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where is it from❓
They were on the dancefloor winding and grinding their hot bodies up against each other, shaking and wriggling their jiggling dressed for sex female flesh at each other to hardcore baselines and party rhythms.
No men, just hundreds of wild little pussies.
One of the tunes had a hardcore drum and base style tune with a woman's sexy voice and lyrics I partly remember of...
"We Go Home And Then We Fuck!
Shake Your Body Like A Lez"
Round and round on a loop, driving the girls to a steamy drunken sex frenzy, until they were practically fucking on the dancefloor and ready to take each other's wild bodies home for rough lesbian group fucks until dawn.
That's how men expect women to behave.
We need to turn you all that completely fucking lesbian. x
Go wild for each others hot vaginas in 2023.
Lick, frig, fuck and fondle each others carnal dripping inner cunt ribbing.
Merry christmas x
Within the male need for women to indulge your fuck flesh in the pleasures of promiscuous lesbian sex, is the requirement that all women fuck at lesbian orgies.
There are many reasons why most men desire their wives and partners hot bare flesh be immersed in the frisky lesbian orgy orgasms, and sizzling wet cums, of freely entwining all female flesh.
But 9 is the magic number of women to attend the most truly carnally corrupted of lesbian orgies. This is because the number of women the average man fucks in their lifetime is 7.
So, each woman must fuck 8 fucking women. That's how much hot fucking vagina men want women to give to each other. That's how much hot fucking vagina you have the power to give.
Give each other that much hot fucking vagina.
Have conversations with women about how men on sex sites have told you they need you to fuck more women at wildly debauched cunt grinding lesbian orgies, than most men fuck women in a lifetime.
Start sultry lesbian conversations with women that hope to lead to that much lesbian fucking.
Do it. That's how much of it men need you to do of it, for real.
Jim x
interested for chat about mutual fucks experiances ?
specialy brutal fuck expariances ?
Life is increasingly restricted even here in the portal is restricted! But even now the candles shine everywhere. Therefore, we wish you that their warmth and security will accompany you throughout the next year. Have a Merry Christmas! And stay healthy!
La vie est de plus en plus limitée, même sur ce portail ! Mais même maintenant, les bougies brillent partout. Nous te souhaitons donc que leur chaleur et leur sécurité t'accompagnent tout au long de l'année prochaine. Passe un joyeux Noël ! Et reste en bonne santé !
I've been contemplating the nature of the male need to encourage women to explore highly promiscuous lesbian sex. Men want women to fancy the fuck out of each other, fancy the panties off each other, rip them off, and get the fuck up inside each other's hot, wet inviting vaginas.
Men should see it as their sexual duty to encourage their wives, fiances, girlfriends, female friends, and women on sex sites to indulge in carnal amounts of wildly promiscuous lesbian fucking.
On the one hand it's widely known men enjoy 'girl on girl' but the term 'girl on girl' underplays the full extent of it and massively understates how much lesbian fucking men expect all women to explore.
It means teenage girls wildly ravishing naked teenage girls. Women ripping each others clothes off and roughly fucking the dripping hot cunt cum out of each others bucking hot, wildly rutting, sizzling sex holes.
It means getting off your naked tits at BDSM lesbian sex parties to orgasmic sexual exhaustion til dawn.
This is the nature of it. Men want teenage girls and wild women to explore, enjoy, and wantonly fuck each other's delicious carnal flesh, and every sex hole and orifice completely, in every naked way possible.
Many women and girls who explore this much lesbian fucking will form emotional connections during all this fucking of female flesh, and exploration of cunt cum coated girl flesh resulting from cumming multiple cums all over each others hot skin, until you've soaked the sheets and mattress too.
This is a side of it men often don't consider. It's hardly surprising when men tell women to fuck like they live in each others panties, that some women end up living in each other's panties.
All the above is the true reality of the term 'girl on girl' and more. Men are trying to turn the female of the species deliciously and wildly bisexual.
For me it doesn't change the fact that as a man I still need women to get the fuck up inside each others naked bodies. Get the fuck up inside each other's hot juicy sex holes.
Lick, finger, stretch and fist fuck the inner ribbing of each other's sizzling hot dripping fuck holes.
Turn bisexual and lesbian and set upon each other.
Fuck each others naked female brains out properly.
Best wishes,
Jim x
Das Wetter nicht, die Sonne nicht, der Winter nicht, der Frühling nicht,
Liebe nicht, die Familie nicht, die Freunde nicht,
Vertrauen nicht, Gespräche nicht,
Lesen, telefonieren, Musik hören und Briefe schreiben nicht,
Freundlichkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft , Gemeinschaftssinn und Solidarität nicht
und Hoffnung schon gar nicht!
Es kann nur besser werden
Coronafrei,Gesundheit, Glück und Frohsinn
wünschen wir allen die es lesen.
Even if Corona is still annoying us, we won't let it spoil Easter. Have a nice Easter and enjoy the time because not everything is forbidden and cancelled.
Not the weather, not the sun, not winter, not spring,
Love isn't, family isn't, friends aren't,
not trust, not conversation,
Not reading, not phoning, not listening to music, not writing letters,
kindness, helpfulness, community spirit and solidarity...
and certainly not hope!
It can only get better
Corona-free, health, happiness and cheerfulness
we wish all who read it.
Nicht alles ist abgesagt!
Das Wetter nicht,
Die Sonne nicht,
der Winter nicht,
der Frühling nicht,
Liebe nicht,
die Familie nicht,
die Freunde nicht,
Vertrauen nicht,
Gespräche nicht,
Lesen, telefonieren, Musik hören und Briefe schreiben nicht,
Freundlichkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft , Gemeinschaftssinn und Solidarität nicht
und Hoffnung schon gar nicht!
Und manchmal ist ein hinreichender Abstand der Schritt nach vorne!
Schauen wir nach vorne aber auch optimistisch mit Abstand und mit den allgemeinen AHA Regeln vereinigt (Abstand halten, Hygiene beachten und Alltagsmaske -Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung tragen).
Wir schaffen das zusammen!
Es kann nur besser werden wenn alle etwas dazu beitragen. Mach auch du mit!
Gesundheit, Glück und Frohsinn und daß all Eure Wünsche für das neue Jahr in Erfüllung gehen mögen, wünschen wir allen die das lesen.
And even though so many things cannot take place or are cancelled in these difficult times, there are things that should encourage each of us to face all these restrictions in our lives and to see what is possible on any given day:
Not everything is cancelled!
Not the weather,
The sun is not,
not winter,
not spring,
Love not,
not family,
not friends,
trust doesn't,
not conversations,
reading, telephoning, listening to music and writing letters,
kindness, helpfulness, community spirit and solidarity...
and certainly not hope!
And sometimes a sufficient distance is the step forward!
Let's look ahead optimistically, but also with distance and with the general AHA rules (keep your distance, observe hygiene and wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose).
We can do it together!
It can only get better if everyone contributes. You too can join in!
Health, happiness and cheerfulness and that all your wishes for the new year may come true, we wish everyone who reads this.