Why there is no tv serie format of porn ? Why cronological storys arent popular ?
I`ve searched in many places for a series of videos where each video is part of the same cronological story, as a regular tv show, and found very few results, all amateur. Im not counting movies sequences, as its not the same thing (movies are more expenssive and time consuming then 10-20-30 min videos). That result intrigues me, as this model of videos fits perfectly in the public demand and is a safer investiment, because cheaper, for both professional and amateur industry.
Many statistics released by diferent porn sites reveals that the most searched words on their sites are related with videos of the category `roleplay`. This link https://www.pornmd.com/sex-search shows that the word stepsister is the most searched in the whole world. It dosent say if only in then pornmd site or if in the whole pornhub network, and it dosent tell for how long either, but is certanly for at least some years. This link https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=porn%20mom,porn%20sister,porn%20dad,porn%20son,porn%20aunt show that `porn mom` is the most popular search related to pornography and made in google in the last 12 months. And this link https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=porn%20mom,porn%20sister,porn%20son,porn%20teen,porn%20milf shows that the phrase `porn mom` is as popular as the words teen and milf searched in google , also in 12 months. And finally this link https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201803/surprising-new-data-the-world-s-most-popular-porn-site shows that videos tagged as `amateur` and `mature` and `teen` are watched for more time then other categories.
So seems logical to me that, for an amateur artist and for professionals, in order to have more views and more watching-time, the best strategie would be to make videos in the categories : Amateur,Teen, sister, milf, mom and son. And since all of these categories are roleplay based, and since roleplay is nothing but a plot, and since plots in every form of enterteniment have evolved to be extended to several episodes - as all that is true, i dont think why pornography plots would be the first exception. No, i think this episodes format that tells an single story would fit even better in pornography, since pornography plots are normal television plot, but with sex, wich makes it more apealing.
There was a brazilian porn industry called brazzers the released a note recently saying they would try this episodic format of videos, but they continued saying there was no assurance, because, according to them, `this format dosent work well with pornography`. I think the reason it might be true because of 2 things : 1 - The categories of the porn episodes arent for the public that wants story; 2- The plot is boring, focusing more in the sex, and less in the context. The first mistake would be fixed with the categories are Amateur, mature,teen, and roleplay based, as and son. And the second can only be fixed by a good writer. For example, the videos of xev belinger are very entertening, because it its well writed, and because she act well.
So as no reason explains why this model of video isnt popular in pornography, since everything leads to believe it should, maybe that means it will be once someonte start doing it right first, and then other sees it and start copying. So with you are an amateur and are trying to fit in the industry, i higly suggest you try this format of videos.