Trans, 45 anni
45 anni, Trans

A SISSY SUCKS COCKS Most sissies are not actually gay, but this does not matter. Sucking cock is not for the pleasure of the sissy, it is for the enjoyment of her owner and guests. The humiliation a sissy experiences by being reduced to a cock-sucking whore is priceless, and certainly helps the bitch learn her new place in life. Sissies are expected to suck cock enthusiastically, and like a pro; this means proper guidance, training and a lot of practice. One technique is to only allow a sissy to cum with a dick in her mouth. Eventually, just the sight of a hard cock will get her excited. Brainwashing tapes and videos are also recommended.

I'm basically just an oversexed human being with too much alone time... I enjoy anal sex as much as my girlfriends enjoy vaginal sex. I allowed most of them to use my ass like their lesbian love toy and have come to a point where I prefer to get penetrated over rubbing on my little clitty. so I do love Pegging and all kinds of strap-on play.. and to have little anal stretching competitions with the girls I'm playing with. my last ex made me post ads on craigslist looking for big dicks..I always cum before anything happened so now I wear a cage that prevents me from touching my clitty beforehand.

Genere: Trans

Età: 45 anni

Paese: Stati Uniti d'America

Hits del profilo: 10.849

Iscritti: 170

Visualizzazioni totali del video: 69.187

Regione: California

Città: Van nuys

Iscritto: 26 novembre 2016 (2.792 giorni fa)

Contatta: Chatta con Lesboisissy

Interessi: Giocattoli

Su di me:

A SISSY SUCKS COCKS Most sissies are not actually gay, but this does not matter. Sucking cock is not for the pleasure of the sissy, it is for the enjoyment of her owner and guests. The humiliation a sissy experiences by being reduced to a cock-sucking whore is priceless, and certainly helps the bitch learn her new place in life. Sissies are expected to suck cock enthusiastically, and like a pro; this means proper guidance, training and a lot of practice. One technique is to only allow a sissy to cum with a dick in her mouth. Eventually, just the sight of a hard cock will get her excited. Brainwashing tapes and videos are also recommended.

I'm basically just an oversexed human being with too much alone time... I enjoy anal sex as much as my girlfriends enjoy vaginal sex. I allowed most of them to use my ass like their lesbian love toy and have come to a point where I prefer to get penetrated over rubbing on my little clitty. so I do love Pegging and all kinds of strap-on play.. and to have little anal stretching competitions with the girls I'm playing with. my last ex made me post ads on craigslist looking for big dicks..I always cum before anything happened so now I wear a cage that prevents me from touching my clitty beforehand.Mostra di più

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