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Wouldn't you like to know?, United States
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About Me:

I moved my bio here so I have more room and formatting options. I'm a closet freak. I love the fact that 99% of the people who know me have no clue how wild I am outside of the public eye. Sites like Pornhub allow me to let that freak out more openly. My pictures are anonymous because I can't have my freaky nature becoming public. If you are interested in chatting go ahead and add me, I will accept. If you piss me off I will block. I get a lot of messages and I don't have time to deal with hateful or nasty people. I do not Skype. I do not . I'm not giving you my phone number and you're not meeting me IRL. Cybersex bores me to death and I have zero interest in it. I am not going to send you more pics and begging for the above things will get you blocked. We get those things straight and we'll be totally cool. IF you are ESL I will work with you. I have more than one person I chat with through translators. I don't mind it when the person puts the effort forth. If English is your native language and you type to me like an I'm not going to respond in a positive way. I keep getting questions about this so here is your answer. Yes, I like tribute pics/videos. I find them super hot and have no problem if you want to do one for me. I will keep updating this over time and keep the most current version pinned to the top of my stream.
  • 106
4 anni fa
what a great collection...amazing pics..🙂
  • 0
6 anni fa
hey there looking for fun friend to watch porn with
  • 0
7 anni fa
I enjoy that you're a hard working woman, and yet make time to enjoy as you can...that's so fab hun! I also travel from time to time for work, and completely understand. Safe travels :-) Alexandra
  • 0
7 anni fa
Totally understand your discretion and certainly will respect it. Luv women like you because you Luv Men like me. I have and enjoy what you crave, You have and are what I crave. It's Very nice to meet you my dear. Thanks for your post
  • 0
7 anni fa
I see you have no pitchers or videos of yourself?????????Why?????
  • 0
7 anni fa
If you don,t do this and you don,t like that.What the fuck are you doing on a porn site?Makes no sense.I need to remind you we are perverted mother fuckers.Get used to it girl that is what this shit is all about.If you want to block me i don,t give a fuck.You need to get the fuck out of that closet girl and join the real world.
  • 1
8 anni fa
Hey great album you posted in My Absolute Favorite Pics - Gorgeous WomenWho are the girls in photo/132167241photo/114008401
  • 0
9 anni fa
Hey this is dylan8239, this is my new account. Could you get in touch?
  • 0
9 anni fa
Well said
  • 1
9 anni fa
hi  friend
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Duke"
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Squire"
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "9 year old account"
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "8 year old account"
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "7 year old account"
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Pop Star"
  • 0
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si è iscritto a 1 utenti
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See the pinned post on the top of my stream for my bio. I am out of town on business for most of the summer and I rarely have time to get on right now. I will be on more frequently this fall when I am back home. I try to get on here and respond when I can but unfortunately work needs to take priority.

Ultimo Accesso:
7 anni fa
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
187 640
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