My GGG Film Festival Week

My GGG Film Festival Week My doctor set me one week away from work. So I thought I use this time for something special. I would call myself a true and steady GGG Fan and I think I would never stop loving this films. My most important series of porn movies. It's also a favor to have a collection of the most essential films. It must be about 20 years when I saw my first GGG movies, borrowed in a Vid Shop on VHS. I remember the different cover designs at their early times. The films were getting better and better and I couldnā€™t await to see the new releases. But GGG changed a lot especially sinc… Read more

Posted by xkiddy 6 years ago 27

Porn related T-Shirts

As a true porn lover I'm thinking about having some porn related shirts. Just to wear at home when I have porn on my mind or just being dressed with something filthy. Like wake up from sleep and seeing Gianna Michaels on your shirt. Yeah, I would love to have a shirt with her. Or maybe other Pornstar in a adorable or nasty pose. I always wanted to have a shirt from GGG, John Thompsons German Goo Girls, but it's seems to be impossible to find a shirt anywhere. Maybe we can collect clothing stuff for porn lovers here. This would be cool! ....... Update. Now I found cool shirts for porn love… Read more

Posted by xkiddy 8 years ago 6