My favorites.

Most of my favorite videos are representative of what I offer. Except for the roxy jezel videos which has her with multiple guys at the same time. I don't do that but I just love her movies. She very rough and passionate of which I like personally. Ironically I rarely have rough in counters as a professional. Not as many men into that as one would think. But there is a big difference between my professional favorites and personal. Personal favorites: 1. I like rough sex, smacking, hair pulling, scratching or being tied up. 2. I have a serious oral fetish. I love giving and receiving. I… Read more

Posted by lanah 11 years ago 1

Non sexual clients

Tonight was one of the more difficult nights in my career. The clients that hire just for events such as dinner or office parties are always challenging and this night was one of the worse. I was asked questions I had no answers to all night and I swear one guys wife was actually grilling me to see if i was actually an escort. I was so glad it was over.… Read more

Posted by lanah 11 years ago

Men's number 1 fantasy and number 1 role play

With out a doubt men's favorite role play is having sex with a cheerleader. I have gotten rid of my cheerleader costume twice only to have to buy another because of request. I thought when I got up in age the whole cheerleader thing would die out. The number one fantasy is with two women at a time.… Read more

Posted by lanah 11 years ago

Another blog entry,,,,,a little transparency.

Other working girls will kill me for this, but I don't think many people come on this site to read anyway. I recently had a client give me a 20 minute diatribe about why he prefers paying over relationships. Everything he said I agreed with except one thing. He said that for him they are the same. I am here to tell you and all my clients that it is NOT the same as a real relationship. Our commitment to each other is solely financial. If that s gone the relationship is gone. A real relationship is based on many things and any or one of those things can sustain it. During a working agreement,… Read more

Posted by lanah 11 years ago 5

The Roxy and Max vid.

I have that one saved as my favorite not because its my favorite but because its actually an example where I think things can go too far. A friend of mine showed me the face abuse vids awhile back because he knows I have a serious oral fetish. A few of them turned me on, but that quickly changed when the tone of those vids got very hateful and disrespectful. There are several where the girls quit and are made fun of for quitting. There's one where they actually get into a small fight with a girl and then edit it to seem like she came back for more when in fact she quit the shoot after the… Read more

Posted by lanah 11 years ago 5

Not for everyone.

A girl that joined me and another friend of mine to entertain at a bachelors party had a nervous breakdown right there in front of everyone. It was extremely sad and so apart of this business. She has only been doing this for 3 years and I guess this was the final straw. I wish I knew her better so I could talk to her now. She looked at me and my friend and said that we seem so confident and happy and that she isn't happy and extremely alone. I tried to tell her that her feelings are normal. Most of us , outside of the business, are extremely alone and lonely. Not many people want to spend tim… Read more

Posted by lanah 11 years ago 2

Not a story just an observation and advice to wome

Some guys Are into intimacy and closeness. I am always shocked by the amount of men that pay premium in order for me to stay the night. Even though that usually includes time where we both are asleep, they still pay for it. Also you will be surprise by the amount of men that want to kiss or take baths or showers together. Women there is something wrong if a guy has to pay for those things. Sad… Read more

Posted by lanah 11 years ago 2