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Philadelphia, United States
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Maybe I should try it?

What are your thoughts on making an only fans page?? Would you view it if I was active a lot. I could do requests and custom things which would be way easier than on here. Let me know what you all think!!
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Duke"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Collector"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Junior"
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Sex toys

Let’s talk toys. Sex toys. I have a few and a some work and some are just..... ok. This one I posted about seems to be the one everyone wants. I’ve never tried one with clit suction, but I think I might have to with all those reviews lol. Any one have these for their girlfriend, wife??
I do take recommendations and lately someone on here offered to send me stuff. Underwear and toys that he wanted to see me in and use. If you want to do that, go right ahead and message me like he did. I’ll be happy to show off your ideas!!
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Squire"
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Party time!!

For all you party people out there (Philly people) check out the last minute sales on Hair O The Dog this Saturday. Well worth the money to come party and drink all night. Plus I’m there and will be bored since I get left while the men talk all night lol.
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "1 year old account "
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Sophomore"
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Prophet"
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Been married for to my husband. My husband knows I’m on here. He knows that I’m looking for a local person to fulfill fantasies. He will be part of every thing I do so please do not expect a free night of ass from me. Read what I have here and if you want to be part of this, message me. I am a real life MILF. Looking to explore and have fun. I haven’t done many videos expect for the ones here and a few others I have waiting to be uploaded. I’ve never even owned toys until recently and now I’m sharing with everyone. If there is something you like or want, let me know. I’m open to ideas and comments are welcomed. As I keep working on my profile, I’ll keep adding some things that I am interested in and would like to try out. I will be adding more toy videos soon and will add some solo videos as well where you can see a whole lot more of me. I would like to have a threesome, try DVP, and maybe have some fun with a bigger dick.

Ultimo Accesso:
1 anno fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
"United States"
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Obviously using toys lol. I love being touched and teased. What girl doesn’t enjoy a when her man goes down on her.
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
9 376
Video Guardati:
1 449
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