Last seen 2 years ago
Kama Sutra Guru
1289 days on xHamster
2.1K profile views
537 subscribers
687 comments left
Personal information
I am:
Bogdan, male, heterosexual
Otwock, Poland
Female, heterosexual
and fetishes:
and fetishes:
About me
Lubiący się zabawić, sex telefon, rozmowy nocne, mastrubacje przez video telefon, długo sam cały czas chętny na sex z kobietą obojętnie jaki będzie chcieć i jak go uprawiać, chcę przeżyć coś czego jeszcze nie przeżyłem w seksie coś nowegoI
like to have fun, sex phone, night calls, mastrubation by videophone, long alone, always willing to have sex with a woman, no matter what he wants and how to have it, I want to experience something that I have not experienced in sex, something new
like to have fun, sex phone, night calls, mastrubation by videophone, long alone, always willing to have sex with a woman, no matter what he wants and how to have it, I want to experience something that I have not experienced in sex, something new
but thanks for the trouble
honestly, he's not my type
I don't want to judge
something I would never judge
you know it's my taste
If you throw in a slim young girl, and if something isn't my type, I don't say anything