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My First Time Having Anal with a Huge Cock in My Ass - Kate Marley

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3 anni fa
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      204 Video 193K Iscritti
      Vota le categorie
      • Amatoriali
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      • Anale
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      • Orgasmo Femminile
      • POV
      • Porno HD
      • Reality
      • Sex Toys


        Grazie per i tuoi suggerimenti! Il nostro team li sta vagliando!
        Vota le tag
        • Kate marley
        • Chris marley
        • First time anal
        • Anal training
        • Real
        • Real anal
        • Big cock
        • Loving couple
        • Real couple
        • Gentle man
        • Pain and pleasure
        • Married
        • Healthy porn
        • Popular with women
        • Butt sex


        Vota la produzione
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        • Amatoriali
        Aggiunto 3 anni fa

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          Tutti i Commenti (26)

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          After all the hardcore anal that you can find here, it's awesome to see it done in a much more softer way and, dare I say, realistic. Not all of us women can take a big dick in the butt straightaway without any preparation haha. Thanks guys. It's always a delight to watch you.
          3 anni fa
          I second that martha. Those are my best memories sexually related. The journey was more memorable than the destination.
          Intimacy shouldn't hurt. If she's in pain due to his size, a real gentleman would stop. That's why I prefer average size men. I want to enjoy my sex, not be in agony.
          3 anni fa
          People saying how sweet this is. Sorry, I just see him being a bit of a douchebag. That stuff about taking it to make everyone watching happy was downright creepy.
          Just stop complaining and watch the video, both are of legal age and are there because they want to, in the videos where she plays with his ass I don't see anyone complaining, very good video, I hope there's more anal.
          I agree with you 100%. I said above a real gentleman would have stopped when she was in so much pain. I use to like this channel but starting to get turned off. And it seems he gets more of the pleasure in most of the vids.
          3 anni fa
          Hay guys, Thank you so much for sharing your first time with us!!!! Loved it! And for everyone else, stop with the judgment. If they enjoyed it in the end, who are you to judge?
          3 anni fa
          hey Kate! just wondering, did you get laser? or do you just shave?
          3 anni fa
          Her reward for taking your cock in her ass is the gift of fucking another man! Wow, I'd take romantic dinner, you in a tux, a back massage, a night on the town, Paris or a yacht instead (just to name a few), I think your cock would be good enough.
          3 anni fa
          PornMistro81, thank you oh gracious one. I have my opinion for sure. You are in love with Kate, we get it. Really, it is not the swinging thing it was selling an image for years to their OF fans and shocking the heck out of them by doing the 4some. If I had a swinging phobia, I would not be on this site! And I love Chris's cock. Tons of couples on here are UP FRONT with swinging and I follow them. I'm flattered you read my comments! 😘
          3 anni fa
          "Her reward for taking your cock in her ass is the gift of fucking another man" .....You said that, Naomithe. That had everything to do with swinging. LOL You seemed hung up on it, especially with your commentary from their post where they did swing. I'll take your word for it, though. No judgement here.....
          2 anni fa
          love you guys! love how chris is such a perfect balance of caring, playful and slightly dominating through it and how hard kate tries to please him and allow herself to this new experience. i enjoy the genuine chit chat during. esp the part where chris explains how he is in control, so hot.
          3 anni fa
          Only thing missing is a ball gag. Awesome shoot.
          3 anni fa
          So hot 😍😍
          9 mesi fa
          I just love watching your videos they are amazing and done so awesomely. Keep doing videos for your fans that I love them.

          Playlist Contenenti My first Time having Anal with a Huge Cock in my Ass - Kate Marley

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