EMAIL ME AT [email protected] will tell you how Read more
MY WIFE / she had sex with my two friends my boss
[email protected] 1.THEY ALL THINK I DON'T KNOW 2.THEY ALL THINK SHE DOES NOT REMEMBER There are a few things we did to set this up. First I told my friends and boss and her boss that she was on a medication and that if she drinks she can't remember a thing the next day. When ever my brothers or boss came over the house she would have on just a robe or short dress and revealing top. Or leave the bedroom door or bathroom door open so they could see in. Now I took her to a few parties - she pretended to drink to much. Then I would ask my brother or boss to give her a left ho Read more
hogpiggy wifey
love to let guys see vid and pix of me naked....send face pic to my email address [email protected] will send vid back. Location. Read more