The Soap Shop #2
3: "This one sounds like it'd be perfect for me," you say, pointing to the 'Strict Obedience' soap as you are getting ready to pay.
The lady behind the counter nods and seems almost disinterested in your money as she bags your bar of soap. "Just keep in mind," she says as she hands you the bag, "make sure you'll use it first before the other one does." You nod, as if you understood what she meant, but her words leave you even more confused than you already are, and you leave the shop like in a stupor.
When you arrive back at the office, your lunch break is almost over, but you've still got time for a short bathroom break. You enter the ladies' room just as your co-worker Scarlet comes out of a stall, smiling at you slightly embarrassed.
1: "Hey," you greet her, returning the smile. "Wanna see what cool thing I just bought at the mall?" You grab the pack of soap from your purse and hand it over.
2: You smile back at her. You like Scarlet, but you're still slightly dazed from your experience at the mall. What was that the lady said? Carefully, you take out the soap and wash your hands in a sink next to your co-worker. "Hey, want to try this one out?" you ask finally, showing her the soap.
3: You nod and smile, hurrying to an open stall, just to close the door behind you. After the strange things you've experienced, you don't particularly want to talk to anyone right now and just catch your breath a moment.
The lady behind the counter nods and seems almost disinterested in your money as she bags your bar of soap. "Just keep in mind," she says as she hands you the bag, "make sure you'll use it first before the other one does." You nod, as if you understood what she meant, but her words leave you even more confused than you already are, and you leave the shop like in a stupor.
When you arrive back at the office, your lunch break is almost over, but you've still got time for a short bathroom break. You enter the ladies' room just as your co-worker Scarlet comes out of a stall, smiling at you slightly embarrassed.
1: "Hey," you greet her, returning the smile. "Wanna see what cool thing I just bought at the mall?" You grab the pack of soap from your purse and hand it over.
2: You smile back at her. You like Scarlet, but you're still slightly dazed from your experience at the mall. What was that the lady said? Carefully, you take out the soap and wash your hands in a sink next to your co-worker. "Hey, want to try this one out?" you ask finally, showing her the soap.
3: You nod and smile, hurrying to an open stall, just to close the door behind you. After the strange things you've experienced, you don't particularly want to talk to anyone right now and just catch your breath a moment.
5 years ago