Lady Livia - Three: The Proposition (Revised)

That evening after dinner, the luxurious purple and red-clad bedroom, a sanctum of whispered secrets and unspoken truths, became the stage for a revelation that would irrevocably alter the course of Livia and Lucius's marriage. In the dim, flickering candlelight, shadows played across the walls, mirroring the tumultuous emotions brewing within them. They sat and gazed at each other after having made love. The room was warm, and Livia began to fan herself with her hands.

Lucius lifted himself onto one elbow and gently caressed Livia's face with his fingers. "Livia, you know how much our life together means to me," Lucius began, his voice a mixture of caution and earnestness. "But beneath our comfortable existence, I hunger for something... more. Something primal."

Livia, her breathing returning to normal and her body's excitement subsiding, answered, "Primal? Lucius, I don't understand."

He took a deep breath, his eyes searching hers. "I've been harboring a fantasy. It's unconventional, perhaps even taboo, but it could rekindle a fire in us. It involves you and another man."

The words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Livia felt as if the ground beneath her had shifted. Cassius, who never had left her mind, fell into place within the beginning of the fruition of her wildest fantasies. "Another man?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper. "Are you saying you want to be... cuckolded?"

"Yes," he said, the word laden with a strange combination of fear and desire. "I can't fully explain it, but the thought of it is terrifying and exhilarating. It's about letting go of control and experiencing a blend of jealousy and arousal. It's complex, but it could open new doors for us. I trust you, Livia. Cuckolding could be our secret exploration, a journey we take together."

"But why, Lucius? Why do you want to watch me with someone else?"

"It's hard to articulate," he admitted. "It’s about exploring the boundaries of our passion, the thrill of the forbidden. It’s not about diminishing what we have but adding another dimension. I love you so much; I want you to be happy. And I know that I can be a selfish lover. I am too stern, too strict, or too insensitive. And for that, I apologize. You can have any man you wish.”

With this proposition, Livia sat in stunned silence and fell into reverie. The image and eminence of Cassius filled her mind, his handsome visage, his striking countenance, and his vigor for life. He was an earnest, passionate lover and old soul. It was almost as though she forgot for a moment he had long passed away because she was going to suggest Cassius for their cuckold. Then Julius came to the forefront of her thoughts. As his image, the feeling of his presence filled her mind, she was surprised how this was naturally falling into place. The notion of being with Julius, under her husband’s watchful eye, was both scandalous and exhilarating.

“So, you’re giving me your permission…?” Livia finally spoke, her voice tinged with both skepticism and curiosity. “To be with someone else?”

“In a way, yes,” Lucius replied, his eyes never leaving hers. “But it’s more than that. It’s about us venturing into uncharted territories together.”

Livia considered his words, feeling the foundations of their relationship tremble beneath her. This proposition was not just an invitation to indulge in forbidden pleasures but an opportunity for her to be with Julius in a legitimate way. It was a chance to step out of the shadows of conformity and redefine herself.

After a long, heavy silence, she met his gaze. “If we do this... it changes everything,” she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

“It does,” he agreed, his expression solemn. “But perhaps change is what we need.”

“Together,” Livia echoed, her heart racing with the prospect of stepping into a world where the lines of love and desire blurred, wondering what discoveries awaited them in this uncharted territory.

The silence followed was reflective; both were lost in their thoughts, contemplating the path they were about to tread. The flickering candlelight cast a soft glow on their faces, highlighting the mix of apprehension and anticipation in their eyes.

Lucius finally broke the silence. “We should talk about who...” His voice trailed off, uncertain.

Livia felt a jolt at the mention. The reality of their decision was setting in. “Yes, the ‘who,’" she echoed, her mind returning to Julius. She knew in her heart that he was the one she desired, yet the idea of speaking his name aloud made the fantasy dangerously real.

"Do you have someone in mind?" Lucius asked, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.

Livia hesitated, then nodded slowly. "There is someone... Julius," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

"'Julius'?" Lucius repeated a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "The one from the senator's banquet?"

"Yes," she confirmed, her pulse quickening. "Julius... he’s always been kind and respectful. And there’s something about him that...” Her voice trailed off, unable to articulate the attraction fully.

Lucius nodded, processing this information. “I understand,” he said after a moment. “If he is your choice, then I trust your judgment. But how will we approach him with such a delicate proposition?”

“That’s a bridge we’ll have to cross carefully,” Livia replied. “It’s not just about proposing the idea but ensuring he understands the boundaries and our expectations.”

“We’ll need to be clear about the rules,” Lucius added. “This is about our exploration, not just a fleeting affair.”

“Agreed,” Livia said. “It’s about us, our journey. Anyone else is a part of the experience, not the focus.”

They fell into silence again, each lost in their thoughts. The proposition had opened the door to myriad possibilities and, with it, a wave of uncertainty. Yet, beneath it all, there was an undercurrent of excitement, a sense of embarking on an adventure that would redefine their relationship.

Finally, Livia spoke, her voice more confident. “We’ll need to discuss this further, plan carefully. But for now, let's be with each other, alone with our thoughts.”

Lucius nodded, and they lay back down, wrapped in each other's arms. The candlelight flickered, casting dancing shadows across the room as if mirroring the complex interplay of emotions and desires that lay ahead. In this moment of quiet intimacy, they both understood that their path was fraught with risks and unknowns. Yet, the promise of rediscovering each other, of exploring hidden facets of their love, made the journey ahead seem worth every step.
تم النشر بواسطة Lily_Leigh1
منذ 11 أشهر
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svetilnik منذ 11 أشهر
This might lead into "The Trueman's Show" motive, maybe you've found a way to merge two parallel narrations (about Livia and Luna) into one (mutual conspiracy amongst all episode characters against the main character)?! If so then just do it (my foolish guess couldn't possibly spoil your pleasant surprise), sweet Miss Leigh!😉