I come up with gallery for posting porn ads sense then so many people doing the same thing come up with your own shit and think of something new not always take other people ideas. you know my gallery was made first have so many more views Read more
people with hentai as there profile picture
there need to be a rule for people who post animated porn be only ones can use a gif or picture of a character from animated to know they have what you like and not waste time with people that don't post animated movies. if this was a rule u know 100% everytime see a sexy hentai gif/pic you know they post animated porn or anime porn or hentai or 3D whatever you call it. they post the good shit Read more
How do you like the galleries?
Question How do you friends like the 2 new gallery? if not which one you like the most and what to see more Read more
cheap horny people
You guys or girls ever seen the video guy putting a glass jar in ass explosion Fucking stupid what he gets not even a strong jar buy a dildo nexts time Read more
2 to 4 times a day
cuming from jerking off feels So great if you do it just right Read more
want you to be healthy to have kids together baby
every one on my friend list go to Imasau profile to tell her i love her very much and sorry you didn't understand what i told you its was not a bad thing baby or im won't be posting pictures no more https://xhamster.com/users/imasau Read more
nice friend to creepy friend in 10 minutes
lost a friend she or he was his weird questions was nices for 10 minutes then like i said maybe weird creepy questions or asking things like having a sister or a nieces then ask me if a like girls under 14 i ask her age and she said she are vote what do that means?? then said she was going to block me after that and toke a hour to block me weird person he or she. But good videos Name:FlirtyGirl451 Read more
don't have a title for this one none of this
so more easyer to post pictures on x videos then on here & this site and x videos and x hamster is going to take over my facebook account for now posting & pictures and other shit too maybe if only i be able to tell my facebook friends this :) Read more
Yo Capcom
Can you guys have Resident Evil 1 2 3 on PS 4 And Xbox one for 5 dollars each or as a bundle for 15 to 20 dollars Please Capcom it can help you out with money to make Resident Evil 2 remake better :) Read more
lolis and links??
been block on facebook and 18 19 more days left like sharing pictures i like/enjoy not good with links want to try it on this site hopefully its work if not facebook not like people posting nudes or sexsul stuff hoping to do it i post most anime pictures and Random girls picture too on https://www.redtube.com/tradog don't understand how to use the button?? Read more
I don't like it being called Blog
1.can't this shit be called Bullshit talk fucking hate Blogs 2. https://www.google.com/search?q=lolis+with+huge+boobs&client=ds&biw=320&bih=212&tbm=isch&prmd=vin&ei=cmK9WbL_O4WOmQHR24KwCQ&start=20&sa=N#imgrc=oJ9GIWH5NF-yGM: Read more
new hot shit hentai
wi-fi was down for 2 days looking for some good shit porn to jerk off too tonight Read more
is there a way to Report a profile that is only made for a character a video game characters ??? really don't like seeing that shit you not cool freak Read more
Someone has a new email and password?
looking for a new email and password to use that is not link to a Facebook account i have no phone number to make a new email to get my old Facebook account back someone please help have lots of friends and family and pictures and videos i don't want to lose thing I don't have back ups for Read more
who the fuck delete Brittanya video of riding her dildo in the tub MotherFucks money slut bitch Read more
anime Lolis
bring back the hentai loli porn please its slowly dying like english dub porn is too :( the two most that i like watching please save them Read more