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Orlando, United States
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Hello, everyone! I just wanted to stop in and let you know that the results are in, but I am waiting for my committee to allow me to release them. Once I do, I will post them for you. Thank you for your continued patience and support.
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se suscribió a 4 usuarios
desbloqueó un nuevo logro: "The Mugshot"
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It's me again!

Hello, everyone! I hope this year has gotten off to a great start for you!
First let me apologize that there have been no updates. I had back surgery on December 28th and I'm still trying to play catch-up.
The results are in, but I haven't had the time to compile them into something that makes sense. Once I do, I will come back here and let you know.
Thank you for your continued support!
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desbloqueó un nuevo logro: "The Squire"
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Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've done the impossible! We currently have 200 completed surveys. Because we have reached the goal, I will be closing the survey on Monday, October 26, 2015 at 5:00pm EST. I want to give those of you who want to participate, but have not had the time one final opportunity. But, I do need to close so that I can move on to the next step.
Please, stay tuned for further updates.
Thanks again! Best wishes!
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desbloqueó un nuevo logro: "The Prophet"
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se suscribió a 9 usuarios
se suscribió a 18 usuarios
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If you ignore everything else, read this: A message to respondents.

First, let me thank you all again for your participation. It's been a long road and we're still not quite there, but we're getting there. This is because of you and your willingness to help. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thanks.
So, the reason why I felt compelled to post to you all. I've been reading the final question's responses (as I verify that the responses are not duplicates, aren't partial responses, etc.) and I have noticed that a number of you have posed questions to me. I would be more than happy to answer them, but as the survey is anonymous, I have no way of giving you the answers. So, please, feel free to message me with any questions you may have had throughout the survey. No question is off limits. As many respondents have already found, I'm a pretty laid back person who will be happy to chat with anyone. Some of my conversations here have gone on for months.
Lastly, to those of you who left little messages saying hello or telling me to have a nice day, Thank you. You have made my evening with me seeing those comments. It truly is about a kind word.
Thank you all again for your support.
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Can YOU help me graduate?

Ladies and Gents!
Thanks again for your continued support. I'm hoping to close this survey in 10 days, but I need your help. I currently have 126 responses, which means I need 74 more.
YOU can help me graduate! If you haven't filled out the survey yet, there's still time. If you have, don't forget to recommend it to your friends.
You can access the survey here:
Thank you!
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9 hace años
I just completed your survey. Good luck! I am curious to know what you learn. You'll have to post a link to the published article or book someday. 
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9 hace años
Hey, I am also working on a dissertation. Congratulations. What is your field of study?
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se suscribió a 10 usuarios
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Hello, everyone!
I just wanted to take a brief moment to update you all on our progress.
First, I'd like to say sorry I've been away a few days I was in a car accident involving 4 cars and have not been feeling very well.
As for our progress, we currently have 116 completed surveys! My dissertation committee chair has agreed that I can proceed once I have 200 surveys. With this, I need your help. There are 661 of you who are friends with me on pornhub. If just 84 more of you agree to take the survey, I can hit the goal in no time.
For those of you who have taken the survey already, please, don't hesitate to share the survey with others.
I'm hoping that with your help, we can move to the next step soon. The sooner we get there, the sooner you guys get to see the results.
Thanks again for your continued support and hard work!
Follow this link:
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I am a social researcher working on surveying pornographic film actors and actresses. Please, help me by taking my survey! Thank you! You make research possible! http://ucf.qualtrics.com//SE/?SID=SV_enXPZZ9BX2Y6N01

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8 hace años
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