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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenlooking for a dog slave who can fight with other dog slave just like dogfight here some rules .now train to thaibox naked and send your training show for your owner everyweek; 2.i will find other fighter or slavedog to fight with you,you should keep aggressive and obey your owner whatever you fight in naked; 3.get rid of shame,slave fighting in naked is glory and shame of losing the match which the owner arrange you; 4. when you losing the matches,i will the dog ,you;5. cant shoot and have sex without my allowance; 6. learn to be a real dog and how to fight as a dog,for example,dont allow to stand,two fight dog should knee dow and hands with fighting gloves,and stare at its fight and bark to other dog powerful and aggressive,take your compete fightdog down,use muscle body to hit and wrestle,only hard dick can attack dick,until one dog give up the fight,the winner dog control the losing dog and bark for victory.when you win,you can shoot as a reward; 7.thaiboxing is also the fighting skill you sh
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