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Feasterville Trevose, United States
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "9 year old account"
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Where to go from here? 
Gone... All gone. My videos...and so many others. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not really interested in the verified foot content here on PH. There were so many great foot vids on here. some going way back.. TA worship, I want feet (before the sire shut down) and even foot worship studios, so many gems. 
Now I like tits and ass too, but I have a foot fetish and PH was where I would find that content. But where to go from here? 
I guess I'll stay and see what people post in terms of foot content. My guess is that it wouldn't be great. 
But if anyone know of sites where you can find great foot content, please let me know 
  • 26
4 anni fa
same here buddy, they fucked us up really bad... ive been here for more than !! now i lost all fav videos and friends, now that they will probably leave this site.. it was the best place to find foot fetish vids.. now dont know what to do!! 😥 maybe ill check out spankbang and xhamster.
  • 0
4 anni fa
On another note, I had over a thousand vids in favourites...now they are just a little below 150 😢
  • 0
4 anni fa
Spankbang is a good site, lately I have been going there more often than PH
  • 0
4 anni fa
Same I'm moving to xhamster, I will boycott PH and all other "MxndGeek" stuff for what they done
  • 1
4 anni fa
Same boat. They deleted all my videos, almost all of them were amateur content, most of which is now not available anywhere else. Not sure where I'll go now 😥
  • 1
4 anni fa
Never seen this coming somebody did something? To fuck it up for others
  • 0
4 anni fa
What the fuck happened to this site? Removing all foot content wow
  • 1
4 anni fa
I read some people going to spankbang if you are interested in foot videos. I will try it, sounds better than this.
  • 1
4 anni fa
I could not be more agree with you. We had a great community and a lot of amazing videos here but now all have been deleted. I think is not worth it to stay here anymore.
  • 1
Questo messaggio è appuntato
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Where do you guys find these amateur lesbian foot worship videos?  I feel like more people are posting amateur videos than professional videos. Which I am not mad about. I love amateur videos! But I love would love to know where people are finding them?  
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I do not own any of videos! I buy all my videos from clips for sale.com,I encourage all of you to buy and support any of the studios i post on my channel. Thank you.

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1 anno fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Feasterville Trevose
"United States"
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Feet :)
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
17 364
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