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ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Duke"
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.*fapfap*CHIRP*fapfapfap*CHIRP*fapfap*CHIRP*..I am so often amazed watching amateur videos where people just wank away or screw, blissfully ignoring the smoke alarm. How can you NOT hear that? How can you do ANYTHING with that device going off every 30 seconds?
I am a huge fan of one particularly hunky ginger exhibitionist--I have just about everything he's ever posted publicly. In over half his vids, though, you can hear his alarm beeping, beeping, beeping...
I have so many fantasies. I'm in his bedroom, and he lets me strip him naked. I pull out his dick, bury my face in his fuzzy red balls. Then he lifts me up, puts me on his shoulders...walks me over to the wall..and he lets me CHANGE THE BATTERIES.
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ha aggiunto 16 nuovo(i) video a una playlist
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Talk about false advertising! I keep clicking on the "wacky" GIF ads--since that is my fetish--but alas, all I find are normal porn videos. No "Keystone Cops" superspeed, no comical zooms of blowjobs with crossed eyes and bulging cheeks, no "BOI-OI-OING" sound effects when he trips over his pants and accidentally falls into vagina, NO "Yakety Sax." 😥 
P.S. Am I the only one who thinks the "Stepbrother" parody is strangely hotter than any of the actual porn videos? "Help, I'm stuck in the dryer, stepbrother." "You're not stuck, Sara, JUST MOVE FORWARD"
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I took quite a long vacation from this place when "The Great Purge" took place--so heartbreaking. 😥 First Tumblr goes porn-free, now this? My playlists were decimated. Man, I wish I had saved more! I digress...
So many "yays" and boos" to recount since my return:
Bush is back--apparently pubes are "in' again. Yay!
Everyone, EVERYONE has an OnlyFans. Boo.
Most of my faves who jumped on the OF bandwagon are still posting good stuff here. Yay!
A LOT of the ads are leaking through my ad blockers now. Boo!
Some are kind of gross, too. Double boo!
Some of my playlists still have videos. Yay!
The "suggestions" algorithm seems to have improved greatly. Yay!
Do I even need to create playlists, then? Boo.
There are MANY more amateur straight couples with hot guys--double yay!
Most are way to porn-ey, though, trying to imitate the pros. Boo.
I just realized that my profile banner is some rando with a shaved hoo-ha and shiny pink eye shadow...GAHHHHH
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I like penises. Sometimes I like penises in vaginas. :) I am a mostly queer guy with specific tastes; check out my playlists if you are interested. I am usually looking for HD amateur-type-stuff, and I have a slight fetish for hetero sex. . . . Yikes! My collections were decimated during "The Great Purge." I will be working to rebuild some of them...eventually. Stay tuned, I suppose...:S

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