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Iniciar semana gratuita de Pornhub Premium5' 11", 170lbs, caucasian, Brown hair, Green eyes, non tobacco smoker (I do not care if you do, I am very understanding and tolerant), Light Social Drinker (I will get but not , if the social setting allows), Discreet, Respectful, Private, Clean (No STDs and I regularly bathe ;-) ), Attentive and very Touchy/Feely, 420 Friendly (I grow), Vasectomy (best form of birth control IMHO, op. performed 1998). If you are interested in meeting up in the San Diego, CA, area, I could be your discreet, no strings attached friend with benefits. Send me a FaceBook, Snap, InstaGram message (or message me here on PHub)and let's discover how sexually compatible we are. This is my first posting for this and you more than likely will be the first to respond.
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