67. Confusion and Clarity.

My blankened head flits disjointed, perpetual breaks between empty thoughts. Broken understanding of the meanderings of the mind. All my knowing challenged for worth, as everything preports to her. Beyond saturation the flood of distractions detain, keeping me from the relief that pure concentration brings. In her presence I am there, where there is rest, and the poweful intoxicant that inspires extended encapsulation. Oh to stay here for eternity, where all that is, In mind, body and soul, is IT. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 4

66. A Randoms Flash.

It's a random request from out of the blue,  You don't know me and I don't know you.  But if you fancy being a bit lewd I'd love to look and rate you as rude. Look at my profile, track me down,  Submit to my wish without a frown,  My wish is to see under your gown,  For you to reveal your neat pubic mound. I know it's new but it might start a craze, Opening your pussy to a strangers gaze. A bizarre quest, not just a phase, It's what I like, it's part of my ways. My sex has changed, now vision dictates What turns me on in this strangest of dates.  Raised excitement, a pupil… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 3

65. A Visitor.

Recumbent I flop, relaxed, in bliss, Even though in this hell hole of shit. Dreamy and drifting, my head slowly swirls, Where you, the gentlest tornado, just passed through my world. No whipped up gales, Only the sweet draught, Wafted over me, all troubles surpassed. My heart is touched, Caressed by your words, This broken body, nursed and cured. The gift you share, generous, free, Repairs my soul, it recreates me. Almost to slumber, sedated, content, Your love like a pillow, On which to lament. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 1

64. Lick You Up.

Want to touch you softly and gently kiss your lips, Slowly undo your skirt and ease it past your hips. I want to feel your passion rise, My hand f0rced roughly, Between your thighs. You spread your legs and show you are ready, By demanding my tongue to make you feel heady. I lap at your juice, already you're wet, Fueled by eagerness, as if we just met. l lick and I suck and I tease your stiff clit, Building to cumming, You are ready for it. Gripped round my head, against it you fight, It tenses your pussy, All quivering and tight. 'Fuck me' you cry, With abandon and wanton, F… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 1

63. Gilding The Sophie Rose.

To make her petals wet? To coax a view of her little bud. She is a beauty needless of more but I desire to spy where she guards with leaves and thorns. And so we try to undress the Rose. I would feel the need to take you out for the evening to experience y,our smile as I treat you like a treasure. Back at my apartment we would swim together, naked. Through the rippling water I can make out your figure, my need to see you are rising. As we climb out of the pool I hang back, so sexy, dripping and fresh from the pool you tantalise me prancing to reach the safe cover of a towel. You know what I w… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 1

62. Anti-time.

My head and my heart dangle from a thread, Suspicions and love mixed up by what you've said. What I see I sometimes hate, in bed with another, Inccurs me to berate. It rips, nostrils flared, chest filled, A captured scent held to infinity. And oh the vision beholding my eye, Blinding of mind and overpowering of sense. Mentally tormented on a detoured path, These things I try to recapture as I journey With slow progress in this castrating Anti-time. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 2

61. Perform Like A Star.

I want to see, I want to hear, I want to feel as if you're near. Let me watch, let me listen, It only me from the scene that's missing. Show as if I'm there, talk as if to me, Positioned where you want me to be. Under, over, behind, on top, Whichever way, make it hot. I want to view dirty and for you to be rude, Lied on the bed, displayed in the nude. Film for my eyes, record fot my ears, Your announced climax, and when it nears. Focus on detail and describe with your voice, Where it is that your fingers are poised. Don't hold back, perform like a star Show me just how sexy you… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 2

60. Nilldren.

The years have passed us by, without tangible proof Of times we had together, and how we should have been, Not so aloof. Abstracted and apart, never gone, just estranged, But that draw, never far, remains. Something to touch, proof, a bond, A being of our creation. We lost so much, when our time tired, Love stopped for you and for me it expired. Taken from me the hope, the share of a decent love, The true one as mentioned above. We could have grown, we could have worked, Instead diverted to another's arms. There we have existed, meaningless, forgetable, Fruitless days. We sho… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 1

59. Lie Back, Relax, Believe.

I want you to show your passion and for you to want my touch, I want to hear you crying out that you love me oh so much. I want to raise your pulse and increase your heartrate too. I want you to feel the way I feel for you. Experience the sexual tension and think of what we'll do, Imagine in your head your favourite horny view. Describe it in your mind and let the scene run free, Develop every detail and picture yourself with me. Taking you to the heights that only lovers achieve, All you have to do, is lie back, relax, believe. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 1

58. The Butterfly And The Bee.

I'd like to flutter around your garden With the wind upon my wing, I also want to be a stingy thing That to you my pollen would bring. My wings would fan upon your cheeks And gently waft your face, Whereas the busy buzzy mee Around your flower would race. I'd taste of your nectar And savour honeydew, Mee would treat you differently And you'd ooze that sticky goo. Whether butterfly or bee It's plain for me to see, You really are a stunning flower That's simply made for mee. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 1

57. Unknown Of Her Chastity.

Oh my mistress does to me, things unknown of her chastity, treats that boil of my lust,and betray her demure portrayal. Understanding my empty vessel she still floats, and tosses the flotsam of my remaining wreck. My tempest, my white horses, and my rising tide. Without her unselfish, naked storm, the doldrums and calm silence my soul of passion,and take the life from my near retired heart. As she displays her love for my eyes, I am feasted and full of joy that I am deemed a worth of her saviour. Sights unseen by any, are cherished and reviewed Until my ship doe… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 10 years ago 1

56. When You Speak.

When you speak, all ceases to exist, I wish you knew how much that you've been missed. All that's bad has been dismissed, Just remembered are the times that we've kissed. Then you are gone and silence returns, Bad things happen and my lonely heart yearns. Thoughts and feelings now diserned, Fanning flames, our love to burn. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 1

55. Watery Worship.

As a ripple I dance at your toes, electric stars fleet from your feet. My lapping wavelets rise to meet, above your height, my swell takes you into its flow. Stream and river fuel my surge, as back and forth, my tide rushes in and out, sculpting your shallow beach, by my liquid caress. My pounding descends, crashing ashore, wild, unleashed, lashed with spume filled wind and fury. Growing and flowing to a powerful climactic storm. Wet and soaked of salty brine, your grassy dune is sunken in an ocean of passion. We gasp of water and air from the subsiding flood, as reluctantly I ebb,… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 3

54. Slumber. (Relief from love).

What a sorry state, I wished my day away, In fact that it ne'r had started, Disowened and desolate, Awake so heavy hearted. I close my eyes, And feel no pain, Relief from subscription, The prescription to ease, My affliction. Dumb I rest, no struggle, no fight, Where I dwell, out of sight, In the daylight or dead of night, Where I go, all is right. Many a time I wish to stay, unc0nscious in a way, To how it is you spend your day. Excluded, barred, awakened I weep, If only I could stay, as1eep. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 1

53. Deleted.

To never have been here nor ever existed. Never to have soiled a life, Never to have broken a heart, Whether parent, lover or wife. Never to have crossed a path nor acquaintance met, Never to have shook a hand, Ever to have gifted a kiss, When I strode this land. To never have changed lives nor brought about strife, Never to have hurt a soul, Never to have caused such pain, Then I would live my life again. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 2

52. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMrZSidHID4

The hole where I was Once filled with my soul Now echoes empty Words left untold. Do you still hear me I am, still here Will you see and feel Me, cold, near. Silenced, the laughter Blighted, the sight A shiver to touch you In darkened light. My hopes shattered Just to survive Dissolved as a memory To remain alive. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 1

51. Sad Vacation.

Every hour that I count, made from minutes eternal, Lasts a whole day long, un-writing my empty journal. The times we should have had, and the memories we could share Are being stolen once again, all because HE's there. So I lament for an age and more, as you court on Devon's shore Dark thoughts abhor, for HE has who I adore. NOBBY0007xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 1

50. Contract To The Death.

. a dot, such a small influence, a brief punctuation, or a Full Stop. How much influence? more to some than others. Why? Wherefore, What for? Whatever whatever whatever! Does it really matter, the result the same. Unguided or unguidable,misguided? How much is meant for young eyes? not all should be seen. He saw everything, was it worth it? His life an experiment in freedom, for he was, without bounds. No brakes, a Sagittarius, like others, wild and singular, no one the same, individual and special. Typecast? Maybe. A whole horoscope to live up to, a life to live, an expectat… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 3

49. That Step.

What is it that sets me apart from other men, ones that I presume think the things I think, But do not take that step. When things that most men would shy away from start to develop, I am different and I take that step. When a woman bends down and her skirt rises up, Leans over and her cleavage is revealed, I curiously peek and I take that step. When a woman looks or stares and I catch their eye, I return the gaze and I take that step. When there is an innocent touch, It is gently returned and I take that step. When the response is pondered, I quietly ask the question, I tak… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 4

48. Alone.

From chi1dhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen As others saw; I could not bring My passions from a common spring. From the same source I have not taken My sorrow; I could not awaken My heart to joy at the same tone; And all I loved, I loved alone. Then- in my chi1dhood, in the dawn Of a most stormy life- was drawn From every depth of good and ill The mystery which binds me still: From the torrent, or the fountain, From the red cliff of the mountain, From the sun that round me rolled In its autumn tint of gold, From the lightning in the sky As it passed m… Read more

Posted by nobby0007 11 years ago 4