ANNIE SPRINKLE classic MILF mature vintage[0]=4892,49904
Annie Sprinkle Porn Star Videos
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Helen Madigan, Marc Stevens
Scene 7. Annie Sprinkle
Scene 12. Annie Sprinkle, Jeffrey Hurst
Scene 13. Annie Sprinkle, Bobby Astyr, Marc Stevens
Blue Extasy (1976)
64:01 m
Ecstasy in Blue (1976)
Scene 1. Terri Hall, 2 guys
Scene 2. Cedar Houston, Eric Edwards
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Helen Madigan, Marc Stevens
Scene 4. Terri Hall, guy
Scene 5. C.J. Laing, Barbara Carson, Terri Hall
Scene 6. C.J. Laing, Marc Stevens
Scene 7. Annie Sprinkle
Scene 8. C.J. Laing, Marc Stevens
Scene 9. Barbara Carson, Terri Hall, Bobby Astyr
Scene 10. Crystal Sync, Bobby Astyr, Jeffrey Hurst
Scene 11. C.J. Laing, Marc Stevens
Scene 12. Annie Sprinkle, Jeffrey Hurst
Scene 13. Annie Sprinkle, Bobby Astyr, Marc Stevens
Scene 14. Barbara Carson, Jeffrey Hurst
Scene 15. C.J. Laing, Marc Stevens
blog Terri Hall
blog Annie Sprinkle
Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle (Higher Quality)
1:32:05 m
Inside Annie Sprinkle (1981)
1:27:35 m
Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle (1981)
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, David Messa, Frank Vickers
Scene 2. Annie Sprinkle, Sassy
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Sassy, Ron Jeremy
Scene 4. Annie Sprinkle, Marc Valentine
Scene 5. Annie Sprinkle, Mal O'Ree
Scene 6. Annie Sprinkle, Barbara Miller, Heather Young, Judy Bilodeau, Diana May, Lisa B., Sheisha Jones
Scene 7. Annie Sprinkle
Scene 8. Annie Sprinkle, Sonny Landham
Scene 9. Annie Sprinkle, Jack Teague, Michael Gaunt, Mike Feline
Scene 10. Annie Sprinkle, Bunny Hatton, Buddy Hatton
Scene 11. Annie Sprinkle, Ron Hudd
28:36 m
Romeo & Juliet - Starring Serena - 1980s
28:56 m
Vintage Bizarre
64:53 m
Bizarre Styles (1983)
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, Minu Menage, Vanessa del Rio
Scene 2. Annie Sprinkle, Peter Rings, Sidney Brownstreet
Scene 3. Lacey Rivers, Slave Ed
Scene 4. Minu Menage, Ron Hudd, Vic Rock
Scene 5. Vanessa del Rio, Ron Hudd
Scene 6. Sue Williams, Ashley Moore
Scene 7. Honey Stevens, Dave Ambrose
blog Vanessa del Rio
Double Exposure
74:17 m
Double Exposure Of Holly (1976)
Scene 1. Bree Anthony, Tony Richards
Scene 2. Terri Hall
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Nancy Dare, Jamie Gillis
Scene 4. Annie Sprinkle, Terri Hall, Don Peterson, Jamie Gillis
Scene 5. Catherine Burgess, Don Peterson
Scene 6. Terri Hall, Jamie Gillis
Twilight Pink (1981)
74:53 m
Twilite Pink (1981)
Scene 1. Veronica Hart
Scene 2. Veronica Hart, Bill McKean
Scene 3. Veronica Hart, Gordon Duvall
Scene 4. Tiffany Clark, Veronica Hart
Scene 5. Christie Ford, Jack Teague, R. Bolla
Scene 6. Annie Sprinkle, Marc Valentine
Scene 7. Kandi Barbour
Scene 8. Mistress Candice
Scene 9. Kandi Barbour, David Christopher, Unknown Male 5807
Scene 10. Kandi Barbour, Mistress Candice
Scene 11. Kandi Barbour, R. Bolla
Scene 12. Tiffany Clark, Veronica Hart, Bill McKean, R. Bolla
blog Veronica Hart
blog Tiffany Clark
The Ganja Express
85:24 m
Ganja Express (1978)
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, Jamie Gillis
Scene 2. Catherine Burgess, Juliet Graham
Scene 3. Catherine Burgess, Gloria Leonard, Jenny Baxter, Terri Hall, Ursula Austin, Bobby Astyr, David Williams, Rocky Millstone, Sonny Landham
Scene 4. Terri Hall, Rocky Millstone
blog Terri Hall
86:08 m
Unwilling Lovers (1977)
Scene 1. Jody Maxwell, Rod Dumont
Scene 2. Terri Hall, Chad Lambert
Scene 3. Nancy Dare, Peter Andrews
Scene 4. Jody Maxwell, Rod Dumont, Zebedy Colt
Scene 5. Barbara Bush, John Bush
Scene 6. Annie Sprinkle, C.J. Laing, Rod Dumont, Zebedy Colt
Scene 7. Jody Maxwell, Zebedy Colt
Video Date Line
58:20 m
Starring: Jean Dalton, Leo Lovemore, Alan Marlow, Annie Sprinkle, David Williams, Taylor Young
58:28 m
Pornocopia Sensual (1976)
Also Known As
- Porn Mail
- Pornocopia Sexualis
Scene 1. Eve, Art Jordan, Red Baron
Scene 2. Annie Sprinkle, David Williams
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, David Williams, Red Baron
Scene 4. Judi Kay, Mike DeMarco
Scene 5. Annie Sprinkle, Eve
Scene 6. Eve, Red Baron
Scene 7. Annie Sprinkle, David Williams
The Satisfiers of Alpha Blue 1
43:34 m
The Satisfiers of Alpha Blue 2
40:51 m
Satisfiers of Alpha Blue (1980)
Scene 1. Robin Sane, Brian Palmer
Scene 2. Hillary Summers, Jody Maxwell, Lysa Thatcher, Herschel Savage
Scene 3. Lysa Thatcher
Scene 4. Jody Maxwell, George Payne, Michael Morrison
Scene 5. Hillary Summers, Mal O'Ree
Scene 6. Lee Caroll, George Payne
Scene 7. Lysa Thatcher, R. Bolla
Scene 8. Lysa Thatcher, George Payne, Mal O'Ree, Michael Morrison
Scene 9. Annie Sprinkle, Mal O'Ree
Scene 10. Holly Page, Lynx Canon, Lee Caroll, Maria Tortuga, Ron Hudd, Ted Devin
Scene 11. Tiffany Clark, Bill McKean
Scene 12. Coral Cie, Tiffany Clark
Scene 13. Coral Cie, George Payne
Scene 14. Hillary Summers, Herschel Savage
Scene 15. Lysa Thatcher, R. Bolla
Scene 16. Holly Page, Lynx Canon, Lee Caroll, Maria Tortuga, Tiffany Clark, Herschel Savage, Ron Hudd, Ted Devin
Big Tit Fucking In The 70s - 1970s
118:19 m
Blow Some My Way 1977
57:23 m
Blow Some My Way (1975)
Scene 1. Jenny Baxter, Alan Marlow
Scene 2. Lorraine Alraune, Jack Teague
Scene 3. Lara Christie, Carter Stevens
Scene 4. Annie Sprinkle, David Williams
Scene 5. Lorraine Alraune, Carter Stevens
Scene 6. Anna Livia Plurabella, Michael Ronds
Scene 7. Annie Sprinkle, Lorraine Alraune, Tia von Davis, Lara Christie, Jenny Baxter, Solange Shannon, Jack Teague, Marc Stevens, Red Baron, David Williams, Alan Marlow, Carter Stevens
Once Over Nightly - 1976
57:23 m
Once Over Nightly (1975)
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, Levi Richards
Scene 2. Terri Hall, Levi Richards
Scene 3. Nancy Dare, Bill Morgan
Scene 4. Andrea True, Zebedy Colt
Scene 5. Terri Hall, Zebedy Colt
Scene 6. Andrea True, Bobby Astyr
Scene 7. Andrea True, Zebedy Colt
Scene 8. Nancy Dare, Terri Hall
blog Terri Hall
Pandora's Mirror
87:35 m
Pandora's Mirror (1981)'s+mirror/year=1981/pandora's-mirror.htm
Scene 1. Tiffany Clark, Marc Valentine, Rod Pierce, Roy Stuart
Scene 2. Marlene Willoughby, Jack Houston
Scene 3. Patty Boyd, Marlene Willoughby
Scene 4. Patty Boyd, Bill McKean, David Ruby, Jack Houston
Scene 5. Sandra Hillman, Jamie Gillis
Scene 6. Hillary Summers, Ron Hudd
Scene 7. Kandi Barbour, Celeste Bon
Scene 8. Diana May, Ron Jeremy
Scene 9. Diana May, George Payne
Scene 10. Diana May, Merle Michaels, George Payne
Scene 11. Annie Sprinkle, Ron Hudd, Ron Jeremy, Carter Stevens
Scene 12. Merle Michaels, Annie Sprinkle, Ashley Moore, Ron Jeremy, Carter Stevens
Scene 13. Robin Sane, Roy Stuart
Scene 14. Diana May, Robin Sane, Ron Hudd, Roy Stuart
Scene 15. Veronica Hart, George Payne, Jerry Butler
blog Veronica Hart
Call Me Angel Sir - 1975
67:59 m
Call Me Angel Sir (1975)
Scene 1. Ultramax, guy
Scene 2. Annie Sprinkle, Luis De Jesus
Scene 3. Jean Dalton, Wade Nichols
Scene 4. Erica Eaton, Jeffrey Hurst
Scene 5. Ultramax, Jeffrey Hurst
Scene 6. Jean Dalton
Scene 7. Jean Dalton, Jeffrey Hurst
Scene 8. Ultramax
Teenage Cover Girls
56:32 m
Cover Girls in Heat (0)
Also Known As
- Cover Girls in Heat (SWV release title)
- Teenage Covergirl (CVX boxcover)
Scene 1. Susan Presley, guy
Scene 2. Esther Roberts, guy
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Esther Roberts, black guy
Scene 4. Susan Presley, Jimmy Lawrence, Ricky Newman
Scene 5. Annie Sprinkle
Scene 6. Annie Sprinkle, Esther Roberts, black guy
The Best Of Vulva Massage
1:16:51 m
Vintage Kathy N15
53:04 m
Kathy's Graduation Present (1975)'s+graduation+present/year=1975/kathy's-graduation-present.htm
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, Cedar Houston
Scene 2. Nikki Hilton, Leo Lovemore
Scene 3. Jennifer Jordan, Russ Carlson
Scene 4. Annie Sprinkle, Alan Marlow, Jamie Gillis
Scene 5. Annie Sprinkle, Nikki Hilton
Scene 6. Jennifer Jordan, Leo Lovemore
Scene 7. Cedar Houston, Alan Marlow, Jamie Gillis, Russ Carlson
buttersidedown - Honey Pie
84:08 m
Honey Pie (1975)
Scene 1. Arlana Blue, Barry Christian
Scene 2. Arlana Blue
Scene 3. Jennifer Welles, Sammy Teen
Scene 4. Serena, Sharon Thorpe
Scene 5. Terri Hall
Scene 6. Terri Hall, Rocky Millstone, Ashley Moore
Scene 7. Arlana Blue, Bobby Astyr
Scene 8. Bree Anthony, Mary Stuart, Mel White
Scene 9. Annie Sprinkle, Jackie Saint James
blog Terri Hall
Annie Sprinle Seduction
1:00:48 m
Seduction (1974)
Scene 1. Andrea True, Ashley Moore
Scene 2. Andrea True, Angel Barrett, Annie Sprinkle, Nikki Hilton
Scene 3. Angel Barrett, Ashley Moore
Scene 4. Annie Sprinkle, Nikki Hilton, Terri Hall, others, Ronnie Love, Tony Richards
Scene 5. Andrea True, Jamie Gillis
Scene 6. Andrea True
Scene 7. Andrea True, Jamie Gillis, Tony Richards
Scene 8. Angel Barrett, Jamie Gillis
Scene 9. Andrea True, Ashley Moore
Satan was a Lady
70:01 m
Satan Was a Lady (1976)
Scene 1. Bree Anthony, Tony Richards
Scene 2. Annie Sprinkle, Bobby Astyr
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Tony Richards
Scene 4. C.J. Laing, Tony Richards
Scene 5. Annie Sprinkle
Scene 6. Bree Anthony, Tony Richards
Scene 7. Annie Sprinkle, Bobby Astyr
Scene 8. Bree Anthony, Tony Richards
French Shampoo - 1978
77:48 m
French Shampoo (Homage to W. B.) (1978)
Scene 1. Darby Lloyd Rains, Kim Pope
Scene 2. Annie Sprinkle, Darby Lloyd Rains, Alan Marlow
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Bobby Astyr
Scene 4. Helen Madigan, Grover Griffith
Scene 5. Kim Pope, Bobby Astyr
Scene 6. Cheryl White, Bobby Astyr, Grover Griffith
Scene 7. Cheryl White, Nikki Hilton, Marc Stevens
Scene 8. Nikki Hilton, Bobby Astyr
Scene 9. Annie Sprinkle, Darby Lloyd Rains, Helen Madigan, Marc Stevens
Scene 10. Kim Pope, Alan Marlow
Annie Sprinkle
45:03 m
Annie Sprinkle - Unwanted Anal - Vintage Black & White
13:39 m
Annie Sprinkle Scene
8:00 m
Sue Prentiss RN - 1975 - Full Movie
60:27 m
GeckoX - Sue Prentiss R.N. Part 1-3
GeckoX - Sue Prentiss R.N. Part 2-3
GeckoX - Sue Prentiss R.N. Part 1-3
Sue Prentiss R.N. (1975)
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, Bobby Astyr
Scene 2. Shirley Peters, Levi Richards
Scene 3. Nikki Hilton, John Bush
Scene 4. Barbara Bush, guy
Scene 5. Nikki Hilton, Alan Marlow, John Bush
Scene 6. Annie Sprinkle, Nikki Hilton, Levi Richards
Scene 7. Nikki Hilton, Bobby Astyr
Scene 8. Nikki Hilton, John Bush
Scene 9. Nikki Hilton, Alan Marlow
Scene 10. Annie Sprinkle, Barbara Bush, Nikki Hilton, Shirley Peters
Scene 11. Shirley Peters, Bobby Astyr
Scene 12. Barbara Bush, Nikki Hilton, Levi Richards
Scene 13. Barbara Bush, John Bush, Levi Richards
Scene 14. Annie Sprinkle, guy
Devil Inside Her (1977)
69:12 m
The Devil Inside He (1977)
69:12 m
Devil Inside Her (1977)
Scene 1. Terri Hall, Dean Tait
Scene 2. Jody Maxwell, Chad Lambert
Scene 3. Jody Maxwell, Rod Dumont
Scene 4. Jody Maxwell
Scene 5. Terri Hall, Dean Tait
Scene 6. Jody Maxwell, Zebedy Colt
Scene 7. Nancy Dare, Rod Dumont
Scene 8. Nancy Dare, Terri Hall
Scene 9. girl, guy
Scene 10. Annie Sprinkle, 3 guys
Scene 11. Annie Sprinkle, black guy
Scene 12. 3 girls, Rod Dumont
Scene 13. Jody Maxwell, black guy, Chad Lambert, Rod Dumont
Scene 14. Terri Hall, guy
Scene 15. Terri Hall, Rod Dumont
Kneel before me
71:07 m
Kneel Before Me (1983)
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, George Payne
Scene 2. Annie Sprinkle, George Payne
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Alan Adrian
Scene 4. Ambrosia Fox, Lisa Thomas, Ron Jeremy
Scene 5. Annie Sprinkle, Niko, Tony Mansfield
Scene 6. Annie Sprinkle, Niko, George Payne
Annie Sprinkle
12:27 m
(BD) Night Of Submission
58:38 m
The Night Of Submission (1976)
Night of Submission (1976)
Scene 1. Annie Sprinkle, Carter Stevens
Scene 2. Cheryl White, Helen Madigan, Crystal Sync, Red Baron
Scene 3. Cheryl White, Crystal Sync, David Christopher, David Savage, Red Baron
Scene 4. Helen Madigan, Mike DeMarco
Scene 5. Vanessa del Rio, Red Baron
Scene 6. Helen Madigan, David Savage
Scene 7. Tia von Davis, Red Baron
Scene 8. Lara Christie, Crystal Sync, Unknown Male 3844
Scene 9. Cheryl White, David Christopher
Scene 10. Crystal Sync, Carter Stevens
Scene 11. Lara Christie, David Williams, Unknown Male 3844
Scene 12. Lara Christie, Crystal Sync
Affairs of Janice - C.J. Laing & Annie Sprinkle
71:50 m
Affairs of Janice (1975)
Scene 1. C.J. Laing, Ras Kean
Scene 2. C.J. Laing, Crystal Sync
Scene 3. Annie Sprinkle, Bobby Astyr
Scene 4. Annie Sprinkle, Ras Kean
Scene 5. C.J. Laing, Ras Kean
Scene 6. C.J. Laing, Crystal Sync
Scene 7. C.J. Laing, Crystal Sync, Ras Kean
Scene 8. C.J. Laing, Zebedy Colt
73:54 m
M*A*S*H'd (1976)
- Directed by Emton Smith (as Emton Smiht)
- Writing credits
- Emton Smith (written by) (as Emton Smiht)
Annie Sprinkle ... Gail, Always Ready
Roger Caine ... Doctor George (as Mike Jefferson)
Andrea True ... Hot Puss
Herschel Richard ... Telescope
George Arthur ... General
Billy Jaw-Breaker ... Bill
Byron Stress ... Second Pilot
Sandra Sweat ... Linda
Kate Post ... Second Nurse
Johanan Stein ... Second Soldier
Viju Krem ... George's Wife
Ed Marshall
Annie Sprinkles
58:21 m
Annie Sprinkle
20:09 m
annie sprinkle is the best
11:15 m
"I have another one...
bitches are Annie Sprinkle and Day Jason, guys are Leo Lovemore & Levi Richards (this last not quite sure)... could you identify the movie? I guess this is a only one scene short film.... but if not I´ll like to know which film it is..."
pm Personal message to @fritz_86
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