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If you’re craving a smoldering redhead, you’ll be more than satisfied with the amazing dolly leigh. This beautiful brown-eyed girl stands 5 feet 6 inches tall, towering above some of the other petite cuties coming through the popular porn studios. At 127 pounds, her 36C tits, 24-inch waist and 38-inch juicy booty fit her perfectly. When she was around 18 years old, she decided to get into the porn industry. Before becoming a dancer, dolly studied dance in college and has a degree in performance art from the highly esteemed Rutgers University – where Joanna Angel also went – making her the perfect candidate to star in porn movies! Originally from New Jersey, Lauren sought warmer weather and moved to Florida to start her career in adult entertainment. She started camming and working for sexy companies like Mofos and Bang Bros; she got really popular and relocated to porn valley, where she has found tons of success, in part because she’s so hot, but also because she has a voracious sexual appetite...
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