a fantasy.

Shelly returned to Will’s room carrying the warm washcloth and soft, dry towel and Laura asked, “Is Josh okay?”

“Yeah, blissfully asleep and totally unaware of the hell he’s going to pay tomorrow,” Shelly said with a laugh, and then she added, “By the way, sorry I interrupted your diddle session.”

“Huh,” Laura asked.

“You left your vibrator on the nightstand and your laptop on your bed,” Shelly said with a smirk.

Laura felt the heat rising in her cheeks as she said, “Whoops… that’s a little embarrassing.”

“Oh please, it’s not like we’ve never talked about sex toys, and with things not going well with my husband the last couple of years I’ve been going through so many batteries I’m thinking of buying stock in Duracell,” Shelly replied unabashedly.

Laura laughed at her friend’s candid comment as she took the washcloth from her, but then she just sat on the edge of the bed, completely frozen in place as she stared down at her son’s hard penis, still flaked with drying sperm and bouncing with the pace of his heart.

“Well aren’t you going to clean him,” Shelly asked.

“I, umm… I don’t know if it’s right for me to touch it when it’s like this” Laura responded.

“Oh for God sake Laura, he’s your son,” Shelly replied.

“I know, and I used to give him baths,” Laura said, and then she added, “but he’s older now and I’ve never seen it so, you know… hard… and big.”

“Just give me the washcloth and move,” Shelly said, sounding a bit annoyed, and then as Laura slid over Shelly sat on the bed and wrapped the wet cloth around Will’s cum caked prick.

Will didn’t react as Shelly cleaned the drying sperm from his rock hard shaft and pink cockhead, then she wrapped her free hand around the stiff pole and held it up as she mopped the gooey mass that accumulated in his small patch of pubic hair.

Laura watched in earnest as her friend cleaned her son’s premature ejaculation. Then suddenly she noticed something, as Shelly swabbed the dried spunk from Will’s scrotum her other hand was squeezing and slightly stroking his hard shaft, causing the head to swell.

Watching her friend’s hand manipulating her son’s erection brought a somewhat unwanted tingling to her own crotch, but she quickly dismissed the pangs of arousal and asked, “Shelly, umm… what are you doing?’

“Cleaning your son’s balls,” Shelly replied, seemingly unaware of what Laura was asking.

“I know,” Laura said, then she asked, “I mean what are you doing with your other hand?”

It was at that moment that Shelly realized she was unc0nsciously stroking Will’s cock, so she quickly released his shaft and said, “Oh shit Laura, I swear to God I didn’t even realize I was doing that,” and then she added, “I guess when I get a hard cock in my hand I automatically start stroking it… I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay hun, I’m sure you were doing it unc0nsciously,” Laura replied, then she added, “And besides, I’m the one who put you in position.”

“Thanks, I think the problems I’m having with Ray and us not having any sex, I just went on auto-pilot… plus, that is the hardest cock I ever felt,” Shelly said, trying to explain her actions.

“I know the feeling,” Laura said, and then she quickly added, “I mean about not Will’s penis, I mean… well you know what I mean.”

“I know what you meant,” Shelly said with a laugh as she finished cleaning Will’s rock hard cock and smooth balls, and as she did she said, “Seriously, feel this thing… it’s like titanium.”

“I can’t, he’s my son,” Laura replied, even though she suddenly had the urge to.

For a moment Shelly considered asking about the ‘mom/son video Laura had queued up on her laptop, but instead she asked, “So how often do you masturbate?”

“I don’t know… once a week or so,” Laura replied.

“Really,” Shelly replied sarcastically with one eyebrow raised in skepticism.

“Okay, three or four times a week… but I’m always afraid Will might hear me,” Laura admitted.

“Yeah, about the same for me… I am hoping to date again once the divorce is final, but it will still be hard with Josh having a couple of years left in high school,” Shelly sighed.

“Tell me about it,” Laura agreed, and then she added, “I’m already divorced and I’ve been asked out, but it’s so hard to find the time to be wined and dined.”

“And fucked,” the outgoing Shelly added with a laugh.

“That too,” Laura admitted, then she went a little Shelly when nodded towards her son’s erection added, “But for now I’m dedicated to this little bastard who’s going to make some girls real happy with that thing.”

“It is pretty impressive,” Shelly said as she stared at Will’s hard cock, not telling her friend that she would be thinking of how it felt in her hand while masturbating when she got home, and then she said, “Alright hun, I gotta go take care of my demon spawn.”

Laura laughed at her friend’s quip and said, “Thanks for handling this, and again, so sorry you had to put up with my drunk son… I love you.”

“I love you too,” Shelly said as she hugged her friend and then she asked, “By the way, where’d you get the gorgeous diamond earrings?”

“Will’s father got them for me for our first anniversary, but I haven’t worn them since the divorce,” Laura replied.

“I get that, we’ll talk tomorrow hun,” Shelly said, taking one more look at Will’s erection so she could burn the image and the memory of how it felt in her hand for when she was masturbating later.

“Sounds good,” Laura said as her friend disappeared through the doorway.

After Shelly was gone, Laura went to her room, kicked off her pumps, peeled off her clothes and wrapped a silky robe around her naked body. Then she returned to Will’s room and arranged a towel under his head and rolled him on his side, placing a pillow behind him to keep him on his side just in case he threw up. Then after taking one last look at her son’s impressive erection she pulled up his sheet and went to pour another glass of wine.

As she sat at the kitchen table sipping her wine Laura couldn’t get the vision of her son’s hard cock arching up over his belly out of her mind. Her pussy was buzzing and she couldn’t understand why. Yes, she enjoyed the mom/son genre of porn but she had never had a sexual thought about Will.

Maybe it was only because she had hoped to get laid that night, or maybe she was so turned on because her masturbation session had been interrupted, but she found herself regretting she had asked her friend to clean Will’s impressive erection instead of doing it herself, and that she hadn’t taken Shelly’s invitation to feel the hardest cock she had ever felt.

Laura had drunk most of the expensive bottle of wine she had ordered on her failed date, and had a slight buzz when she got home, so this latest glass was increasing her buzz and her arousal. Once again the image of her son’s rampant prick flashed in her mind, and as she slipped her hand inside her robe and dragged her finger along her labia she could feel the lips were swollen and wet.

She finished her wine and poured another glass to take to her bedroom, planning to check on Will again before completing her masturbation session. Laura entered her son’s room, set her wine down and turned on his desk lamp, and in the soft light she saw that he had rolled onto his back and kicked off his sheet… and his penis was still fully erect.

“Oh my God… he’s still hard,” she whispered to herself, and then she slowly tiptoed to the bed to roll him back on his side and pull his sheet over his nude body again, but instead she just sat down on the edge of his full mattress, staring at his bloated organ.

Laura knew what she should do, just cover him up and go to her room, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of it. It was still arching up from his groin, pointing towards his chest, with the pink cap hovering above his belly button… and it was still gently bouncing with the beat of his heart.

Once again she felt a surge in her groin. She wasn’t sure if it was the wine that was clouding her judgment, but as she thought about how her reluctance to clean Will’s erection had allowed her friend to hold it, and squeeze it, and unc0nsciously stroke it, and she got a little jealous… and even more aroused.

With a sigh of surrender, Laura slowly reached her trembling hand towards the hard column of flesh rising up from her son’s groin, and then she extended her middle finger to touch the underside of his shaft, and as she made contact his hard dick suddenly twitched.

Laura quickly snatched her hand away, fearful Will might wake up and catch her touching his cock, but when he didn’t she realized it was just an involuntary reaction to her touch. Confident he was still passed out she reached towards his cock, and even though it twitched again she maintained contact and slowly dragged her finger from the base to the head.

She couldn’t believe how soft and smooth the skin that encased his hard shaft was as she gently glided her fingertip up and down his stiff pole. She was still nervous about being caught, but after a few seconds she convinced herself he was totally passed out and she slowly wrapped her hand around the erect organ.

‘Oh my God Shelly was right, I’ve never felt a cock so hard,’ she thought as she gripped the titanium-like shaft. She quickly checked her son’s face for any reaction, but the only noticeable change was how she could feel her son’s pulse in his shaft as his heart pumped more blood into his young organ, keeping it hard.

She told herself she had only wanted to feel his hardness as she squeezed his shaft, but as she watched the pink head swell and turn a darker purple, any assumption that this was merely an innocent inspection disappeared as her hand began sliding up and down his cock.

Laura watched intently as her hand manipulated the smooth skin that encased her sleeping son’s shaft, still looking at his face from time to time to make sure he was out. His eyes were still shut but she did notice his breathing was becoming more rapid, and suddenly she thought, ‘I wonder if he can cum like this?’

She wasn’t sure if it was the amount of wine she had drunk, the fact that she was hornier than she could ever remember, that the mom/son videos that got her so aroused really did represent a deep seeded desire to do something sexual with Will, or all the above, but any precept of innocent curiosity was gone… she was giving her son a hand job.

Laura released his shaft for a moment as she carefully climbed onto Will’s bed and then maneuvered herself so she was sitting on her haunches between her son’s legs, and then she wrapped her hand around his rampant prick and began stroking it again. The head now looked like a small plum as if puffed up and turned from pink to purple, and the tiny slit at the tip now looked like a deep crevice.

With one hand stroking her son’s cock, Laura slipped the other under her robe and between her thighs, and easily sunk her middle finger into her slippery cunt. ‘Holy fuck, I’m soak and wet’, Laura thought as she jerked Will’s cock and fingered her pussy at the same time.

Laura could feel her passion building as she manually attended to her son’s bloated prick and her own steaming womanhood. She wasn’t sure she could make him cum but she could certainly give herself an orgasm, and as her finger found her clit and her body trembled she looked at the tip of Will’s beautiful organ and saw a drop of fluid making a small pool in the eyelet.

‘Oh my God… it’s pre-cum’, she silently thought to herself, and this caused the ache in her groin to intensify even more.

Now she thought there was an even greater chance that she could get her son off while he slept. As she increased the pace of her stroking on his dick, her finger began circling her hard clit, sending shivers through her body. Her eyes were tightly focused on the slightly cloudy drop of fluid filling his cock exit, then without thinking she leaned forward, collected the drop onto her tongue and brought it into her mouth.

“Mmmm,” she softly hummed as she savored to small amount of seminal fluid. It was fairly neutral in taste, slightly salty, and having it in her mouth intensified her desire even more. She was so aroused had to pull her finger from her clit to keep from climaxing.

The feel of his spongy cockhead on the tip of her tongue and the tiny taste of her son’s pre-ejaculate sent her fears and her inhibitions crumbling. Once again Laura carefully repositioned herself until she was on her knees between Will’s legs, and as she wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft she leaned her face towards his groin, only this time she didn’t just lick the tip… she took about half the organ into her soft, wet mouth.

With her son’s hard dick lodged firmly in her oral cavity Laura looked up at his face, but he was still sound asleep, so she very slowly started sliding her lips up and down his shaft. She couldn’t believe she was giving her boy his first blowjob, even though he had no idea he was getting it, or how wonderful he felt in her mouth. Her moist lips easily slid up and down on the silky smooth skin, and she was using her tongue to massage the sensitive spot right behind the head.

The heat deep in her cunt was nearing a boiling point, and any fear of him waking up had all but vanished. It was then that she made a momentous decision. She lifted herself up to her knees, releasing his swollen cock from her mouth, dropped her robe from her nude body, gently straddled her son’s prone body, lined the head of his prick with her dripping pussy and impaled herself on the bloated organ.

“Ohhhh,” she groaned softly as her slippery canal easily enveloped him. It had been quite a while since she had a stiff cock inside her neglected pussy and she felt so full. She could feel her vaginal walls gripping him as she began slowly raising and lowering herself.

‘I can’t believe I’m fucking my own son’, Laura thought as she began riding him, and that thought only intensified her passion as her orgasm built. Will’s body still lay limp under her, but his young cock was a pillar of granite as she plunged her aching cunt down on it again and again.

She supported her upper body weight with her left hand while her right slid over her smooth shaven mound and her middle finger found her hard clit. The combination of her son’s cock stuffing her box and her slippery fingertip manipulating her pleasure button had her racing towards orgasm when suddenly she saw Will’s eyes flutter.

‘Oh God he’s waking up’, she thought as she froze in place. She thought about quickly jumping off of him but she would never be able to get her robe on, and he would see her naked body anyway, so she decided to stay in place.

Will’s eyes did open, but they were only tiny slits as he barely lifted his head and muttered, “Mmm… mum.”

Laura thought quickly and with her pussy still filled with his cock whispered, “You’re dreaming.”

Will barely managed a grunt before his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell back onto the pillow. Laura waited a minute, and when it was obvious he was unc0nscious again she resumed riding his rampant staff and fingering her pleasure pebble.

It didn’t take long for her passion to approach its apex again. She could feel the muscles tightening deep in her groin as she prepared to explode, and as she frigged her clit as fast as she could and slammed her pussy down onto her son’s cock with one final thrust, the dam broke.

“GRRRRR,” she gurgled deep in her throat, biting her lower lip to keep from screaming as the muscles deep in her vaginal walls descended into a rapid series of involuntary contractions that sent incredible waves of pleasure through her groin.

One of the most powerful orgasms of her life ripped through her body, and she checked her son’s face to make sure the convulsions hadn’t awakened him. He remained still as his mother began slowly raising herself again as her finger continued manipulating her clit, milking the final orgasmic tremors from her body… and then it was over.

Laura’s chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath. She was convinced that she had never cum so hard in her life. She looked down at her son’s angelic face as she carefully dismounted him, and as she knelt between his legs again she could see that his still rock hard prick was now shining with a thick layer of film.

She wondered if he had cum, but when she leaned forward and gently took him in her mouth all she could taste was her own pussy juice. Despite the fact that she had just had an intensely powerful orgasm she was still very aroused, and began slowly dragging her lips up and down his shaft. There was no denying it now… Laura wanted her son to cum, and she wanted it to be in her mouth.

Laura began to put her best blowjob skills to work, hoping the sensations with still transfer to Will’s pleasure center, even though he was passed out. She wrapped her right hand around the lower part of his shaft, using hand and mouth in unison as she massaged the sensitive underside, right behind his cockhead with her soft, wet tongue.

The thought that she might get a mouthful of her son’s virgin spunk had her own passion building, and she spread her knees as the middle finger of her left hand found her inflamed clit again.

As her hand and mouth worked on his hard cock, Laura saw Will’s head raise slightly and his eyes flutter, and once again she whispered, “You’re dreaming,” and just as it had while she was fucking him, his head fell back onto the pillow.

Laura began sucking him again in earnest, and she thought she could feel his cock swelling even more. She could also feel her own insides tightening again and her finger became a blur as it frigged her bean.

Will was still lying still with his arms at his side, but Laura could see his chest rising and falling faster as his breathing became more erratic, and now she could definitely feel his dick getting bigger in her mouth. She was applying more pressure on her clit as her second climax approached when without warning Will’s hands suddenly grabbed her ears, and as he grunted loudly his cock lurched, and a torrent of thick, rich cum flooded her mouth.

Laura swallowed his first blast quickly to make room for the next. She couldn’t believe how alive her son’s cock became in her mouth as it flexed and pulsed on her lower lip, and each contraction forced more of his young cum into her mouth. It was more pungent than his pre-cum but still creamy and smooth, with no bitterness at all.

Spurt after spurt filled her mouth, and the taste and texture of her son’s sperm combined with how his prick was twitching and jerking triggered Laura’s second, powerful orgasm. She couldn’t help groaning around Will’s cock as her cunt melted down.

Mother and son were cumming together, and a part of Laura wished that Will was awake to enjoy the experience, but she also realized there could be complications, so as she continued to milk both her son’s and her own orgasms to completion, she decided this had to be a one time thing to which he could never be made aware.

Finally the hard contractions at the base of Will’s prick became tiny pulses, and the spurts of creamy spunk became a dribble. The powerful spasms in Laura’s own groin had also eased, and as she held the last of her son’s discharge in her mouth, their orgasms were done.

Laura carefully slid her lips up Will’s shaft, not wanting any of his ejaculate to escape her mouth, and as she sat back on her haunches she marveled its nuances. Maybe it was because Will was only a teenager, or maybe it was because he was her son, but unlike the others whom she had allowed to cum in her mouth, his was pleasantly salty and tart on her tongue, and she wanted to cement that in her memory… and then with one large gulp, it was over.

As Laura quietly got off of Will’s bed she could see his penis was finally beginning to soften. She slipped her robe back over her shoulders and tied it, and then she carefully rolled him on his side, placing two pillows behind him this time to keep him from rolling onto his back. Then she bent over and kissed him lightly on the cheek before picking up her wine glass and turning off the desk lamp.

Laura returned to her room and put away her vibrator and laptop. She thought about finishing the glass of wine but she was emotionally and physically exhausted, and poured it down the toilet instead. Then she took off her robe, slipped on a long tee shirt and managed to drift off to sleep, still thinking about what had happened between her and her son.

The next morning, Saturday, Laura managed to sleep until almost 9:00 am. She hadn’t brushed her teeth yet and the taste of Will’s cum was still in her mouth, and immediately her mind began racing with memories of the night before. She was wearing a tee shirt but had not put panties on, and as her hand found its way between her thighs she found her swollen gash was already wet.

Laura looked to make sure her door was closed before reaching into her nightstand for her vibrator. Then her memory began in chronological order, from the moment Will’s beautiful cock came into view for the first time, to Shelly cleaning it while unc0nsciously stroking him, to the first time she touched and stroked her son’s shaft, to straddling him and riding his pillar until she came, to putting it in her mouth and expertly sucking it until it flooded her mouth with his young sperm… sperm she could still taste, and she came.

“Uhhhh,” Laura moaned softly as she kept the vibrator pressed to her clit until the final contraction deep in her cunt subsided. Then she told herself that while the memory of the previous evening would always be in her head, it was time to move on.

Laura tiptoed to Will’s room and found him still lying on his side, snoring slightly. He was a late sleeper anyway, so with a hangover she was sure he was going to have she didn’t anticipate him being up before noon.

After a shower, Laura slipped on her silk robe, figuring she’d get dressed later since Will would be in bed for a while. Then she went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. She had just started drinking it when her phone rang, and when she looked at the caller ID she saw it was Shelly.

“Hey Shell… good morning,” Laura said as she answered the phone.

“G’morning girl… how are you,” Shelly replied.

“Good, I slept in a little this morning, just having my first cup of coffee,” Laura said before taking another sip.

“Yeah, me too… is Will still sleeping,” Shelly asked.

“Yeah, I think I’ll let him sleep before I drop the hammer on him later,” Laura said with a chuckle.

“Same with Josh,” Shelly said, and then she asked, “Speaking of which, what kind of punishment are you giving Will… I think we should be consistent.”

Laura thought for a second and then said, “They messed up pretty bad, but they’re generally pretty good k1ds… I was thinking grounding for two weeks, including no phone.”

“I think that’s good, I’ll give Josh the same,” Shelly replied, then she asked, “So, how did everything go with Will after I left?”

“Pretty uneventful,” Laura lied, and then she asked, “How about Josh, any problem getting him to bed?”

“He was alright,” Shelly replied, and then there was a period of silence before she added, “I mean I got him to bed alright.”

“Shell… are you okay,” Laura asked her friend, sensing she was uncomfortable.

“Yeah,” Shelly replied, then after another pause she said, “Actually Laura, I do have something I need to talk to you about… but it’s… kind of awkward, and I’m worried it could affect our friendship.”

Suddenly Laura’s mind began racing. She knew there was no way Will could have talked to Josh, plus he was passed out for almost the entire encounter, so there was no way Shelly could know what had happened between her and Will, so she just said, “Shell, we’re best friends and nothing can change that.”

“I hope you still feel that way in a few minutes,” Shelly said, and Laura could sense the nervousness in her voice, and then she said, “Before I go any further, I need to tell you that last night I not only saw your vibrator on the bedside table, but I took a peek at your laptop and saw the video that you had queued up.”

Now there was a pause on Laura’s end of the call until she said, “God Shell, I’m so embarrassed… those are just fantasies and role playing, I can’t believe… please Shelly, I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of…”

Before Laura could finish her sentence her friend said, “Woah, woah… slow down girl, I’m not criticizing… I’m telling you I watch them too, a lot.”

“Really,” Laura exclaimed, both surprised and relieved by her friend’s admission.

“Yeah, the whole taboo thing has been something that has stirred my juices for a while, but strictly as a fantasy,” Shelly explained.

“Me too, I think it’s because of the whole ‘forbidden fruit’ thing,” Laura said, trying to justify in her mind and her friend’s that there was nothing wrong with it.

“Exactly, and it’s something I would never act on, at least that’s what I thought until…” Shelly said, her voice suddenly quivering as it trailed off.

“Until what Shell,” Laura asked.

“Okay Laura, please, I’m asking… no I’m begging you, please don’t judge me, the only reason I’m telling you this is because I saw that video on your laptop so I’m hoping the fact that you are turned on by the same thing will help you understand,” Shelly replied.

“Trust me Shelly, there will be no judgment at all… you’re my best friend no matter what, I promise,” and intrigued Laura said, trying to put her friend’s mind at ease.

Shelly took a deep breath and then said, “Okay, here goes… so I’ve been turned on by those ‘coming of age’ and ‘mom/son’ videos and stories for a long time, even before Josh hit puberty, but I never had a sexual thought about him until… remember when I told you last night that I came home early one day and he was jerking off in his bedroom.”

“Yeah,” Laura replied.

“Well I told you I watched him jerk himself off until he came, and the reason was I couldn’t pull myself away… I mean I wanted to, and told myself I should, but I just couldn’t take my eyes off his hard young cock,” Shelly explained, then she added, “Then when I heard him grunt and saw his jizz shooting onto his chest and belly, I was so turned on I practically ran to my bedroom and buzzed myself to two orgasms, and then two more that night as I relived it… and it’s been my favorite thing to think about when I masturbate.”

“Shelly, don’t beat yourself up, it’s just something you saw and I could see it turning you on,” Laura said, almost laughing at the fact that what her friend was telling her was nowhere near what had happened between her and Will.

“I appreciate that Laura, but I’m not finished,” Shelly said.

Now Laura was really intrigued, and even a little turned on as she asked her friend, “What else is there hun.”

“Well last night when I got Josh home and into his room, I started to undress him, and when I got him down to his boxers, well… he had the same condition as Will when we took his pants off,” Shelly explained, her voice nervously wavering as she spoke.

“So he had an erection,” Laura said.

“He did, and it was sticking up through the opening… and it just looked so good, and his dad is out of town, not that it matters since we’re not having sex, so…” Shelly paused.

“So… what,” Laura asked.

“So, there he was, passed out with his hard cock sticking straight up, and there I was horny as hell staring at his hard cock and, please don’t hate me Laura, before I new it my pants were off and I was riding him,” Shelly finished.

“Well I ummm… didn’t expect that,” Laura said truthfully.

“I knew it, you hate me… you think I’m some kind of freak,” Shelly said, sounding like she was about to cry.

“Hey, hey… no, no, no, not at all, I love you and I actually understand,” Laura reassured her friend.

“How can you understand, I fucked my son last night, and it was wonderful… I mean he felt so good inside me, so good that I came… hard,” Shelly said, then she added, “And I guess I’m justifying enjoying it so much because he was asleep, but I don’t feel bad about it.”

Laura could here the desperation in her friend’s voice and knew what she needed to do, so she said, “Look Shell, sometimes things just happen, we get caught up in he moment and act on impulse, that’s what happened to you last night, you’ve been alone, no sex, you have a very handsome son and things took their place, that doesn’t mean it will happen again,” she said trying to comfort her friend, and then she said something that provided the greatest relief when she said, “As for me judging you, if I did that then I’d be a hypocrite.”

“What do you mean, you’d be a hypocrite,” a suddenly confused Shelly asked.

“I mean if I judged you for what happened between you and Josh last night, I’d be a hypocrite,” Laura stated again.

“Wait, has something… sexual… happened between you and Will,” Shelly asked, sounding less nervous and more intrigued.

“Yes, and it happened last night too,” Laura admitted.

“You horny bitch, I saw you couldn’t take your eyes off of Will’s cock, even though you wouldn’t touch it… what happened,” a now relaxed and aroused Shelly asked.

“Well, it was similar to you and Josh, I went in to check on him, he was still hard, I was thinking about you telling me his cock was the hardest you had ever felt, and before I knew it I was stroking him, then sucking him, then riding him,” Laura said, being more blunt than usual.

“You sucked him,” Shelly asked, her pussy starting to leak.

“I did,” Laura replied.

“I wish I would have done that,” Shelly said, and then she asked, “Was he passed out the whole time?”

“Pretty much,” Laura replied, and then she explained, “he kind of opened his eyes when I was on top of him, then again when I was going down on him but he was still out of it and I told him he was dreaming… but he did grab my head right before he came.”

“What… he came, when did he cum,” Shelly asked surprised.

“After I rode him and had an orgasm he was still hard, so I sucked him and he came,” Laura replied.

“In your mouth,” Shelly asked exasperated.

“Yes, and I swallowed every drop,” Laura said in an almost prideful way, and then she added, “And it was the best cum I’ve ever tasted.”

“You lucky bitch,” Shelly exclaimed in a jokingly envious tone, and then she added, “And I was afraid to tell you what happened between me and Josh.”

“Well, like I said, I think with both of us it was a circumstance and timing thing that led to what we did,” Laura said.

“I guess you’re right, but where do we go from here, I mean I’m so horny after hearing about you and Will that I’m going to masturbate as soon as we hang up, but I know there are going to be times I’m alone with Josh, and the same with you and Will, how will we handle that,” Shelly asked.

Laura thought for a second and then said, “Shell, as far as we know neither of the boys have any idea about what happened last night, so I think the best thing to do is the status quo… we’re the moms, they’re the sons, and that’s that… from there it’s up to us to dictate the relationship.”

“You’re probably right, and I’ll do my best… but it ain’t gonna be easy,” Shelly said with a sigh.

“Well if anything does happen, just make sure Josh keeps it in perspective,” Laura said, and then she heard some rustling down the hall and said, “Hey Shell, sounds like Will is up. I gotta run… talk to you later, love you.”

“Love you too doll, talk you later,” Shelly replied, then she laughed and said, “Keep it in your pants.”

Laura shook her head and laughed at her friend’s inappropriate joke as she hung up, and then she waited for her son to walk into the kitchen, nonchalantly sipping her coffee as she did. Just then Will appeared in the kitchen entrance wearing pajama bottoms, a robe slipped over his naked upper body and bare feet… looking like he had been hit by a truck.

His hair was a tousled mess, he looked pale and his eyes were bloodshot. Laura looked at him and with sarcasm in her voice asked, “So… how do you feel today.”

“Pretty crappy,” he answered quietly.

“Good,” his mother said, and then she added, “Maybe you’ll think of that next time you think about doing something as stupid as you did last night, you know we almost took you to the hospital, poor Mrs. Brookes had to help me carry you inside and get you undressed.”

“I’m really sorry mom,” he said, and then he added, “Wait, Josh’s mom came helped you undress me… but I was naked when I got up.”

Laura decided a little bit of embarrassment might be good for him so she said. “Well she and I were both surprised when we took your jeans off and you weren’t wearing underwear.”

Suddenly Will remembered why he had taken his boxers off at Tammi Lawson’s and said, “Oh shit,” figuring his mom and his best friend’s mom had probably found his cum-filled boxers.

“Language young man,” Laura scolded her son, and then she said, “I know you’re embarrassed but I’m pretty sure Mrs. Brookes won’t ever bring it up.”

Laura hadn’t gotten dressed yet, and she noticed that while he was in pretty bad shape, Will was still taking glances at her legs, and at the cleavage she was showing, but that didn’t stop her from saying, “So here’s the deal… you’re grounded for two weeks, no going out, no phone, no internet, and if this happens again the consequences will be worse… understand?”

“Yes ma’am, and it won’t happen again,” Will said.

“Good, now do you want any breakfast,” Laura asked, pretty sure she already knew the answer.

“No thanks,” Will said, and then he looked at Laura and sheepishly asked, “Um, mom… did you, um… lose an earring last night?”

Laura’s hands went immediately to her earlobes, and that’s when she found that her left diamond earring was missing. Since she hadn’t worn them in years it hadn’t even donned on her to take them out before going to bed and said, “Oh no… I did lose one.”

“Well I found it in my room,” Will said as he opened his hand and showed it to her.

“Thank you honey, it must have come out when I, ummm… stopped in to check on you before going to bed,” Laura stammered.

At first Will just stood there holding the earring, and then he finally said, “The thing is, when I woke up this morning I found it tangled up in my hair…” and then he pointed at his crotch and said, “My hair down there.”

Suddenly the memory of Will grasping her ears as he started cumming hit her like a lightning bolt. He must have pulled the earring out as he held her head in place and pumped his spunk into her mouth and down her throat.

“Honey, I don’t know… I mean I don’t understand how…” Laura stuttered, trying to find a plausible excuse for her earring to wind up in her son’s pubic hair.

Finally Will said, “I wasn’t dreaming last night, was I mom… you were there.”

Suddenly Laura’s eyes filled with tears as she said, “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry… I don’t know what came over me. I’ve just been so lonely and you were there and…”

Will saw how distraught his mother was becoming and said, “Mom, it’s okay, I mean I’m not freaked out or mad or anything… I just wish…” and his voice trailed off.

“You just wish what,” his mother asked as she regained her composure, and then she looked down and realized his pajama bottoms were beginning to tent.

Laura saw him blush as he said, “Now that I know I wasn’t dreaming, I wish I wasn’t drunk so I could remember what it was like.”

“Honey, do you mean… you’ve thought about you and I… that way,” Laura asked.

“Geez mom, yeah… all the time,” Will admitted, and then he sadly added. “I mean I know you’re my mother, but you’re the most beautiful woman I know, way better looking than all the girls I go to school with, and I’m just bummed that something I thought would never happen did, and I can’t remember it.”

“I had no idea you felt that way,” Laura, replied, suddenly feeling so sorry for robbing her sweet son of his first time, especially now that she new he fantasized about her. She could see the sadness in his face and wanted to try to make it up to him somehow. Then she looked at his crotch and asked, “Will, do you have an erection.”

He nodded and then softly said, “I guess knowing what really happened last night, and knowing your naked under your robe kind of got me excited.”

With that Laura stood up, and with a smile on her face she pulled the bow that tied her robe together, and as her son watched she shrugged her shoulders back and let the silken material slide off her arms and down to the floor, exposing her incredible body to him.

The teenager took in every inch of his mother’s amazing body, from her perfectly shaped breasts to her hard pink nipples, her flat tummy to her smooth shaven mound, and her shapely thighs to her red painted toenails. Then she turned to show him what she thought was her best physical feature, her firm, round derriere.

When she turned back around her stunned son asked, “Mom, what are you doing?”

Laura didn’t say a word, and instead slowly walked towards him. She reached out her hand and took the earring from him, setting it down on the table next to her. Then she began slowly lowering herself until she was on her knees in front of him. The bulge in his pajama pants was now at eye level with her, and as she looked up into his eyes her hands pushed his robe apart, sliding horizontally along his flat stomach as they did.

Will was lightheaded with anticipation as he felt his mother’s hands at the top of his pajama pants, and then she grabbed the elastic waistband and began pulling them down. She had to pull them out to clear his erection, and when it sprung into view it nearly hit Laura in the face.

For the second straight day she feasted her eyes on her son’s hard prick, gently bouncing only inches from her. After pulling his pajama pants all the way down and having him step out of them she threw them aside. Then her hands slowly slid up his nearly hairless legs and over his developing thighs until they reached their target.

Laura looked up into her son’s eyes again as she gently cradled his smooth scrotum and egg shaped testicles in her left hand while she wrapped her right hand around his hard shaft. Then she smiled and said, “You’re still grounded,” before leaning forward and taking his cock into her mouth.

Publicado por DizzyD427
4 años atrás
o para publicar comentarios
rb1956 6 meses atrás
spec1410 7 meses atrás
Wow what a post so so sexeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 
bsegerct 9 meses atrás
funpics70 1 año atrás
wow what a fantastic story
꧁ღ⊱♥ ❤ ☼ ❤ ☼ ❤.♥⊱ღ꧂
traceyleedscd 2 años atrás
Another well written story xxx
Mds1636 2 años atrás
Asianslutlover55 2 años atrás
great story
tunca 2 años atrás
alan_inlondon 2 años atrás
mmmmmmm  hot hot  hot -  wonderful story
Cigarman56 2 años atrás
Bravo!! Great story and writing!
darthsatanikus 2 años atrás
wow..that's so hot
fd8984596 3 años atrás
para DizzyD427 : Waiting for it to actually appear on xHam - Here's hopping they actually let it appear!
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littlestiffie 3 años atrás
just read it again -- it was awesome and erotic - thank you for that
DizzyD427 Publicador 3 años atrás
para xmasgirl : Where are you... little star
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DizzyD427 Publicador 3 años atrás
para fd8984596 : Thank you so very much old friend.. just posted Part II... hope you're well.
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DizzyD427 Publicador 3 años atrás
para littlestiffie : Thank you so much
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DizzyD427 Publicador 3 años atrás
para Mommylovescocks : Thanks my friend
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DizzyD427 Publicador 3 años atrás
para bigdaddyg123 : Big Daddy G, first, thank you for your dedication and skill in assessing the erotica that was once available to the readers here.  To say I'm appreciative of the reviews you've given my stories falls short.  I appreciate your attention to detail, and while you've correctly pointed out errors I've made, you also praised content over all else.  You are the Siskel and Ebert of critiquing erotica.  Thank you again my friend. 
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pearldiver69 3 años atrás
One of the best and most fantasy inspiring pieces of erotic writing I've found here.  The numerous possibilities for future pleasures shared between Laura, Shelly, Will, and Josh are mouthwatering to imagine.  Thanks for pushing so many of my favorite buttons.  I do hope you continue with more, or at least one more sequel.  
mikehuntloves69 3 años atrás
Kissableking 3 años atrás
Loved it.
Fedhill49 3 años atrás
Fun Story!
james1801 3 años atrás
Great stuff!!!! 
boxerdog822 3 años atrás
Fantastic Dizzy are you going to put part 2 on your blog 
realcurious57 3 años atrás
littlestiffie 3 años atrás
that was absolutely the best written 2 generational story that i have read in a very long time - it showed a full and true understanding of the se0ual emotions that take place in that situation. thank you for telling it.
SancheZ069 3 años atrás
so hot :smile:
❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ ❤