Back before the days of streaming video on the internet there were the young and the bold exploring the use of webcams ~ One of the Hottest was the AGGIE BAND which was a webcam in the dorm room, at Texas A&M University, of an ROTC cadet by the name of Kenny. He and most of the cadets that would gather in his room were all members of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band. This was a time to let of steam and their confused, pent up Testosterone!!! They would hook up with "girls", or so they thought and show anyone that happened to be on their channel a good time. Live chat was accomplished by ICQ. There was also software called LiveGrab that could be set to record more than one channel for review at a later time. This was useful as many cams would be inactive for long periods or have great activity late at night when one was not online. The cameras could be set to set a still image every so many seconds and was usually set to somewhere between 15 and 45 seconds. At Texas A&M University one of the important things to the cadets were their "Senior Boots" as, shown, worn by Kenny in his dress uniform, in the above profile image... You will in time get to see a photograph of Kenny wearing nothing but his Senior Boots and a smile 🙂 Stay tuned, there are several more of these early webcams to be featured here. I'm also working on creating some clips using these sequence photographs that will be only viewable by friends. Stay tuned.