am looking a witness from people all around world for wierd staff ,thay have seen that and they can explane why that happening,ufo ,aliens,creature,diferent type of energy source,teleportation,anti gravity,dimension doors,shadows,ghosts,paranormal activity e.t.c. IMPOSSIBLE for humanity understanding,if someone have info or link for share,please comment on my wall. also you can visit channel on youtube That is impossible .thank you Read more
discrette around you
am in dilema abouth some users on Xhamster,,soo you people here,you must be real person or spamer- shootings with words sometime is useless or you are too quiet, sharing staff with persons who are real,they make possibility for real meeting,if you talk with truth words and open heart your pat will be opened for better possibility,simple just kill your fear and wake up your love,i hate true lies because we lose soo much golden time.i answering everyone who message me,am not greedy like someone on dating page,,,cmon people wake up little bit,,too many sleepers,am trusted guardian for your privac Read more
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5 years ago