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před 4 lety
porn with fake male orgasms sucks. we get it bro, you're a cum chump and can't bust three times in a row
před 2 měsíci
i love them both this is so hot 😜
před 1 lety
And hearing this dude moan, makes it worse. I stay with lesbian and solo movies. Nice chick though.
před 4 lety
Tf is up with this guys finger nails...
před 4 lety
he was in jail for
před 4 lety
I swear the dialog the mood.
před 4 lety
it was hilarious
před 4 lety
Bruh i just want to fucking cuddle I'm tired of sex every girl leaves me for a better guy it makes me feel so insecure and makes me want to myself sometimes Why does love have to be something so painful and so addicting I just want to be able to give a girl the world and make her feel special but no girl wants someone like me to do that for them because girls now want the cutest guy and I just cant compete I wish I didn't have to love to be happy
před 4 lety
hey man dont get sad about girls like this, i think we all can agree, that we know the exact feeling. in germany we say, "wo eine tür zu geht, öffnet sich eine andere", this means as much as, when on door closes, a better one opens. and a better one is going to open for you. for us all. Stay Strong Soliders.
před 4 lety
Why do American porn actors have to keep saying "I mean..." every few seconds?? Can't they find people who can speak normally? (Now that I've pointed it out, you won't be able to un-hear it!)
před 4 lety
i know right?
před 4 lety
I really hate that woman's accent man...they speak like imbecils
před 4 lety
I died laughing as He Said „sheesh
před 4 lety
Let’s see who we’re finessing
před 4 lety
Honestly, I don't want to be horny. I barely feel anything when I jack off, the only reason I still do it is to feel something. I don't want to jack off, I want to be loved. I want someone to care about me and to treasure me, I want someone that I can give everything to, someone I can spend the rest of my life with. I just want to be happy.
před 4 lety
Relationships never turn out great when you're desperate to have one, bro. Find happiness and meaning elsewhere, and a relationship will serve to make it better. For me personally, I've been freshly single for a year and a half now and I love my freedom, and I love watching anime and gaming and a lot of stuff. Life doesn't have to be just about romance.
před 4 lety
Contact me I will spend life with you
před 4 lety
Why is the talent never credited?!... What's her name?
před 4 lety
Jessa Rose !!!
před 4 lety
Brianna Rose
před 4 lety
I saw this in the kronorium one time
před 4 lety
Joe said he wants his 115 back
před 4 lety
ay yo g, aren't you dead
před 4 lety
I can’t even jerk off anymore without thinking about her. I missed so many hints and chances during our relationship just for her to literally move across the country. Fml
před 4 lety
You put waaaaay to much emphasis on female attention. Lady issues should be the least of your problems, and women these days aren't prizes. View yourself as the prize, and if you can't, make yourself one, or at least self reliant. From a woman.
před 4 lety
I hope you get better

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