Who creates this shit? Why did I fall for it?


Somebody sent me this because they said I seem to like to play risky games. And, even though they were right! I thought they were absolutely crazy! The idea and all the information is just fucked up! Don't get me wrong! The idea is totally exciting and all! So, I said, no!

The biggest problem I have with it! Is now, I kind of want to fucking do it! Maybe not to the extreme as this. Probably not anywhere near! I'm thinking boob shots and phone numbers. It just doesn't sound as exciting. Without the risk of becoming someones bitch most the excitement is gone! So I've been thinking! Maybe something on a smaller scale?! Like, hide my street address but leave my zipcode and the last two house numbers or something? Maybe give hints to help stalk and find me. Make it challenging for whoever finds them. Like, give my loved ones first names and hints on where they live and work? Stuff like that! To keep it fare, I will let you all help me push my limits and face my fears. If you can convince me then maybe it will get added!

I will do so far to do this! The perverted photos and videos I must use to fill up the last of the space will be all your ideas. Any and every photo and video you give me will be added. Any and everyone going in order until they are totally full! With certain limits! Like, no s**t stuff or self mutilation type stuff. Pretty much anything else is on the table.

This will take a little while to set up! My laptop is crap and I play hell recording or downloading anything to it. But, when my sister comes home she is giving me her old home computer. Maybe a couple to a fee months. It will give me time to get the money together for all 20 flash drives. So its no hurry! But, I would appreciate any help I can get with this. Good or bad! Please? I still got my phone to get started collecting stuff to put on them. Sounds fucking scary! But soooo hot! I will even do this for those who do help me. If I use any of your ideas on this, I will give you a secret code word. The day I post that I set out the last hard drive you will get a chance to win a copy sent by email. The first 20 people to message me after I post that the last of the flash drives are out with the secret code word will get copies of every single thing that went on the flash drives. That way those that don't live in, or around DFW, Texas can still play along too! Make it exciting for everyone! For those that live around here I will be sure to post after I leave each with a hint to the location so you get a chance to win too. Fare and fun for all! Though, I may pay for this stupid idea! Hopefully in good ways!

So, now I got this idea of boob shots and phone numbers in my head. I'm going to do something else stupid that hasgot me trembling a little. Not as scary as the flash drives. But, I can start doing this now! Though, printing up these photos at work might be tricky! Anyone that knows the area can give me a public location where I must leave any photo I have posted on here. Signed and autographed! With my e-mail and phone number! Every time I get sent a location with whichever photo I have posted anywhere in my profile I will have to leave one withing sight of that location the first chance I get. When I do I will edit this by checking off the location list below and with the date and time I left it. Which I will do my best to keep updated.

I will do that with everything here! The photos, the flash drives and whats going on them and when they are officially added! As long as I can keep editing this every detail to everything on this post will appear below as this grows. Probably into something much worse than I am imaging. But will see!

Anyway! As I get the details figured out you will see updates being add to this post. You may want to check back form time to time! Everything will be posted here until the day I start leaving the flash drives out! Everyone I leave will get it's own post with a photo where it was left and the location within 1 hour of leaving it!


God help me?! Let's see where this goes! Whatever happens, I swear to follow through with my promise! I put it on my best friend! And I feel horrible for saying this! But, to make myself follow through with it, I swear that I will follow through with it or loose Little Missy to my sister who left her with me when she was a pup and made me promise to give her back if she asked. She's been ny for 5 years and I would be so lonely without her! I feel so shitty! Almost depressed now! I just can't back out and I'm good! Not sure if I'm scared or turned on now!???

( ⬇⬇⬇⬇!!!UPDATES COMING SOON!!!⬇⬇⬇⬇)
Published by EmilyWilliams69
4 years ago
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Funcple912 4 years ago
Be extremely careful. My wife had done something similar and it about got her killed.
darkshdw 4 years ago
I'd load that shit up with the "Offended" media from the banned website Encyclopedia Dramatica. Otherwise likewise I agree in a way. Never go full retard. 
Some of the info requested is BS, sounds like a scam to rob someone. Please be careful.
jcon8191 4 years ago
This sounds like fun, I'll start brainstorming and get back to you with ideas.
cumshot1984 4 years ago
Too bad I'm not closer...