Thank you all so much!
It's barely been two weeks and I'm in the top 16% on OF! That's crazy, though on the hub I think I'm like in the top 0.1% which is mind blowing too. I'm liking the OF platform so far. Once I've got a decent following I'll start taking polls on what sort of content you'd like to see more of on there. I'll definitely be posting a proper thank you on there when I hit top 10%. Also I've got another video I'll be dropping on here soon, something a little different but not too different haha. The next one after is going to be a little crazy but hey some people like it a bit crazy.
Thank you all again for all your support! I will do my best to give back and reward more than I take! That's kinda a rule of thumb I like to live by.
If you haven't already and you'd like to support me too go subscribe to my OF here:
I try to post as often as I can here, I'm aiming to post a little something at least once a week. And a big something every now and then. Plus a little more about me and my adventures too