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other sites

with the recent "purge" of all user made content i've re-uploaded my videos to spankbang and xhamster. i dont know what the future holds for pornhub and if they will even allow content in the future but we'll see. for now you can find the videos there and get in contact / keep up with what im doing on hanaheartshypno.bdsmlr(dot)com
  • 8
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quick update 🙂

Hiya slaves, sorry for being MIA! The next video might take me a while longer to finish as the holiday season proves a difficult time for long, uninterrupted sessions of editing videos. I do hope you will be patient with me and I will keep you up to date on anything new of mine you should be aware of. Though I can definitely say I won't be able to upload new content before Christmas 😥 Enjoy your holidays nevertheless -hana
  • 15
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next video

hiya slaves! im trying to start work on my next as soon as possible, i already know what i want to do, now i just have to do it! 😜 i've just switched jobs so i also have to get used that and since i still live with family they constantly interrupt me when im trying to work on my ;(
ill work as fast as i can to satisfy the cravings of my slaves but be patient with me  ❤️
  • 9
4 anos atrás
Thank You Miss Hanna for working on more. i'm in love with Your work
  • 1
4 anos atrás
Thank you for working on it! I'm curious what happened to your first video?
  • 1
4 anos atrás
Good to have news from Misstress, take your time ❤.
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10K :o

oh wow, can't believe you've watched my videos 10 thousand times ;o thanks slaves [3 
  • 20
4 anos atrás
I need more of your videos miss Hana
  • 1
4 anos atrás
Ur welcome my dear. I’d do anything for you
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4 anos atrás
Everything for you mistress
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4 anos atrás
When is the next one mistress? X
  • 1
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new video is up!

i hope u guys like it! if you have any questions or feedback, reply to this post or message me!  ❤️
  • 20
4 anos atrás
Will you please make a video about serving and submitting to black men
  • 0
4 anos atrás
would prefer your voice and not text. felt so relaxed, drifted, and missed text instruction. perhaps adding instruction to breathe thru nose when mouth is open, or mouth goes dry. o
  • 0
4 anos atrás
i loved the drooling. i love it to be told what to do and be controlled. even if it´s only little things like "hold your breath" it feels so great to obey. Keep it up and maybe add even more tasks if you like to (but please nothing that requires a dildo or anything)
  • 1
4 anos atrás
Ive been more into your /trance videos then I have any other. They are amazing, As for recommendations will you make one where you have us eat our cum at the end? Ive tried a few times but never follow through and I know with you it will be different. I want to be one of your slaves and I want to serve and please you.
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soon  ❤️
  • 16
4 anos atrás
don't stress yourself, you provide quality for free and that's already so kind I'm thankful, can't wait thoo hehe
  • 1
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hii my cute slaves! normally the next video would be ready but there's been lots of silly real life stuff i've had to take care of lately 😥 please be patient, i've almost finished the structure  ❤️
  • 13
4 anos atrás
No stress, we are here to wait on you 💙
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I started working on a new video yesterday!  ❤️
  • 16
4 anos atrás
So excited! Can't wait to watch it ☺
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ill start working on a new video for my sweet little slaves soon
  • 15
4 anos atrás
Yes cause I can’t get enough of ur 1st video 😊
  • 0
4 anos atrás
Yes please.. I need it
  • 0
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