It’s depressing…
It’s depressing when you find out that hundreds of videos that you have spent nearly a decade putting into various playlists are gone for some reason. I understand removing content because it was posted without the consent of real people who are actually in videos, but did someone copyright claim all of those hentai videos or something? Like, really, they went and removed friggin cartoons? It’s also depressing having your favorite anime characters as your profile picture and background picture arbitrarily removed by PornHub. It’s stupid that only people who are a part of the model program or the content partner program can have profile pictures these days. I miss the days when the plebs could personalize their profiles more. It’s also depressing to have your “Videos Watched” counter go from nearly 5k to 2.1k for some fucked up reason. It’s like, what the fuck? Do you know how close I was to getting the cinephile badge? Well guess what, I’m probably never going to get it now because I’m not so dedicated to PornHub that I’m gonna log into this website every time I want to watch a video for 8 more years all to get the badge especially after my progress was sliced in half. Fuck that. There are other websites, better options. You know, it pains me to say it but while PornHub is still good it’ll never be what it once was in my opinion. :/