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United States
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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "1 year old account "
  • 0
si è iscritto a 1 pornostar
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
Hi everyone for some reason in my inbox people I was messaging aren’t there anymore and nothings coming up. I’m not ignoring u I promise, if u want to keep talking just message me
  • 2
3 mesi fa
Unfortunately I don’t but I might have to start
  • 0
3 mesi fa
Ugh that’s so annoying, thank u for updating me I was unaware!!
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
I’m so horny and wet, I’ll be such a good girl for u please make me cum
  • 3
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Junior"
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
I’m so wet rn and so desperate for someone to make me cum. I’ll be such a good girl for u please I need it so bad
  • 7
4 mesi fa
Look at you being such a good obedient slut… i have so many fun ideas for you, why dont you cum find out in some private messages
  • 0
4 mesi fa
Let me give it to right now
  • 0
4 mesi fa
  • 0
4 mesi fa
hmu 😏
  • 0
4 mesi fa
I'd love to have your snap baby
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
My pussy is so wet and tight, I need someone to tell me how to make myself cum. I’ll be such a good girl for u, I’m so desperate
  • 5
5 mesi fa
Send ur snap 😈
  • 0
5 mesi fa
I can teach you to be my slut😉
  • 0
5 mesi fa
Ooo love that
  • 0
5 mesi fa
good girl
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say I’m sry for being inactive these past few weeks. I’ve had a lot of family things going on and I’ve been extremely busy. I’ve also been experiencing some bad things that have taken a toll on me and having people be mad at me for not responding to them is making me a little pissed off. I’m sry I haven’t been here but people getting mad at me for not responding right when they want me to is getting out of hand. Thank u to the people who r understanding tho I appreciate it 🙂
  • 3
5 mesi fa
Take your time
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
My pussy is begging for attention, I need someone to tell me how to fuck myself so badly, I’ll be such a good girl for u
  • 6
6 mesi fa
I would definitely have you on top of me. I grab your ass and bang your hard till i cum in your pussy. You cant do anything about it
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
I’m so wet and tight rn someone please make me cum I’ll be such a good girl for u
  • 7
6 mesi fa
Let's get to slapping and squelching then, make her squirt, fill her up.
  • 0
6 mesi fa
Add stabiltno onsnap and inwill cum for u
  • 0
6 mesi fa
Let me lick your pussy from the back baby 🤪
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
I need to cum so bad, Ive been such a good girl for u. Make me make a mess everywhere
  • 6
7 mesi fa
I bet u cum if I thrash yo pussy w this bbc
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Two Thumbs Up"
  • 1
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
I need someone to tell me how to fuck my self, my pussy is dripping everywhere and making a mess. I’m so desperate to cum please make me cum I’ll be so good for u
  • 7
8 mesi fa
It would be my pleasure
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
Looking for someone who will tell me how to fuck myself and make me cum I’m so needy and wet for u
  • 3
8 mesi fa
That’s my specialty baby. I’d love to train you and make you come over and over
  • 0
8 mesi fa
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
I’m so wet rn I’m dripping everywhere I’m so desperate to cum, someone please tell me how to fuck myself and I’ll cum like such a good slut for u
  • 2
8 mesi fa
Blindfold yourself, touch your naked body slowly from your nippples down to that cute wet pussy! Feel how wet it is then slide two finger in and fuck that pussy without looking. Pull out and slap that clit then slide straight back in to cum on you hot fingers deep inside
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Squire"
  • 0
Questo messaggio è appuntato
ha scritto un messaggio
I need a dom guy or girl to tell me how to fuck myself , I’m so desperate to cum, I’ll be such a good girl for u I promise
  • 4
8 mesi fa
Dm me
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Curator "
  • 1

I love being an obedient slut and being dominated, occasionally love to take control, I love dirty talk and sexting, tell me how to fuck myself like how u would if u were here

Ultimo Accesso:
1 mese fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
"United States"
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Being a sub, squirting, saying daddy, rough sex, sexting, bdsm(really want to experiment more with this so let’s test it out ;) )
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
People asking for my #/snap or to meet up, feet, piss play
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
3 996
Video Guardati:
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