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Gratis-Woche für Pornhub-Premium beginnenHi everyone!! A little change in description of our profile. We are gay couple. I am Michal (born 20.02.1984) - I create our profile, my beloved boy is David (born October 17, 1983). Our relationship is already . We are a loving and happy couple. We have similar interests and passions. We love sex and everything related to it. Our fetishes are piss and sperm. We like to drink and eat these two things. We also use them in the kitchen for baking and cooking. We are swingers. That is why we like urine and sperm from other guys. We like group sex and often (when we have the opportunity) we do it. I like Latinos and dark-skinned guys. My boyfriend likes all guys if they are younger than him. I also like younger or the same age. We both do not like obese and hairy. We also do not like dirty and smelly. I Michael have another fetish. I like bare feet. I like to walk barefoot wherever possible. I like to do barefoot in the garden, especially mowing the grass. I also like barefoot driving and shopping. We v
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