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Hentai Succubus HFO ( Hands Free Orgasmus ) Výzva Epizoda 6

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  • Succubus
  • Hfo
  • Hentai succubus
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  • Hands free orgasm
  • Succubi
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před 2 lety
yo, the breathplay was TOO hard here like 3 mins , thats too much try and keep it btw 2:00-2:30 mins yeah 3 mins is fine for one times, but after its repeated, it just gets annoying
před 2 lety
dang it felt like 3 mins to me, thanks ill try, and yeah ig the breaks make em seem so hard
před 2 lety
Hey, thank you for the comment. The longest breathplay hold in this video is actually only 2 mins long. It seems longer because there is some clenching mixed in. It's also because there is not many breaks between the breath holds. This is episode 6 in the series, so I have to adjust the difficulty accordingly, the rest of the videos are on my patreon. It's definitely possible to complete the breathplay in the video, you just need to focus on taking in deep breaths between the breath holds.
před 4 měsíci
Could someone tell where exatly that muscle is and how to do it right
před 4 měsíci
do a quick google search on kegels.
před 1 lety
I struggle to do the muscle flexing as fast as the beat. Is it just a matter of practice?
před 1 lety
yeah practice will make it much easier 🙂
před 1 lety
I love breathplay, and I able to hold my breath but.. I can't get hfo. Problem is that I'm not sure what PC muscle actually is. English is not my native. So I trying to tense my cock by the beat. It feel hard very soon. What a f..k did I do wrong!? (C)
před 2 lety
I think that i have the lowest oxygen level in my life. I really worry how further you can make these HFO mě ose this was really Hard. But that not mean i dont like it. Becous I love it and i Will wait for the next challnge
před 2 lety
I'm not planning to make them that much more extreme, my advice is just to breath deep between the breath holds. Alot of it has to do with learning how to be relaxed. Something that can help is counting to 120 in your head- as you should be able to hold it at least 2 mins. So counting helps stay focused and makes it seem easier over time.
před 2 lety
i was just re watching the previous clenching episode and felt a lack of breathplay it felt off not doing breathplay in a hfo video and boom, you just uploaded this video, this is what i needed!!!. thanks
před 2 měsíci
I really love your videos. My favorites are actually Episode 4 and Episode 666. I must commit the breathplay is really hard but I managed it trough. I completed the whole video (first try and actually proud of it). I haven't succeeded a HFO yet but I keep practicing and looking forward to achieve it while watching your videos
před 11 měsíci
Should I take a break between failures to restart the last checkpoint?
před 11 měsíci
its up to you, you can take a break if you feel like you need it. It's okay to come back at the next checkpoint days later
před 2 lety
this didn't make me hard or anything just made me exhausted but it was intense, the longest time I can hold my breath is about a minute
před 2 lety
This is because the pc muscle is a long strip, and you need to focus more on the position close to your balls.
před 2 lety
Too hard breathplaying, cant even keep myself hard... lol What about more "sensual" theme? Love ur vids, but not this one
před 2 lety
It's supposed to be a challenge cause its the 6th video in the series. It's 100% possible to do every breath hold, you just have to keep practicing. Maybe in the future I will make a more sensual theme as you suggest.

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