Last seen 7 years ago
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After having 83 vids d3l3ted, i won't post anything anymore.
some more interesting facts:
the place where I work has girls that look like the following pornstars:
- Al3xsis Cryst@l : about the same age, only this one is shorter and slightly warped, she's a common laborer, draws well, attended dance lessons & the like
- C@rla Cr0uz : about the same age too, this one has slightly bigger tits probably, she's an intern, but C@rla actually is an accountant from her interview, open personality at the beginning of her carrier (liked to hug & kiss everyone, including me), not known for her productivity, sadly making her an uninteresting subject.
- @ng3l Summ3rs - about 6-7 years younger, body type taller & slender, w/o fake tits, ass smaller, works in storage, has selfasteam issues, would like to have bigger ass & boobs, and positions of power, observed her the longest, (maybe rape, or mistreatment by her mother) , refuses to impersinate others, during elementary school botched up a play she has in, has fear from actin (at least in front of me) , the word on the street is she has difficulty keeping track of who she's been with, not a total slut thou (d, Jasm1n claim she sleept with over 100 guys, plus she has a stripper so who knows how many "backstage happy ending" and the like, all that before porn), at least what i was able to find out
- J@smin J4e - works with me directly () , 8 years younger that J@smin, no fake tits, no plastic surgery on the face, has twin sister, after interviewing multiple leads, the conses is that she's known as the "village bike" from the place where she's from, everybody had a turn (apart from yours truely), just like the later she's got difficulty with foreign languages, refuses to act out scenes from regular movies or impersinate others , while at work is highly motivated to finish to job exactly by the book (or whatever i tell her the rules are), lacks creativity or initiative, after watching J4sm1n's interview with french director, she talks (different language) alike, stands in the exact same poses, claims not to smoke or drink alcohol (unconfirmed reports of her getting wasted going to fuck with strangers in club bathrooms), after interogeting her indirectly (like 'someone told me that they knew a girl that does stuff like that') i could sense within her self-loaving , disscast, shame and remorse on a subcontias level, really she's quite booring, it takes me hours to "extract" useful information out of her (maybe on account of her fear and discust of me). Near me, she pretend to be miss moral virtues, by the book, do no wrong, obey the law, but I can sense the voices in her head( maybe it's her own voice ) , sometimes she shows her true face.
S0phi3 Mo0n3 : 1 girl that went to high school with me, was 8 years younger, much more shorter than S0phi3, generally behaved the same, basically a hormonal defect. Another chick attended collage with me, again looked similar, suffered some kind of childhood trauma, after watching a BTS clip with S0ph!e, i offered her the same brand of candy bar from the video, which she replied that it was her favorite. She quite after the 1st semester, didn't see her again.
My theory is if girls that look like pornstar, behave like pornstar, does that mean that they perform the same acts depicted in scenes, in private as pornstars, and most importantly, given the geographic distance, different genes, age, do their pussies look alike to?
Please comment your theories or any finding or evidence if you have.
some more interesting facts:
the place where I work has girls that look like the following pornstars:
- Al3xsis Cryst@l : about the same age, only this one is shorter and slightly warped, she's a common laborer, draws well, attended dance lessons & the like
- C@rla Cr0uz : about the same age too, this one has slightly bigger tits probably, she's an intern, but C@rla actually is an accountant from her interview, open personality at the beginning of her carrier (liked to hug & kiss everyone, including me), not known for her productivity, sadly making her an uninteresting subject.
- @ng3l Summ3rs - about 6-7 years younger, body type taller & slender, w/o fake tits, ass smaller, works in storage, has selfasteam issues, would like to have bigger ass & boobs, and positions of power, observed her the longest, (maybe rape, or mistreatment by her mother) , refuses to impersinate others, during elementary school botched up a play she has in, has fear from actin (at least in front of me) , the word on the street is she has difficulty keeping track of who she's been with, not a total slut thou (d, Jasm1n claim she sleept with over 100 guys, plus she has a stripper so who knows how many "backstage happy ending" and the like, all that before porn), at least what i was able to find out
- J@smin J4e - works with me directly () , 8 years younger that J@smin, no fake tits, no plastic surgery on the face, has twin sister, after interviewing multiple leads, the conses is that she's known as the "village bike" from the place where she's from, everybody had a turn (apart from yours truely), just like the later she's got difficulty with foreign languages, refuses to act out scenes from regular movies or impersinate others , while at work is highly motivated to finish to job exactly by the book (or whatever i tell her the rules are), lacks creativity or initiative, after watching J4sm1n's interview with french director, she talks (different language) alike, stands in the exact same poses, claims not to smoke or drink alcohol (unconfirmed reports of her getting wasted going to fuck with strangers in club bathrooms), after interogeting her indirectly (like 'someone told me that they knew a girl that does stuff like that') i could sense within her self-loaving , disscast, shame and remorse on a subcontias level, really she's quite booring, it takes me hours to "extract" useful information out of her (maybe on account of her fear and discust of me). Near me, she pretend to be miss moral virtues, by the book, do no wrong, obey the law, but I can sense the voices in her head( maybe it's her own voice ) , sometimes she shows her true face.
S0phi3 Mo0n3 : 1 girl that went to high school with me, was 8 years younger, much more shorter than S0phi3, generally behaved the same, basically a hormonal defect. Another chick attended collage with me, again looked similar, suffered some kind of childhood trauma, after watching a BTS clip with S0ph!e, i offered her the same brand of candy bar from the video, which she replied that it was her favorite. She quite after the 1st semester, didn't see her again.
My theory is if girls that look like pornstar, behave like pornstar, does that mean that they perform the same acts depicted in scenes, in private as pornstars, and most importantly, given the geographic distance, different genes, age, do their pussies look alike to?
Please comment your theories or any finding or evidence if you have.
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