Moderation makes for good porn. I make anal a very special moment in my personal life. Giving and receiving with tender loving joy. For me rimming is the best oral sex. It's sad todays porn producers have no clue. All these hot girls willing to do almost anything for a buck or thrill. Then fall into the same old repetitive mass produced low quality crud that pollutes the internet. But there a few jewels here and there. Seeing a big fat cock somehow fit into a young girls tight little ass is arousing. My man loves to be "filled up" when he's in the mood. His anal orgasm's can be heard for… Read more

Posted by amy8amy 9 years ago 29


Nice post. I was a good Mormon girl till 13. That's when I went to my non-Mormon Uncle's for Thanksgiving. We were all farmers in Hermiston Oregon. Before the big meal I went outside to play with my Cousins. They always made fun of me and our Mormon ways. After looking for 20min I found my Cousins in my Uncle's big work shop. As I peeked through the shop door I saw them looking at magazines. They were all giddy and whispering. Then my Aunt yelled for them to help with getting the table ready. They quickly put the magazines in a tool box and ran to the house. You know what killed the cat ri… Read more

Posted by amy8amy 9 years ago 28